Chapter 5

Alfred didn't sleep at all that night. After Arthur left he busied himself by finishing his last bottle of whisky and bruising his knuckles on the wall. He had sat on the sofa for a time gripping his hair and telling himself what a pitiful idiot he was. When his phone rang three times he never answered it. He didn't leave the apartment, he just wandered around. It was almost 10 pm now. He'd wasted the day feeling sorry and berating himself. Now he just sat, almost numb, as he relived the fight again.

I didn't mean that. I didn't mean any of that. Tears started to trickle down his cheeks. I was jealous. God, I didn't even know it was possible to get so jealous. Why the fuck didn't I just man up and out and tell him I loved him. He thought his case was hopeless. Did he even notice me? Even if we hadn't had that fight, would it have even mattered? Damn it! I'm such a pitiful piece of shit! Ugh, I need a drink.

He stood up and rediscovered that his last bottle of alcohol was empty. He didn't curse, but merely stared at the bottle. He set it down gently then made his way over to grab his jacket before heading out the door.


The inside of the bar was dark and the muted music from an old jukebox crawled out from the far corner. Alfred took the nearest seat at the bar and discovered himself beside that guy he'd helped out a couple days ago. Had it been just a few days ago? He ordered a whisky from the good-natured bartender but didn't drink it immediately, just twirled the shot in his hand. There were only five other guys in the place and they were playing cards in the corner. "Ya listened tuh tha' advice I gave ya the other day?"

Alfred stared at the man beside him, who had just spoken, surprised that he remembered him, "I've… been thinking about it, yeah," he stared at the amber liquid, "I'm still not entirely sure what it means."

"Used tuh never drink alone, ya know? Always had a bunch a buddies along. Then I got promoted," he took another sip of his brandy, "Came here tuh New Y'rk. Hated it. Still do. But I always put work a'for my social life. 's wha my partents wanted," he snorted, "Fat lot a good it did tuh make 'em proud. Couldn' even go tuh my dad's fun'ral," he finished his drink and fell silent.

Alfred finished his own shot and sat quiet for a while, feeling the man had more to say. "Wouldn' a been so bad if I had sumthin tuh work fer, ya know?" He pondered a moment before turning to look square at Alfred. His eyes were blood shot and a very calm grey. It seems he would have made a very likable man if he didn't seem like life just kicked the shit out of him. "Bu' workin' isn' the only way to be alone," he clumsily poked Alfred's shoulder, "I know how you younguns think. Yuh got yuh whole life ahead a you. Who ever ya with 's just another passin' trend," he scoffed, "That or yer just too bull headed to know when to apol'gise." Alfred stilled. "I've seen plen'y a young men the throw the bes' thing in their life away cuz they're too bull headed to have a bit a humility," he paused and looked at Alfred again, "Most of 'em end up in places like this. Now, I dunno what you did but there's prob'ly a way tuh fix it if ya think 'bout it. 'n sumtimes the bes' thing ya can do is 'pologise." Alfred sat only a moment longer before dropping some money on the counter and bolting off, leaving the smiling man at the counter who ordered his third brandy.


Damn! Why does everyone decide to be outside now! Alfred tried to run down the sidewalk but found himself stopped by a wall of pedestrians. Now he found himself practically shoving by people to keep moving forward. Suddenly something grabbed his collar and yanked him back so that he was under a window of a nearby restaurant.

He looked up angrily, ready to take a swing at whatever it was, until he was met with the unusually subdued face of Francis. "What the hell?"

"You are going to find Arthur now, non?" Alfred nodded slowly, "He came to me yesterday, crying, although I'm sure he'd never admit it." Alfred felt his heart plummet. Francis continued to speak, "Now, I'm not trying to intrude and tell you to do anything, but you are one stupide petit garçon," he smirked, "I can tell that you really like him, it gave me a bit of pleasure knowing I could irk you so by being close to Arthur. I like Arthur, but he has no interest in me. While on our dates, if he wasn't making small talk, we were talking about you."

Flying from the abyss in his stomach, Alfred's heart shot to his throat and he couldn't find himself able to speak. "From what I gathered from him he has to leave tonight. Stop being stupid and apologise, oui?" Francis leaned in close, "I gave him my number. If I should find out things went… unsatisfactory, you and I are going to be having a nice long chat," he straightened out and smiled, "Off you go then."

Alfred mumbled a truly grateful "Thank you" before shooting off to his apartment. He knew where Arthur was and only hoped he would make it in time.


The cold December air hit his face like a drunken brawler. On top of the roof the wind had picked up, making it cooler than it was on the streets. The sky was dark and slightly overcast while the sounds of laughter and singing just barely reached over the building.

Alfred processed none of this. He'd flung open the door and stepped out into the December night with one thing in mind, Arthur. This was where he'd first met him, this was where the stubborn angel would leave.

Even though he was sure of his theory he still thanked any and all gods above that the white clad figure was standing there on the rooftop.

He stopped moving when he saw him. Arthur had changed back into his angelic form and was looking out over the railing at the city. He'd tensed slightly when the door opened but his wings were hanging in an air of defeat, "Arthur."

