It's dark.

"That's because you have to open up your eyes dummy."

Oh. He slowly raised his eyelids, but quickly snapped them shut when something fell into them. It didn't sting and it wasn't a horrible sensation.

It's just weird.

Curiosity took hold of him, and he opened his eyes again, though this time he did not shut them when the weird sensation came. Arma watched as little white flakes fell from the sky. White flakes. His eyes widened in shock allowing more flakes to fall onto his eyes.

He couldn't remember the last time he saw the color white. In fact, he couldn't remember seeing the color white ever, though he obviously knew what it looked like. Arma continued to stare up at the sky.

Other then the weird white stuff falling from it, there was something else that was different about it. Then it hit him. The sky was blue. Not the harsh blue of his father's flames, or his own, but a nice, light blue. The sky was always black, sometimes the occasional red, but never was it blue.

He slowly turned his head to the side and then winced when he felt a nip at his cheek as it came into contact with the soft ground. He furrowed his brows. Soft? Nothing was soft other then his family's beds. He scanned his surroundings. There were trees covered in the weird white stuff, but nothing really familiar. Plus, he was outside.

I'm definitely not in any of my brother's rooms, and there is no way father would have white in his room.

Arma turned his head up to the sky again, his face scrunched up when he realized he had no idea where he was.

Oh well, best way to fix that is to explore.

He slowly started to get up, and then winced once again when he felt a painful tug a his tail. He looked down and saw a little demon cat, his tail in its teeth.

"What was that for?" Arma looked into the cat's eyes accusingly. He felt something else though. Recognition? Trust? Relief? He shook his head to clear his mind. Must have hit my head or something, he thought.

"You have to stay here Rin! Don't worry they're coming to get you."

He felt a small push in the back of his mind, but it went away as soon as it had appeared.

Arma's eyebrows shot up and he pointed up at himself. "Huh? My name isn't Rin."

The cat stopped tugging at his tail and stared up at him. At that moment he felt the presence of humans. He snarled and jumped up, but stumbled a bit as a wave of nausea washed over him.

His father had told him about humans. He said they were a nasty lot, who would try to kill him the moment they saw him, because he was the son of Satan.

Humans didn't like his father because after humans died, it was his father's job to keep the really bad ones in his after-life prison. His father had explained this to Arma long ago. He was told if he came in contact with a human, it was kill or be killed. Though he never told his father, he actually never really liked to kill things like his other brothers. He would only engage in violence when he felt it was necessary.

He was about to activate his flames in hopes it would scare off the humans, when the cat below him transformed into a larger one. This wasn't surprising, but when the cat stood in front of him, growling protectively, he felt something weird again in his mind. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, just weird and unfamiliar. He furrowed his brows again and stuck out his bottom lip.

"Hey, kitty, I just met you and stuff, but I'm a prince of Hell, so that means I protect you." He walked around the cat, and gave it an odd look when it stiffened at his words. Maybe it didn't like to be protected. Arma could understand that. He hated it how his father kept him locked up in the castle. He tried to escape a bunch of times, but each time he was caught and punished severely.

He grinned in pride. He had finally succeeded. In fact he had gone above and beyond! If there were humans here then that meant he was on Earth. He had escaped Hell. His excitement grew until he was grinning ear-to-ear and twirling in laughter. Then he heard a shout from a little ways away.

He stopped twirling and looked out into the woods. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. He had completely forgot about the humans. He started to panic and turned around to face the cat.

"Hey. I know I just met you but can you give me a ride?" Arma laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. The cat stiffened again, and stared at him blankly.


He stopped scratching the back of his head, a bit surprised at the cat's abrupt answer. "Oh. Uh. Okay. I guess I'll just go this way then." He gave a small smile to the feline demon and started to jog away from the voices that were getting way to close for comfort. Crap. I really don't want to kill anyone!

