Charmed - The entire history of Rachel and Puck's relationship can be retold just from the charms on a simple silver bracelet.

Rating - T

Characters - Rachel & Puck

A/N -Reviews/concrit are loved, as are suggestions as to what you want to see happen. And I'm from the UK, so if anything American is not quite right, please let me know and I'll fix it.

So here it is, the long awaited wedding. It's been written and rewritten more times than I can remember so I hope this is okay

Chapter 12- With this ring I thee wed

Rachel and Noah felt like they'd barley finished unpacking boxes before they had to pack up their suitcases for a trip back to Lima, a trip from which Rachel and Noah planned to return as Mr and Mrs Puckerman.

They spent the night they arrived in Lima at Rachel's father's house but Noah packed his bag again the next night, the night before the wedding. He didn't care about seeing Rachel before the wedding, he didn't believe that spending the night together would bring bad luck but Rachel did which is why he was taking Kaleb to Finn's where they would spend the night with the rest of the glee club who were to be ushers and groomsmen at the wedding.

"Are you going away forever?" Beth asked as she saw Noah zip his bag shut.

Noah put down his bag and knelt down in front of Beth, "of course I'm not baby, I'm only going to be away tonight, you'll see me at the wedding tomorrow". Rachel and Noah hadn't spent a night apart since they were in high school, and to be honest he was dreading it. He knew Rachel would be okay though, in little under half an hour the rest of the glee girls, and Kurt, and Noah's mother and sister descended on the Berry's living room, even Hiram and Leroy were moving out of their house and into a hotel before they were suffocated by excited females

"You promise I'll see you tomorrow?" Beth asked and Noah nodded, "Pinky promise?"

Noah linked his pinky with Beth's and then kissed their interlocked fingers, "I promise you will see me tomorrow baby. But for tonight me and Kaleb are going to have a sleepover at Finn's and you're going to have a sleepover with Rachel and all the girls." he explained.

"Is Quinn coming over?"

"Yep" Noah smiled, "Quinn and Santana and Brittany and Mercedes and Tina, I think my Mom and sister might come over too, oh and Kurt's going to be here."

"Kurt's a boy" Beth giggled.

"I know. But he's Rachel's friend" Noah explained simply.

"Is Blaine coming too?" over the past few months Beth had met all of the glee club and she was finally beginning to come out of her shell around them.

"I don't know Bee, you'll have to wait and see."

Beth giggled again, "That rhymes."

"I know" Puck's grin matched Beth's. "Now give me kisses so I can go and the others can come round."

Beth kissed Noah and Kaleb and with a final goodbye to Rachel, husband-to-be and son left the house. Rachel tucked Beth into the spare bed beside Noah's sister that night but wasn't surprised to find the bed empty when she woke, Beth snuggled between Quinn and Brittany on the airbed on the dining room floor and Noah's sister on the other end of the sofa to Tina.

"Morning Rae" Brittany smiled sleepily, "how long til the wedding?"

Rachel looked at the clock on the wall, "five and a half hours."

"I'm so excited" Brittany grinned, pulling the blankets so close to her chin that her bare toes peeked out at the bottom of the bed.

"I'm going to shower" Rachel smiled, "you get some more sleep."

Rachel and Noah had decided not to have a big traditional Jewish wedding, they knew that the majority of their friends weren't Jewish and might not understand or appreciate the customs involved in the wedding. Neither of them were especially religious either and their parents had fully understood and supported their decision to have a mainly non-religious ceremony that all their friends and family would appreciate, their Rabbi however had agreed to say a short Hebrew blessing during the ceremony.

"What are you doing here?" Rachel was surprised when she stepped out of her ensuite in nothing but a towel and found the girls sat on her bed waiting for her.

"Erm, gee Berry" Santana told the bride to be as she stepped forward brandishing Rachel's curling tongs, "could it have something to do with that huge white dress hanging on your wardrobe? Could we possibly be here to help you get ready for your wedding?" She asked sarcastically.