The angel didn't acknowledge his presence so Alfred tried again, louder, "Arthur, please look at me." He took a couple of soft steps forward.

Straightening his shoulders, Arthur slowly turned to look at the American. He wasn't crying, but his eyes were read and there were definite tear streaks on his flawless cheeks, "What the bloody hell do you want?"

"I'm sorry."

At first, shock registered on Arthur's face, but that quickly turned to a cynical scowl of disbelief, "Like hell you are. Leave me alone," he turned back to look outward.

"I am, though," he inched his way forward, "I had no right to say any of that. You should be with whoever you choose. It's just I was…" he paused and felt his face heat up, "I was jealous."

Arthur turned slightly, "What?"

"I was jealous. I didn't want you to be with Francis. I never thought you're case was hopeless. I was just being an idiot. A stupid fucking idiot and I've hurt you because of that," he was within arms reach of but he held himself back, "I'm sorry."

"You were… jealous?" Arthur spoke in a whisper, if Alfred hadn't had gotten closer he wouldn't have heard.

"Of Francis, yes. I wanted to be the one to help you. I should have told you sooner, but I only just realized it yesterday. I love you."

Arthur turned around to fully face Alfred, his green eyes wide, "What?"

"I love you. I just know I do. I want to learn everything about you," he moved a small step closer, "Where you're from, what you like, your hobbies, everything. If you'd let me."

Arthur wavered a moment, "You bloody idiot!" he fell into Alfred's arms, "Don't ever do something like that again! I'll bloody hex you if it happens again!" Alfred held him close as if afraid he was still going to disappear. The angel drew out slightly to look into Alfred's beautiful blue eyes, "It's about time you realized it. I've loved you too," before leaning in to kiss him.

Alfred was aware of nothing other than the man he was holding. His soft warm lips and the feel of his body pressed flush against his own, the golden hair his hand was twined in and the dance of their tongues. Vaguely, he felt the gradual disappearance of the wings. As they drew apart, Arthur gave him a small smile before fainting. Alfred caught his slender body and picked him up as he chuckled, and brought him back to his apartment just as the first snowflakes fell.



"I brought the booze!" The German voice shouted over the din of the packed apartment.

Arthur scowled at Alfred who began to laugh, "Did you have to invite him?"

"Hell yeah! He's my best friend!"

Arthur turned to Alfred's quiet half-twin beside him, "How on earth did you put up with this growing up?"

Mattie chuckled, "You get used to it. It always seems really quiet when he's not around."

"You make that sound like a bad thing," Arthur sipped his tea and surveyed the room.

They'd gathered nearly everyone for the New Year's Eve celebration and now Arthur was starting to doubt the sanity of the idea. Of course the Bad Friends Trio were there, Antonio had also brought along his boyfriend Lovino. The Italian also had a twin, Feliciano, who was still in high school and was going out with Gilbert's stern but likable younger brother, Ludwig. There were some other friends from Alfred's high school, an old Japanese man, Kiku Honda, who, for whatever reason, was taking pictures of the couples along with a squealing brunette. There was a Chinese man who's name was something like Yao, beside a hulking figure of a Russian who, Arthur was sure, Alfred didn't like. In the corner there was a Grecian man sleeping with about a dozen cats. There were five guys floating around, all of whose names Arthur couldn't remember, including a scary looking Scandinavian. And he was sure he saw someone smoking a pipe head into the other room.

Alfred, though, seemed ecstatic. He floated around and spoke to everyone, introducing people to Arthur, and laughed loudly with old friends. Arthur smiled to himself, he liked seeing Alfred enjoy himself like this. "Arthurrr!" the German voice from earlier was louder and Gilbert sidled up to him and Mattie, "What's up? Man, I haven't seen you since before Christmas!" He did a double take at Matthew and paused, "Whoa, so you're Alfred's little bro?"

The Canadian, slightly shocked from the attention, nodded, "Yeah, I'm Matthew."

Gilbert grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously, "Gilbert the Awesome, at your service!" As Gilbert started clinging to Matthew, Arthur took the chance to find Alfred.

He was watching the party with a look of happiness and triumph in his eyes, in the corner of the room. Arthur smacked him on the back of the head, "Ow! What was that for?"

"You were congratulating yourself on how awesome this party is, weren't you?"

Alfred's blue eyes went wide, "Dude, it's like you can read minds!"

Arthur sighed, "Only yours I'm afraid. Don't ask me how that happened."

Suddenly Alfred linked an arm around his waist and pulled him close, "You're really too cute, you know that Artie?"

The Englishman's face went bright red, "And you're a git, now release me!"

"In a minute. Listen."

The rooms started to chant, "Ten, nine, eight, seven,"

"Alfred F. Jones, don't you even…"

"Six, five"

"I love you Arthur."

"Four, three"

Arthur blinked a couple times, "Git." He linked his arms around Alfred's neck.


They kissed each other in promise of the next year, and the years to come.


Heck yeah! Finished my first chapter fic! *America's hero pose*
R&R, I'd like to see what yalls think!