Hope you like the final chapter to Scarlet Scapegrace. :)

Scarlet Scapegrace

The Conclusion,

Final Chapter,

"I call Rhonda Watson to the stand." James called out after he the judge and Caret returned from the private chambers, Rhonda rose and walked over to the stand sassily she placed her hand on the bible that was presented infront of her, "Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?" The bailiff asked,

"I do." She said, clearly casting aside the fact that she had sworn to tell the truth under oath.

If Jane could see he would have seen Rachael Bowmen instead of Rhonda Watson because her whole demeana resembled the insane kidnapper that had tried to kill him by burning the house down if he had of taken this into account he would have seen the close resemblance in their two personalities in a way her figure resembled the crazed would be killer that had kidnapped both he and Lisbon it was like she had totally copied Rachael's plan for revenge.

"Is it true that you know the defendant Patrick Jane from a psychic reading he gave you're mother?" James asked,

"Yes it's true I was there watching when he was with my mother I watched and found it so stupid how could my mother be so stupid to believe he was actually getting in contact with my Father's sense of being." Rhonda sneered aggressively,

"I take it you don't believe in psychics then?" James continued,

"That's correct they are just a load of nonsense that people use to legally steal from other people." She replied,

"It made you mad didn't it Rhonda?" Caret asked,

"Yes, yes it did make me angry I wanted to see him get exactly what he deserved and the funny thing is someone had the same thoughts as me and made him pay for what he had done to them lying is not a trait that's very profitable I think Patrick would agree with me on that." She answered,

"Did it make you mad enough to want to kill him?" James asked,

"Yes it did for a while I wrote things in my diary that I wanted to do to him Caret was kind enough to leave out my favorite idea that I thought was the best one in there." She said evilly,

"The councilors are not to question the witness about that plan either on the ground of profanity." The judge said firmly,

Rhonda let out a small chuckle at the judges words because it was clear she loved the plan but no one else would have Jane thought the jury was blind to what Rhonda was saying because even if he didn't know her he would see how guilty she was.

"Did you witness Patrick Jane being hit by a car?" Caret asked,

"Yes I did I was happy but worried at the same time because I had just witnessed a murder the first thing i did was call the CBI and notify them that I had seen someone get hit by a car." Rhonda replied,

"Did you witness a murder that is a good question was it not you who was behind the wheel of that car and struck the defendant Patrick Jane?" James asked clearly showing he knew she was guilty,

"No it wasn't me I did not hit Jane even though I wish I had of." She defended,

"Then please do explain why we found you're finger prints on the cars steering wheel." Caret asked supporting James statement,

"Because it is my car it was stolen a while ago how was I to know it would be used to commit murder." She said continuing to defend herself,

"That is a pretty poor answer it's got more holes in it then a civ." James said,

"What do you mean?" Rhonda asked getting nervous,

"Because we found no other fingerprints on the wheel not even any smudge prints that would have been left behind if someone wore gloves to hide their prints so that leaves a statement you have yet to explain." Caret added,

"Did you infact return to the CBI later tat day and go to visit Jane?" James asked,

"Yes I did go to the CBI but not to see Jane I remembered more about the hit and run driver and the car but while I was there I did speak to Patrick." She said getting cocky again,

"Did you indeed make him some lemon grass tea or clove and honey that same day?" Caret questioned,

"Yes I did because he asked me to." She answered,

"And isn't it true that you did indeed pull a gun on the agents that tried to save Jane's life?" Caret asked,

"No...no I did not." Rhonda defended,

"Then you are left with another explanation how do you explain you're fingerprints being on the gun that you later hid by throwing in the bush at the scene of the crime." Caret pushed,

"I...I can't explain it but someone is framing me." She answered still going on in her story,

"Did you indeed spike his tea with the drug we have established to be LSD to test how much you would have to use to get the desired results?" James asked again,

"No I didn't spike his tea I just made it for him." She objected,

"Then once again how do you explain the traces of LSD we found in his cup?" Caret asked once again supporting James,

"I don't know somebody is framing me for the attempted murder of Lisbon and Jane because they found out that I hated him someone's been researching me." Rhonda defended trying to make it sound believable, Caret nodded at James and the judge letting them know she needed her leeway now the judge and James nodded back as James sat down at his desk waiting to see what Caret could achieve and prove,

