Charles held Erik close until he was half mindedly twisting the hair on the back of his neck with his fingers, just enjoying the warmth of his body.

Erik hadn't said anything for a while as they just sit holding each other close, never wanting to let the other go.

Erik pulled back barely just enough to look at Charles' face tilting his chin up to look into those deep adoring eyes.

Erik brushed his calloused fingertips behind Charles' ear gently tucking some stray strands of brown curls away.

Charles smiled up at him his long lashes fluttering as a blush flushed his cheeks, Erik smiled in return before leaning down to kiss the corner of his mouth softly then cup his soft cheeks in the palms of his hands.

Charles smiled wider and rested his hands on Erik's hips, Erik smiled softly at him before kissing the tip of his nose, Charles giggled deliciously.

Erik then kissed him softly on his rose colored lips, pulling back once again to sit up then pull away to stand from the bed, Charles watched him from his seated spot, his eyes traveling Erik's naked body, chiseled muscles and tanned smooth flesh, though blemished with some scars which Charles thought made him look even more beautiful.

Erik leant down to kiss him teasingly then pull back tugging Charles out of bed by the hand his fingers intertwining with the telepaths, Charles followed without question as Erik wordlessly pulled him to the bathroom, Charles giggled when he saw the water was already filling the tub, Erik had turned it on from the other room.

Erik tugged him close one more time holding his hands on either side kissing him tenderly, his fingers playing games in the others palms.

Erik's body brushed against Charles' just enough to give him goose bumps, Erik smirked as he pulled away tugging the naked Charles into the bath tub with him.

He found it endearing how Charles never questioned him, just trusted him fully, he had 6 months to earn that trust, and even that fateful night when he had lost his temper and hurt Charles, Charles still trusted him, with his life, with his love, with his body.

Erik lowered into the tub Charles following after, sitting in front of him.

Erik leant forward to kiss him in the tub, the faucet turning itself off, Erik continued to kiss him tenderly time after time.

mmm. Charles hummed against him as his kisses became just barely more firm, not more demanding or forceful, just desperate and loving.

Erik pushed closer forcing Charles back until he lay in the tub the hot water up to his chest Erik's chest sliding against his, Charles brushed his fingers through his hair then down his chest, Erik grunted against him as he lay atop of him, teasing Charles' lips with his tongue until the telepath opened his mouth to allow him in.

Charles moved a hand to tug on the ginger locks on the back of Erik's head.

Erik continued to kiss him deeply lunging his tongue further each time, Charles sunk back as Erik moved closer bodies sliding together, Charles pulled on his hair somewhat breaking the kiss to breath.

Erik smiled down at him as Charles let out a breathy laugh.

"We'll always be together." Erik whispered, Charles nodded bringing his forehead to touch with Erik's.

"As long as you'll have me." Charles promised.

"I'll have you as long as you love me." Erik replied.

I will always love you

Erik squeezed his eyes shut and pulled Charles close, Charles nudging his face in the bend of Erik's neck.

Till end of time

Erik pulled back to kiss him once more then pulled away, grabbing a wash rag and the bar of soap and began to wash Charles.

Charles smiled wide at him and laughed delicately a sound so beautiful Erik felt he could live by its sound alone.

"You don't have to do this anymore, you know." Charles said and blushed.

"I want to." He admitted leaning forward to kiss him again.

Both men surprised by a loud knocking on the connected bedroom door.

Erik pulled back as they both looked in its direction.

"Erik, we know Charles is back, stop hogging him all for yourself." Raven declared inside the room, voice dripping with sarcasm laced with a joy and relief that was felt bubbling from everyone throughout the house.

Charles was home, he was well and once again the man that had made them all who they were today.

Charles laughed as Erik scowled, he hadn't had nearly enough of his Charles.

"Wait your turn, Mystique." Erik replied playfully, Charles laughed and leant forward to kiss Erik harder than he had been before, pulling back with a smack.

"Yeah, Raven, wait your turn." Charles replied jokingly before his mouth was covered by Erik's, they heard a playfully annoyed huff from the other side of the door then light footsteps leaving swiftly.

Charles was suddenly feeling much better and ready for some not so child friendly activities, Erik couldn't but agree.



I hope this didn't end too abruptly but there really wasn't many places this could go from here, I liked the end, they are finally together, their happy, and Erik isn't going anywhere

I hate sad endings to angst stories so I always end them good.

Let me know what you think, by the way I've already started another story called 'Snowed Inn' its an unabashed fluff fic, oh man me and my mood swings… but if you liked chapter 3 of this story you'll probably like 'Snowed Inn' I hope to see some reviews from you all.

Its been a fun ride and thanks so much for all of your support! I hope you continue to read my stories ^_^

Special thanks to.

CherryBlossom1991, MirrorFlower and DarkWind, ishala8, Little Draca. For all of your support! I love hearing from you and hope you keep coming back!

With Love,
