Robin's Babysitter

A/N: Sorry for not updating. Writer's block, just not getting around to it, wasn't sure if people wanted the story more. Also not sure what direction to take it, maybe I could have them fight the phantom zone villains or go to an alternate universe. Wonder how cartoon!Superman would react to movie!Superman?(you know, the one where Clark is a wimp without powers and is in need of some Batman training.)

Disclaimer: Seriously, How could I possibly own these characters? Some of them have been around longer than I have, I mean decades longer. The guys that made them up may not be around anymore. Besides the disclaimer's just a fanfic tradition.

Robin replied, "So? Clark's not going to be too mad, 'sides now we can have some fun." Wally thought of some pranks they could play, and the two boys snuck off into a different part of the fortress where Clark was about to eat some lunch. Clark hadn't yet realized the boys had gotten up. Robin silently padded near the entryway and blew hard on a dog whistle.

Clark yelped in pain. Apparently loud high pitched sounds and super hearing don't mix. "Hey! Stop that!" Clark scolded the boys. Robin and Wally said they were sorry and Clark told them to go back to the bedroom where they had been sleeping. Then, Robin and Wally somehow dropped a large metal weight on Clark's head. Clark asked, "How did you boy's even lift that weight?" Robin replied, "Trade secret" Clark muttered something about the laws of physics and Wally replied, "Look who's talking." Then Robin and Wally ran off to another area of the cave.

There, they spotted something rather interesting. Robin noted that it looked like a computer and a hologram interface. After pressing some random buttons, a figure appeared. "Yipes! What are you?", the boys exclaimed. The AI replied, "I am the AI of the fortress, Jor-El. What are you doing here? Who are you?" Robin replied, "Oh, so you're a computer. Clark's babysitting us. He's kinda like our uncle." The AI said, "Kal-El didn't have any siblings, so how can he be an uncle?" Robin and Wally looked at each other with some confusion and amusement. This was going to be fun. Wally said that they could try to explain the intricacies of human friendships and such, but why not have some fun confusing the AI. Robin asked who Kal was, and the AI replied with the history of Krypton and sending the baby to earth as the last of his kind. The boys realized that the AI was referring to Clark. Robin then said to the AI, "Knock knock." The Ai apparently did not know about knock knock jokes, so the boys tried another tactic. They started singing the song that never ends over and over. The AI was annoyed, so it told them to stop. Clark then came in and told them to stop messing with the AI of his father. Robin said, "I thought your dad's Pa Kent." Clark replied that Robin already knew that Clark was obviously adopted. They then left that particular part. Clark was very glad that he'd locked off the weapons and souvenirs room.

Then a signal started beeping. Clark went to the front door and looked outside. One of the green lanterns and Wonder Woman were dropping off a ten year old boy in a superman t-shirt and pants. Clark went out and asked them what was going on. Diana said, "We have to go. We found this kid at some underground facility. He has some of your powers, so we're dropping him off here while we go do something of great importance." Clark replied, "Like what? I'm already having to keep an eye on Batman's ninja kid and Flash's speedster nephew." GL replied, "Well, they can have a play date. We're going on a space mission and figured leaving him at the fortress was a good idea. Bye." The two heroes swiftly flew away before Clark could ask any more questions like how had they known he'd be at the fortress. Clark took the boy by the hand and took him inside.

"What's your name?", Clark asked. The boy said, "Don't have one." Clark had a few feelings of why the boy hadn't yet had a name, but he did remember the Kents mentioning the name of some relative of theirs that had a certain ring to it. Clark then asked, "Okay, how about Connor?" The boy nodded shyly. Wally and Robin came up and wanted to know about the boy. After Clark explained what he knew, the boys introduced themselves and ran off.