"So you're saying you're not the one who kidnapped Jane and made him feel scared and frightened?" Caret asked spicing her words so Rhonda would start licking her lips ready to take a large bite of the bait,

"No I didn't." Rhonda replied,

"So you didn't drug him and feel the pleasure of hearing him in pain and then entering the same room with him later to torture him evilly you didn't feel that satisfaction?" She continued,

"No!" "So you say you didn't watch the house burn and hear Jane's screams of pain as the drug that coursed through his veins mad things worse then they should have been you didn't laugh as you heard the terrifying creams and shrills of the man who thought he was dying." Caret continued with such force and drive that she could see Rhonda's eyes growing wider with pleasure and that feeling of victory, While Jane on the other hand began to sweat and remember everything that had happened to him again the images flashed thorough his brain and the speed of light as he felt the pain and recalled everything his head started to spin and he began to lean on the desk Lisbon saw this and put a comforting hand on his shoulder Jane felt it and it made his skin crawl and add to the horrid feeling he couldn't rid himself of at the moment so he shrugged it off Lisbon noticed this and instead tried to ignore what she knew was going through his head she didn't know what it was that he saw but she knew it was horrible she new it was bad enough to add to the nightmares he already struggled to rid himself of after the tragic day that Angela and Charlotte had been taken away from him.

"So are you sure you didn't torture him and perhaps tell him how much you hated him and that he was going to pay for what he had done you told him that he was going to die slowly and painfully like you're mother is that not true?" Caret asked staying as firm as possible,

"No!" Rhonda replied clearly she was having trouble saying no anymore because she was dying to feel that pleasure that enjoyment of seeing someone suffer her mind was twisted and crazed because she enjoyed the sick thing that ticked over in her mind at the very moment Caret mentioned Jane in the burning building,

"Are you saying that you didn't set the house on fire with the knowledge that Jane was in there and would suffer far greater as he died slowly either from fear or by fire?" Caret pushed,

"Yes...I did I saw him suffer and it was beautiful he was so scared and frightened it made me so happy to see him like that he yelled at everything he was so paranoid and afraid it was like he thought he was dying and you should have seen his face when I tortured him slowly oh it was sweet, sweet music to my heart and if I had the chance to do it again I would believe me." Rhonda sneered as she had her eyes fixed straight at the consultant that was hunched over his table in either pain or because he could remember the night all too well.

"The jury now has all the evidence required to cast a verdict I suggest you go and cast you're votes now." The judge said as the jury rose and walked off in the direction of a private room,

5 minutes later and they came back out with their verdict they returned to their positions and the judge addressed them, "Has the jury reached a verdict?" He asked,

"Yes you're honor we have...We the jury find the defendant not guilty of the charges against them...and we find the plaintiff Rhonda Watson guilty of attempted murder." They said,

"Will the plaintiff approach the bench?" The judge announced as Rhonda and James approached the bench,

"You Rhonda Watson have been found guilty in the eyes of the law and by the power infested in me I sentence you to death by lethal injection bailiff take her away." The judge announced as Rhonda was cuffed as lead away and the whole way to the door she shot a death glance at Jane when she was lead away James went to congratulate Caret, "Congratulations Caret once again you win you're record goes unblemished." James said kindly,

"Hey don't worry about loosing I was where you are now once." She comforted,

"Hey don't worry about it I would rather lose then let a killer go free maybe next time." James said, as he shook her hand and walked out of the courtroom,

"Well Lisbon Jane we won I apologize for the last part of the trial it was the only part I would have to disagree with." She said looking down at Jane's disorientated look,

"That's okay we won didn't we." Jane dismissed shakily,

"Now you can get some rest at last and that's an order." Lisbon said while lifting Jane to his feet and helping him walk to her car,

"Do I ever listen to you Lisbon?" Jane asked in a some-what sarcastic manner, Lisbon just eyed Jane irritatedly and caringly because she knew Jane needed rest and before she went back to the CBI she took Jane to the hospital because the doctor had wanted follow up treatment which took a total of 45 minutes Jane didn't seem to care where he went because for the first time in his life he actually did what Lisbon told him to do which Lisbon found really helpful. The doctor hadn't told Jane much just that he was starting to get better and he needed a lot of rest to reach the point of recovery and that his burns were healing nicely and in time not even a scar would remain and when she got back to the CBI she couldn't find her team so after leading Jane to his couch she went into her office where she was soon shocked by screams of 'congratulations' from her team and Caret who was now dressed in black slacks white frilly blouse and cream colored jacket that resembled the one that Lisbon wore which was toped off with light brown shoes and a bottle of champagne.