"Hey" Brittany smiled, "that might be the last time you get to call her Berry, in" she paused and counted on her fingers, "four hours and thirty seven minutes she's not going to called Berry any more"

"Okay" Santana saw the tears building in Rachel's eyes, "if you're going to get all weepy and emotional do it now, you are not going to cry once we've done your make up" she said sternly, "we've got getting you ready on a schedule and we've only given you a half hour window to get all your crying out, we don't have time for you to do it twice."

The girls curled Rachel's hair before making her a light breakfast, doing her make up and finally helping her into the halter-neck dress. Everyone had been surprised at how simple the dress was, everyone had expected Rachel to choose the biggest, frilliest dress in the shop, they'd expected her to be a complete bridezilla but she'd been nothing but calm in the run up to the wedding. In her eyes she and Noah already lived as a married couple, today was changing nothing but her last name.

"Oh Rachel" Quinn sighed, "you look amazing." The dress was simple but it was perfect, it showed off the curves she'd gained through having Kaleb but still highlighted just how small she really was.

"I feel like a princess" Rachel confessed as she desperately tried to blink back the tears that had formed in her eyes.

"You look like one" Brittany agreed.

The morning flew by and before she knew it Rachel was being helped into the car to go to her own wedding. She shook with nerves as her fathers helped her out of the car at the hotel they'd hired for the wedding. "You look like a Princess Princess." Leroy told her as Hiram dabbed at his eyes with a handkerchief

Noah had never believed in all the rubbish he'd heard about love but as he saw Rachel walking down the aisle with Hiram and Leroy his breath caught in his throat and his stomach tightened. Rachel was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, she really did take his breath away. "Hey" he whispered as Hiram placed Rachel's hand in his, "you look amazing."

"Thanks" Rachel grinned and squeezed Noah's slightly sweaty palm, "so do you."

Noah smiled at Rachel, "last chance to back out" he told her, "if you don't run now you'll be stuck with me for the rest of your life." He could tell she was nervous and he tried to make her smile.

It worked, "if I stay you'll be stuck with me too" she smiled softly.

"Good" Noah said simply, "cos I'm not going anywhere."

The registrar welcomed the guests to the ceremony and it was soon time for the first reading. Hiram and Leroy had agreed that one of them would read something at the ceremony and the other would make the speech at the reception. They tossed a coin and Leroy's reading came right before the vows, "I spent a lot of time looking for the perfect reading for today and this one just seemed to stand out. No one told me it had to be formal" he laughed slightly and Rachel began to panic about what her father had chosen to read to their family and friends. "The fierce Dinosaur was trapped inside his cage of ice. Although it was cold he was happy in there. It was, after all, his cage." He began, "Then along came the Lovely Other Dinosaur. The Lovely Other Dinosaur melted the Dinosaur's cage with kind words and loving thoughts. I like this Dinosaur thought the Lovely Other Dinosaur. Although he is fierce he is also tender and he is funny. He is also quite clever though I will not tell him this for now." Rachel grinned up at Noah, it seemed oddly fitting, it was also exactly the sort of thing Rachel should have expected from Leroy. "I like this Lovely Other Dinosaur, thought the Dinosaur. She is beautiful and she is different and she smells so nice. She is also a free spirit which is a quality I much admire in a dinosaur." Noah smiled back at Rachel, it was true, she was beautiful and different and he loved how she smelt when she'd just stepped from the shower. "But he can be so distant and so peculiar at times, thought the Lovely Other Dinosaur. He is also overly fond of things. Are all Dinosaurs so overly fond of things? But her mind skips from here to there so quickly thought the Dinosaur. She is also uncommonly keen on shopping. Are all Lovely Other Dinosaurs so uncommonly keen on shopping?" Everyone laughed "I will forgive his peculiarity and his concern for things, thought the Lovely Other Dinosaur. For they are part of what makes him a richly charactered individual. I will forgive her skipping mind and her fondness for shopping, thought the Dinosaur. For she fills our life with beautiful thoughts and wonderful surprises. Besides, I am not unkeen on shopping either. Now the Dinosaur and the Lovely Other Dinosaur are old. Look at them. Together they stand on the hill telling each other stories and feeling the warmth of the sun on their backs. And that, my friends, is how it is with love. Let us all be Dinosaurs and Lovely Other Dinosaurs together. For the sun is warm. And the world is a beautiful place." Rachel wiped a tear from her eyes as Leroy finished the reading, she hoped one day she and Noah would stand together, watching over their grandchildren and reminiscing on the times gone by.