A yowl came from behind him. He twirled around to face the cat, its eyes were looking straight into his, and it was yowling really loud. Loud enough for the humans to hear. Oh crap.

"No! No! No! You are Rin Okumura! You do know me! This is not the first time we have met. I am your familiar! Why are you acting like you don't remember?"

The cat shook its head back and forth howling and hissing at him. Arma tried to calm him down and continually apologized to the cat, but it just yowled louder. Then he heard a voice, that was way too close. He turned his head to face a human with . . . bright pink hair? Gosh didn't have that in Hell either.

Arma stood there as still as possible, waiting for the human to do something. Though it seemed like the human had decided to do the exact same thing. He didn't know exactly how long he stood there but it felt like eternity. He took advantage of that time to study the human. The human's hair was pink, which was obvious from the beginning. He had to be around Amra's age, maybe a little older. Arma looked down to see the staff in the male's hands. Oh, great. He's an exorcist.

He started to activate his flames, but for a second time he was interrupted.

"You're finally back." The human boy smiled and fell to his knees. Arma stared, eyes wider than wide in shock.

Well this wasn't the reaction I expected.

The boy seemed oblivious to Amra's shock. He was just sitting there on his knees staring at him. "You kept your promise Rin. You've finally escaped."

Arma furrowed his eyebrows when he heard that name again. Man this Rin guy really must look like me.

Finally the pink-haired guy seemed to realize he wasn't getting the reaction he was expecting, and got back onto his feet again. "It's okay Rin. It's me Shima." When Arma didn't say anything, the boy's expression turned frantic.

"It's me Rin. Shima. Shima Renzo!" Arma just stood there expressionlessly.

"Why aren't you saying anything, Rin? It's me. It's Renzo." The human's voice cracked a bit at the end. He took a step towards Arma, and Arma took a step back.

The look the boy gave him when he did that was painful to see, but Arma couldn't let this go on much longer. Even though this human seemed okay, he could hear more voices and there was no sense in fighting right now. Arma turned around and sprinted away, ignoring the loud yell that seemed to echo in his brain.

He turned a corner, but then came face to face with the cat from earlier. It hissed at him, telling Arma something, but he didn't stay long to listen. For some reason, he really did not want to kill the humans. Panic rose through his veins, causing him to run faster.

He stopped short when he heard a click from behind him. Arma slowly turned around to come face to face with himself. No. No, it wasn't himself. There were several differences, but the human's face did really resemble his own. He stared at the human look-alike for a few seconds, until he saw what he was holding. A gun, it wasn't pointed at him . . .yet.


"Nii-san? I know you are scared, but you have to calm down. It's just us." The human spoke with a calm stern voice.

Arma snorted at his words. "I'm not the one who should be scared here!" He looked straight into the human's eyes and glared. Maybe he could scare them off. He activated his flames, purposely enhancing them to grow bigger. "I have no idea who you humans keep on confusing me with, but I am not this Rin guy." He saw the human's eyes widen, but other than that, there was no other reaction.

Arma sighed, looks like I have to talk big. He pulled his shoulders back and drew his blade. "I am the son of Satan, and you are a human. I could take you out with one flick of my hand! If I were you, I would be the scared one."

At this, he got more of a reaction. A bit too much of a reaction. The human lifted his gun and fired.

Arma felt a pinch on his arm, and then started to feel drowsy. The world was spinning around him, and his legs give out from under him. He heard a shout, and turned his head slowly to see who it was.

The pink haired guy was being held back by other humans, Arma's not-so-look-alike just stood there, not paying any attention to his comrade. That annoyed Arma. He tried to tell the guy off, but his face fell onto the snow before he could get his voice out.

Snow. That's what it's called. That was the first time he had learned something on his own about Earth. He smiled lazily in accomplishment. He had no idea why, but he never wanted to go back to Hell. Coming back to Earth was the best thing he had ever done. He slowly closed his eyes. Wait. 'Back?' This is my first time here….Stupid brain.