"What is all this?" Lisbon asked shocked at the surprise,

"It's to celebrate we won the trial Rhonda's been convicted." Cho said flatly but some-what cheerily and just then the cork off of the champagne bottle shot into the air as Caret opened it the bubbly liquid was then poured into 5 glasses and distributed around the room until everyone held a cup.

"I propose a toast to agent Lisbon." Caret announced as everyone gathered in a circle and clinked their glasses together in a friendly gesture before they sipped it to the honor of their boss Lisbon,

Then an officer came in, "Sorry to break up the celebration but Rhonda Watson wants to see Jane do you know where he is?" The officer asked inquisitively,

"He's on his couch." Lisbon said cheerfully,

"He isn't I already looked there." The officer replied,

"Then where could he be?" Lisbon asked surprised that he wasn't where she left him,

They checked the kitchen but he wasn't there, Rigsby went to check the bathroom but he wasn't there either, after a frantic search of the CBI they didn't even see a trace of Jane Lisbon had no idea where he was, "where could he possible go he's blind for goodness sake." Lisbon thought to herself out of confusion,

Lisbon had no idea where the missing consultant could be until she returned to her office where she found him sitting on her couch sipping a glass of champagne.

"And where have you been?" She asked while eyeing him suspiciously,

"I've been around it wasn't easy I think I got lost I had to get someone to lead me to you're office." Jane said exhaustingly,

"And where is around?" She asked still suspicious,

"You wouldn't really want to know." Jane said genuinely anticipating her feelings,

"Try me anyhow?" She pried,

"I was in the boy's room." Jane said his cheeks turning a slight shade of red,

"Why do I get the feeling you're lying to me?" She asked still persistent that Jane wasn't being entirely truthful,

"Are you saying I'm lying Lisbon?" Jane asked hurtfully,

"I don't know but whenever you're involved in anything it turns out to be different to the way you tell it." Lisbon said through experience,

"I assure you Lisbon I didn't go anywhere where would I go for that matter?" Jane said still denying he was doing anything suspicious,

"Well whatever Rhonda wants to talk to you before she goes on death row." Lisbon said changing the subject,

"To me...what about?" Jane asked surprised as he sipped the bubbling champagne,

"How would I know that women is so unpredictable it's not funny and I want a word with you later about that plan you set up with Caret." Lisbon said, as she stuck her head out the door and called off the search,

"Plan what plan Lisbon...you don't think I would interfere with the judicial system would you Lisbon? Jane asked surprised at her accusation,

"That remains to be seen but let's find out what Rhonda wants to say to you." Lisbon said as she began to lead Jane to interrogation room 201 when they were inside Rhonda sat at the other end with her hands cuffed infront of her Lisbon sat Jane down in a chair,

"I want you to leave the room." Jane began speaking seriously,

"What...why?" Lisbon asked,

"Never mind but I want everyone gone and turn of the speaker in the other room." Jane said orderingly he starred around at who he knew to be in the room until Lisbon finally gave in and ordered everyone to leave the room Jane could hear that the speaker was off and the one thing he knew for sure is that Lisbon would be watching him with an eagle eye,

"Well I'm here what is it you wanted?" Jane began starring directly infront of him,

"Patrick, Patrick, Patrick I didn't actually think I would get you in here but here you are." Rhonda said through a forced psychotic laugh,

"Yes I'm here so why don't you cut the crap and get on with whatever it is you wanted to tell me." Jane said irritatedly,

"Patrick so aggressive today...why I'm on death row isn't that what you wanted?" She asked sneeringly,

"I'm here because I want to know why you wanted me to speak with you." Jane said shielding himself in defense,

"I just wanted to let you know you're no the only one who's searching for a revenge they'll never find...look at me I'm on death row waiting for my execution, and you look at you you're blind what makes you think you will ever catch red John you're even fired for that matter so what hope do you have?" Rhonda asked indicating their small milestones that faced them,

"That's what I wanted to tell you...if I can't fulfill my milestone there's no reason you shouldn't grasp yours." Jane said mysteriously,