Leroy took a moment to speak to his daughter as he stepped from the small stage at the front of the room, "I love you princess" he kissed her cheek before turning his attention to Noah, "hurt her and I'll kill you" he growled only half jokingly as he moved back to his seat.

"Noah and Rachel have written their own vows" the registrar told Rachel and Noah's family and friends, "Noah, would you like to go first?"

Noah nodded and turned to face Rachel, taking both of her hands in his own "Rachel, I want to start by telling you that I love you. I don't think it's any surprise that when I was younger I'd have told you there was no way you'd find me getting married, but then I met you Rach. I met you and I still couldn't imagine myself standing in front of all our family friends to tell the world I wanted to settle down and spend the rest of my life with one woman. Unless of course that woman was you. I could spend the rest of the day listing the things I need to thank you for, but I wont. You've changed me Rach and no one can deny it's been a change for the better and you've put your dreams, your entire life on hold to bring up our beautiful children. Kaleb is the most awesomest thing in the world Rach, thank you for bringing him into my life, and after Shelby. . .well you know, you were so accepting, allowing us to adopt Beth into our family without even pausing to think about it. You're an amazing person Rachel, I love you and I love the person I am when I'm with you. I don't know what the future holds for us, but as long as you're by my side I feel like I can take on the world. I want to wake up to your beautiful smile every morning, I want to be the one that wipes away your tears, I even want to be the one you throw things at when I make you angry. I love you Rachel and I'll be so proud to call you my wife."

"And now for Rachel's vows."

"Noah" Rachel's voice quivered as a tear ran down her face but Noah was quick to wipe it away for her, "Noah" she began again. "I know I'm not always the easiest person to live with. I know that I can be stubborn and demanding, and sometimes I'm more of a diva than Kurt and Mercedes put together." She paused as their friends and family laughed, "and I want to thank you for putting up with me. I'm so glad that you finally listened to your mom for once and came out to New York I don't know how I'd have lived out there without you, I might sound stupid or needy but when you're not with me I feel like I'm not complete I feel like there's a part of me missing. You've stolen my heart Noah, but I know you'll take good care of it. I used to think my future was Broadway, my name in lights but now when I see my future I see you, I see Kaleb and Beth playing out in the garden with however many other children we are blessed with. Thank you for making me realise that there were things that were more important than being on stage. Thank you for giving me everything I didn't even know I wanted. Thank you for our beautiful family and thank you for asking me to be your wife. I can't imagine my life without you and I will be honoured to become Mrs Puckerman, all I want in my life is you. You're more than my partner Noah, you're my best friend. I've already given you my heart, and today I give you my everything. I promise you the rest of my life Noah, good or bad we'll face it together as friends, as soul mates and after today as husband and wife."

It wasn't long before the words everyone had been waiting for were uttered, "Noah and Rachel, by the power vested in my by the state of the Ohio I am delighted to pronounce you husband and wife. Noah, you may now kiss your bride."

Noah's lips connected with Rachel's and for a brief moment she forgot that there was anyone else in the room, it was just her and Noah, her and her husband an she couldn't be happier!

"I'm a very lucky man" Hiram announced as he began his speech at the reception later that evening, "I'm lucky because almost thirty five years ago I found my soul mate, I found the man who I later was able to call my husband. I also feel lucky to have seen Rachel and Noah's relationship from the beginning. I stopped them eating the mud pies they made in the garden when they were toddlers, I took Noah to the hospital and convinced Rachel he wasn't going to die when at ten years old he jumped from the swing set in our yard broke his wrist and gave himself concussion and more recently I've made sure bedroom doors stayed open and I've seen Rachel's face light up when she spoke to Noah on the phone. I was there when he made her cry after telling her he didn't want her to be her boyfriend any more before quickly telling her he wanted to be her husband and I watched them fall in love with each other all over again as they bonded over my grandson in the hospital. I saw that even when things were tough they pulled together to give Beth a home and a family that love her and I am so proud of them both for doing that. I think along with my husband and Noah's Mom, we realised that Noah and Rachel were made for each other before even they did and while I'm happy for Noah and Rachel, I still feel like today I'm loosing my baby girl but I can honestly say that there is no one I would rather loose her too than Noah and my only wish is that they are every bit as happy as my husband and I are not only today but for the rest of their lives. So before I start sobbing I'd like you to join me in a toast to the happy couple, my beautiful daughter and her husband, to Rachel and Noah."

