Me: "Go!" *pushes*

BB: *growls* "Why? I could just kill you right now, that'll be even more fun."

Me: "If you don't, I'll take all of your jam!"

BB: *sighs* "She doesn't own Death Note, or me, beyond birthday."

Me: "Good boy, B!"

BB: "I'm not your damn dog. Just get on with the story."

Me: *sticks tongue out* "You're no fun."


Whammy House Demon Chapter 1~

I watched the dark, gloomy scenery whip by, as I fingered my cross hanging around my neck, wincing slightly from the burning sensation from it's touch. The limo I was in sped down the street off to who-knows-where, some orphanage, I think. 'Cause that's what I need, to be in a house full of kids when I have a... problem with people.' I thought angrily to myself. The streets were vacant with the exception of a few people with umbrellas walking to God only knows where. It's midnight, and raining. Hard. Where could they be going? I craned my neck to get a glimpse of the full moon hanging in the sky, following me, taunting me. I sighed and dropped my hands back to my side and tapped my fingers to the beat of the music I was listening to, on one of the many multi-colored suitcases, and bags that filled the back of the car. I ached to be able to stretch my legs and get to walk again, and not to mention, it was rather boring sitting for three hours straight. As if my mental prayers had been answered, the car stopped rather abruptly. I would've flown forward out of my seat if it wasn't for the wall of suitcases in front of me.

The door opened, and a tall, old man with short grey hair held out a hand. Hesitantly, I took it and he helped me out of the car. My mouth went slightly slack at the place I was supposed to be staying at, it had an extremely tall metal gate, and behind that was a stone path that led to a mansion! In the dark it looked like the house was painted a deep shade of purple, with steps at the front door, and lanterns that hung on the door frame that were swaying in the wind. A sign was hammered into the ground that had crude white letters that read, "Whammy House- Orphanage" I closed my mouth and turned back to the car and grabbed the same black bag that I had been mindlessly tapping on before. My hair draped over my eyes, soaking wet, I pushed it out of my eyes, and behind my ear as I went to take out my headphone. The old man lightly grabbed my elbow and turned me to face the orphanage. I heard the car door slam shut moments later.

"What about the rest of my stuff?" I growled, angry that I could not grab what I deemed important,

He answered in a firm, yet kind voice, "I will send somebody to bring you your luggage to your room."

"Speaking of my room... I will have a room to myself, right?" I asked, shuddering at the thought of having to share my room with a human.

"Yes, yes. We made arrangements." He stated simply.

I nodded and he dragged me up the stone path, to the mansion. He fished out a ring of keys and started fumbling with the lock, the whole time not taking his eyes off me. I dropped my bag and crossed my arms over my chest, staring at him in irritation. I got enough of those looks in public, I don't need them now.

Eventually, he opened the door and we stepped in. As soon as the door shut, a loud squeal filled the silence, "Whammy's home! Whammy's home!"

I flinched; this is where enhanced hearing is a nuisance. Soon, kids made a small circle around us. I was surrounded and bombarded with questions like, "Who are you?" "What's your story?" "Where are you from?" "What's up with your eyes?", I guessed that at the last question my eyes flashed a crimson red, like they do at random times. I closed my eyes and heaved a deep breath, trying to block out everyone's' questions. I thought of my happier days with my dad, when we used to stand on rooftops dropping water balloons filled with our own mix of soup, noodles, corn, and a variety of other things so it looked like they just got barfed on. I felt a hand be placed on my back and turned around to see Wammy; I guess his name is, trying to gently push me forward and out of the crowd.

As we headed up a flight of stairs, he reached in his breast pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper and unfolded it, "Your room is, 103B." Whammy stated and folded it back up, and placed it back in the pocket. "The former resident was named Linda Eisenrowel, but she has moved rooms to better accommodate your wishes. Now you should have a room all to yourself."

I nodded and smiled. After taking several flights of stairs up, we stopped in front of a large, brown, wooden door, with elegant designs carved into it. I reached out my hand and turned the door handle, to only be greeted with a blast of hot air. I stepped into my room and stood in the door way waiting for Wammy to leave. He stood stock still for a while, watching my reaction. I stared at him the entire time he was staring at me, and eventually, he got the hint. He took off, leisurely walking down the hall and down the stairs. I turned a quick 180 and examined my new place of residence; A small bed was pushed up against the corner of the room, with a mahogany dresser on the opposite wall. By the door was a Narnia-like wardrobe that was completely empty, adjacent to that wall rested a large looming window with the deep rich red curtains drawn. I glanced upwards and noticed a simple, but elegant fan adorned the roof, spinning at a slow, but efficient pace.

I sighed and threw my bag down and flopped on the bed, which was surprisingly soft. I laid there in silence staring at the ceiling, wondering; 'What will cruel life throw my way first?' Then, as if on cue, a knock came at the door. I stood with a sigh and opened it. The first thing I noticed was crimson red eyes like my own, then the spiky, gravity-defying hair, the guy's height, which was a head taller than me, easy, and the slouched posture. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt, and dark jeans. He was also completely soaked to the bone.

"Here," He thrusted out his arms which had my bags hanging from them.

"Thanks," I held out my arms for him to give them to me, but he ended up just dropping them on the ground. I narrowed my eyes at him, "And thanks, for that too."

I kicked them to the side and waited for him to leave. His eyes seemed to travel to the space above the head and furrowed his brows then brought his gaze back down to mine, "Yeah, yeah."

The red-eyed kid and I had a stare off until he leaned in closer and said, "You're not like the other kids here. You're... different." His breath tickled my cold face, which strangely smelt of strawberries. "I don't know what it is about you that makes you so different, but I intend to find out."

I smirked, making sure my sharpest tooth showed, "Is that supposed to scare me? Intimidate me?" I leaned in closer to him and poked his chest with my finger, my longish silver-coated nails wrinkling his shirt slightly, "I'll let you know, that I've seen things that would make most people go insane. I've done things that would put most people in a mental asylum, or prison, so you expect your words to scare me? Well, I'll let you in on a little secret," I whispered the next part, "You're sadly mistaken." I sensed a presence nearby and assumed it was some of the kids that came to watch our little quarrel. I leaned back and said, "It looks like we have an audience."

He stepped back and looked down the hall, and sure enough, a small group was standing

a couple doors away watching us. He growled in a low voice, "What? Don't you have anything better to do then stand around a gossip about two people talking?"

"Oh, my. Somebody sounds sexy when they're pissed. Remind me to get on your bad side more often," I winked and laughed at the kid's startled faces as they tripped over one another, attempting to flee the menacing boy standing in front of me. This guy gave off a dark vibe, that's for sure. He was watching me intently, grinning like a madman.

"I don't scare you?" He asked grinning creepily.

I shook my head, "Not in the slightest."

"Hmm... We'll see about that." His features darkened, "I'll make you have nightmares for the rest of your life."

"Ooh, scary. I think I'll run home and go cry to my mother." I made a fake gasping sound, "Oh, wait! I don't have one!" I started laughing manically, "I killed her!" I felt the familiar buzzing within my skin at my thoughts, and quickly regained my sanity. Even he looked slightly taken aback.

But a smile creeped it's way onto his features anyways, "It looks like I'll have competition now." He

turned and started walking off. But then stopped and turned his head slightly to look at me over his shoulder, "BB."

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"That's my name, BB." He clarified.

"Oh," I grinned as he walked off. Shutting the door silently, I leaned against the frame and smirked, 'Maybe I'll get to have some fun here after all'.