"What do you mean Patrick?" Rhonda asked with confusion,

"I mean here is you're chance to do what you've been waiting to do for years." Jane said,

"I'm afraid I don't follow you Jane what is it you are getting at?" She asked again,

"I mean...what have I to live for the only reason for my existence now is so I can avenge the life of my wife and child...but I can't do that anymore I'm blind and I will never see again Lisbon hasn't told me that but I know it's true." Jane said explaining what he was driving at,

"Are you saying you want me to kill you?" Rhonda asked as her eyes grew wide because a satisfaction that she wanted was just handed to her personally in a silver platter,

"That's exactly what I'm saying it will give you a satisfaction and me...the end of my miserable life that tortures me with every passing minute." Jane said truthfully,

"Are you putting me on Patrick?" Rhonda asked as her eyes grew as wide as they could,

"I assure you no tricks no games this is the real deal." Jane answered,

"How am I to know that?" Rhonda asked unsure that Jane was telling the truth,

"So are you saying you don't want to see me pay for what I did to you and all the pain I caused you...are you saying you don't want to have that revenge that you oh so long for Rhonda is that what you're telling?" Jane asked in a way that would make Rhonda act and seize the opportunity,

"Well if that's the way you want it then that's the way it shall be." Jane said as he rose from his chair and quickly slid his hand into his pocket and then drew it out then in a split second Rhonda flew up from her chair and grabbed Jane's shoulders and spun him around only to slam his head against the glass of the interrogation room window the window then shattered to pieces at the force of the impact Lisbon then ran into the room with her gun drawn but before she could do anything Rhonda picked up a glass shard and placed it at the dazed and semi-unconscious consultant throat.

"Take off my handcuffs or he dies." Rhonda called out,

"Let him go Rhonda!" Lisbon ordered,

"No you let me get out of here now unlock the cuffs." Rhonda called back as she swiveled the shard slightly causing blood to trickle down Jane's neck,

"I can kill him agent now let me go." Rhonda reasoned,

"Do as she says now." Lisbon ordered at the sight of the blood and just then Rigsby, Cho, and Van Pelt walked in with their guns drawn at the sight of the captured and now bleeding consultant,

"Boss?" Cho called out gun trained on Rhonda,

"Don't anybody make a move." Lisbon replied,

"Smart idea agent Patrick and I are going places...but first there a few ground rules if you try and follow me I will kill him no questions asked, and if you call anyone out there I will kill him do you understand?" Rhonda sneered,

"Do as she says." Lisbon ordered as she pressured the knife like shard against Jane's throat again,

"That sounds like more sense agent." She said agreeing with Lisbon's order, Jane's eyes began to flutter before he opened them to stare at something but it was no use because he had gone cross eyed and all he could let out was a dazed, 'Aaaaaaaaagh-aaaaaaagh.' And Lisbon was left helpless at Rhonda's orders,

Rhonda was freed of her cuffs and she slowly walked out of the room with a party of agents following with their guns still drawn many of the CBI operatives saw the display even a concerned Caret Cawfeild saw it Rhonda noticed they were following her and instantly she reminded them of her ground rule.

"Either you put those guns away and stop following me or this man has just been issued a death warrant." She called out,

"Put the guns down." Lisbon ordered as her team holstered their guns and gave up their pursuit and just stood in the hallway as they watched Rhonda walk into the underground parking lot,

"What now boss?" Cho asked,

"I don't know but we'll give her some time and save Jane an early end." She said frustratedly as she walked towards Hightower's office to tell her what had happened,

Lisbon burst into Hightower's office and immediately walked over to her desk, "What's wrong Teresa?" Madeline asked noticing Lisbon's concerned expressions,

"Jane has just been kidnapped." Lisbon said hurriedly,

"What by whom?" Madeline asked,

"Rhonda Watson...she asked to speak with Jane then he turned to leave and she rose and slammed him against the one way window causing it to break I tried to stop her but before I could she picked up a sharp piece of glass and rose it to his neck threatening to kill him if she was set free." Lisbon explained,

"I thought that woman was on death row and why weren't you in there with him?" She asked,

"Because he asked me to leave the room and turn the speaker off." Lisbon replied remorsefully,