"To Rachel and Noah!" Everyone cheered

"I'm going to keep this short" Noah's speech was next, "I just want to thank you Mr Schue" Puck raised his glass in the air, tilting it towards his old teacher "for starting up glee club cos if you hadn't I'd probably never have realised just how damn awesome Rachel is. I want to thank Rachel for being so damn awesome and I want to thank you all for coming here today to eat the food we've paid for and drink the champagne we bought. Thanks a lot."

The glee club sang 'Sweet Caroline' as the couple danced for the first time as husband an wife and Rachel couldn't tear the grin from her face, no matter how much her cheeks ached she just couldn't stop. She was however surprised when Noah pulled away from her at the end of their dance, "something I've gotta do babe" he told her, kissing her cheek before walking off. The next time she saw him was ten minutes later and he stood on the stage with a microphone in his hand, "Hey" he spoke loudly, "I just want your attention for two more minutes then you can drink the bar dry. I know you all know that I first got with my wife" he paused to grin at Rachel who had been pushed to the front of the crowd, "in our high school glee club, so I thought it only right that I sing something to her tonight, and after playing a lot of shit on youtube I found the perfect song." He made eye contact with Rachel, "please don't kill me babe." Puck picked up the guitar Sam had left on the side of the stage and placed the microphone in the stand, "I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad, carry you around when your arthritis is bad, oh all I wanna do is grow old with you." His eyes found Rachel again and he saw a blush spreading over her cheeks, "I'll get you medicine when your tummy aches, build you a fire if the furnace breaks, oh it could be so nice, growing old with you. I'll miss you, kiss you, give you my coat when you are cold, need you, feed you, even let ya hold the remote control." There was a giggle from their friends and family and Noah jumped from the stage to stand in front of Rachel, his wife, he'd never get tired of hearing that. "So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink, put you to bed when you've had too much to drink, I could be the man who grows old with you. I wanna grow old with you."

"Oh Noah" Rachel sighed, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you too Noah" she ran her fingers through his hair as his lips found hers.

"Come out side" he mumbled against her lips, linking his fingers with hers and pulling her gently towards the door

"Noah we can't."

"It's our wedding babe, we can do what the hell we want, and anyway, I want five minutes alone with my wife." He lead her out of the room where the party was being held and into the beautifully landscaped gardens, "I love you Rach" he kissed her again as he sat on a wooden bench beside her, "I don't think you'll ever realise how happy you've made me."

"Noah" Rachel sighed and curled into his side, shivering slightly as she laid her head on his shoulder, "you make me so happy too, I barely slept last night, the bed was so empty without you."

Noah smiled and shrugged off his suit jacket so he could wrap it around Rachel's bare shoulders, "I didn't sleep too well either, it felt weird waking up with Kaleb but not you or Beth."

"Let's not do it again". Rachel said decisively, "let's always sleep in the same bed."

"I think I can agree to that." Noah sat for a moment just taking in the beauty that was his wife, in that moment they were the only people on the earth, "hey" he spoke eventually, "if you look in the left pocket there's something for you."

Rachel reached into the pocket and pulled out a familiar box, "Oh Noah" she gasped, "you shouldn't have, "you already got me the ring."

"Don't be stupid Rach, this is one of the most important days in our relationship, I'm not going to miss this out." Rachel opened the box to find a silver heart entwined with a gold one, "turn it over" Noah told her and Rachel did to find he'd had the date of their wedding engraved on the back, a perfect reminder of the day she officially signed her heart over to him, the day she promised him the rest of her life.