Author's Note: I'd like to give all of my reviewers my heartfelt thanks.

Thank you: Scalene Tristy, Sapphire Mangston, Merrina Sugar Girl, kat, Lith, AngelicFairy, Forgotten One, doudou, Jello Ink, meskup, rachel, Sara Minks, Omega5, Ecstasy Brat/My Favorite Cousin/Azkaban Fugitive, BloodyBrit, melly, jackrussel666, "reviewer 28", Ally 987421, Lono, delonariel, SakuraJade, Rosa/Xodox (53 words!), tigress33, Neko Kamiya, Moonglow, the anonymous reviewers on 7/22/02, chewby, mealle, pezzamistic, kat&mousetakingovertheworld, Corking Spiffing, ccs, nikki, Myself, Lily, wmlaw, If only I were a Weasley, 'mione weas!ey, LemonyApple, Mischief Bebe, Kathryn VanDeusen, Anon., princess_pixie_sugar_stix, Shining Moonlight, Sherry, eva, Hyperly Mad, Hermione, Kitty, Br. de Hartz, daggairune, and finally, Star


At times it was your helpful words and encouragement that drove me to continue the Weasel's Damsel. This story really didn't start out as too much, honestly, it was very plot-less in the first few chapters! Everyone who commented this story deserves a round of applause.

I'm not so sure on what story to do next, but I think I'm going to work on my new story entitled 'Your Night'. I wasn't going to post it, and when I did I thought it would be a one-chapter story. I'm not too sure whether or not I should continue. I'd like to ask for some helpful comments on what you'd like to see in the future or what improvements I could make. Thank's.