"And you did what he asked you to just like that?" She asked again,

"Yes I did." Lisbon apologized,

"So you have no way of knowing what she said to him?" Madeline asked,

"No I don't...but I think Jane has a plan." Lisbon said hopefully,

"What do you mean?" She asked in return,

"Well Jane disappeared for a short time and I think he knew Rhonda would want to talk to him so he set up a plan incase something like that happened to him he has a clue somewhere that will let us know where he is we just have to find it." Lisbon replied,

"Okay if there is because it sounds like something he would do where is the clue that he left behind for us?" She asked agreeing with what Lisbon said,

"That's the only problem I don't know where it is but I'll have the team asking everyone if they saw Jane and where he went." Lisbon replied as she walked out the door,

Meanwhile Jane had been tossed in the back seat of a stolen car and Rhonda began to drive away from the CBI in a hurry but not so fast that it would draw attention before she could carry out a plan that already ticked over in her twisted mind that didn't see things like the normal human being.

She had been driving for 30 minutes now in a direction Jane didn't know he had no idea where he was being taken because he was blind and unconscious in the back seat of a red Volvo the back of is head was riddled with glass splinters and blood matted hair and if he was conscious he would have the biggest headache known to mankind.

It was five minutes after Rhonda had left and Lisbon had her team asking anyone in the CBI if they had seen him and after a few more minutes Cho turned up a woman who claimed to have seen him in the upstairs area of the CBI which puzzled Lisbon what would he be doing up there other then retiring to his self proclaimed living quarters.

"Yes I saw him a sandy haired man hazel eyes three piece suit?" She asked making sure she was describing who they were after,

"Yes that's him when you saw him what was he doing?" Lisbon asked,

"He didn't go to that room of his he went somewhere else he was sliding his hands against the wall looking for a certain door I think it was the storage room and the armory I think what could he possibly want in there anyway." The witness asked puzzled herself,

"We don't know but where going to find out." Lisbon said then hurried in the direction of the storage room and the armory she took Van Pelt and searched the armory for a trace of Jane's being in the room while Cho and Rigsby searched the storage room for what Jane was after they searched for a while until they both exited at the same time to reveal their findings.

"We're missing a small gun here." Van Pelt said,

"We're missing a tracking beacon here a tracker and a monitor." Cho answered,

"Why would he want those things unless he knew he was being kidnapped?" Cho asked,

"He had it set up for what reason I don't know but we have to find that monitor if we want to save Jane." Lisbon said as she walked in the direction of her office where she last saw Jane sipping champagne,

Lisbon and her team frantically searched the couch on her desk and found nothing they had checked every part of the room so they all stood gazing around at everywhere they had checked already and knew not where it could be hidden.

But meanwhile Jane was being dragged into a small cabin like shack it had large wooden logs for walls and small windows and a skinny table in the middle of the room and a small fireplace on the south side but it had remained untouched for sometime and black and grey ashes were all that remained she continued to drag him until she lifted him onto the table it was just long enough for his head and feet the cabin belonged to Rhonda it used to be a house of comfort and pleasant memories but now she was going to turn it into a house known for death and revenge and all manner of chaos.

There were three other rooms on the small cabin one she used as a storage room and the other was a kitchen and a small bedroom she entered the bedroom and returned to the living room with a roll of silver duct tape she walked over to Jane and taped his ankles to the table she wrapped it several times to make sure it was too thick to break and so he couldn't escape she then proceeded to his waist and wrapped the silver bonding several times over him and around the table then snapped the tape and bound it off she then proceeded to his shoulders and wrapped the tape around again several times and bound it off when she was satisfied then she walked into the kitchen and came back out with a hypodermic needle filled with that wretched clear liquid Jane had come to know and hate.

She took off the cap and inserted it into his right wrist and forced the liquid into his veins fortunately it wasn't enough to make him lose his mind it was only enough to feel a mixture of emotions at one time and cause him to see things that weren't really there.

But back in Lisbon's office she still didn't know where he could have hidden the device until she noticed the only thing that had been left untouched was the bin beside her desk so immediately she started to rifle through it in search of Jane's clue her team starred at her until she drew a monitor out of the trash can and looked at it frantically the GPS like tracker informed her in an instant exactly where Jane was it was in the vicinity of the Tahoe river at the sight of that she cursed aloud,

"Damn-it what is it with killers and the Tahoe River?" Lisbon said as she showed her team where Jane was she then ran to Madeline's office and told her that she knew where Jane was and that they were going to save him from Rhonda Hightower agreed willingly and Lisbon had her team ready to go on a moments notice they ran into the underground parking lot and jumped in Lisbon's car Rigsby got the front passengers seat while Cho and Van Pelt shared the back Lisbon gave the GPS tracker to Rigsby so he could give her directions as she drove the drive was in silence and all that was heard was Rigsby's directions.

While in the cabin Jane was regaining consciousness he blinked his eyes once and was hit with a bright light he closed his eyes again because of the pain it caused slowly he tried to blink again and the bright light remained until he blinked for a while longer and it was then that he saw a fuzzy figure of where he was he continued to blink until he could see things clearly he was surprisingly nervous and frightened and he could barely think straight as thoughts of death and fear took over nearly all his sense when he could see again he nearly wished he hadn't because above him on the wall was the head of a bear which turned into what looked like it was moving Jane blinked again trying to destroy what he saw but when he opened his eyes again the head of the bear was right infront of his face it's eyes shone red and anger stricken then it opened it's mouth to reveal sharp teeth that dripped blood as if he had just eaten a kill and was looking for another when it had spied him. At this point Jane was so scared that he shook like a leaf in the harsh breeze then the bear's eyes shone blood red as it stared directly into his and roared with an ear splinting note and that caused Jane to yell in terror before he thrashed about and rocked the table he struggled to get away from the figure in front of his face but when he moved the bear seemed to notice as it started to bite in the air and blood shot from it's mouth as if it had bitten him then it had disappeared he looked around worriedly until it appeared before him again in a form of it running up to him it's eyes shone so bright with the color red that it was more noticeable then anything else as it got closer Jane's eyes grew wider with fear and once again it stop infront of him and bit the air spitting blood it's eyes seemed to pierce his as he starred and yelled then pulled against the tape again and again trying to get free but it was no use he was trapped the hell bound beasts eyes shone like he was starring at the sun as it's teeth grew sharper by the minute ready seize him as prey.

Sweat began to roll down his face through fear and with every movement he made sweat shot in multiple directions it was then that he heard a laugh a psychotic laugh that echoed and with every cackle it made his head bound as if someone was striking him with force it was then that the bear was replaced with Rhonda Watson who stood infront of him her eyes too shone with a blood curdling red as bright as the sun and as her mouth opened to laugh at him he saw the same sharp teeth that the bear possessed and there where thousands of sharp teeth lining fear striking lips she held something in her hand that transformed from a knife into a green colored serpent that too had those memorable eyes and sharp teeth he struggled now frantically to free himself from the horrible images that laid before him.

The serpent seemed to stare at him evilly and that only made him struggle more which caused an excruciating pain to surge through his shoulder the table no longer rocked because Rhonda now sat on it as she watched him in terror and pain the serpent then with the speed of light shot toward his face with it's mouth open and showing it's large carving knife teeth a yell was once again heard by Rhonda and she grinned evilly almost as if she was some possessed monster the serpent was now gone because whatever Rhonda held had been thrown away as she proceeded up the table towards Jane's face she then spoke and with every word Jane heard an echo and he yelled louder and louder.

"Jane you're going to die...do you want to die here like this...I want to see you feel pain and fear...are you feeling it?" She asked ghostly she was only to be answered with Jane's terror and she knew it,

"Stop it! Please someone help me!" Jane shrilled,

"Red John Patrick Red John do you remember what he did to you I want you to remember him can you do that?" She asked still psychotically it seemed,

Meanwhile in the car Lisbon drove like a mad woman but no one dared to say a word because they all felt the same way towards Jane he was their friend and they were his, they had been on the rode for a while and Rigsby indicated that they were nearly right on top of Jane and with this information they saw an entrance that was lined with rows of trees that were on either side of the road Rigsby indicated that they were to turn down the road Lisbon did so and soon they all saw a small cabin in the distance when they were close enough to it but not yet seen Lisbon stopped the car and everyone got out just then they heard three shots ring out from the direction of the cabin they immediately drew their guns and ran up to the building Lisbon didn't even wait she just kicked in the door and entered waving her gun around along with her team they had entered in the back way and they were in the storage room before they could open the door they heard a loud upset, terrified, moaning sort of whine Lisbon knew in an instant that it belonged to Jane so she quickly threw open the door and they entered the large living room where they saw the dead body of Rhonda Watson who had three bullet holes in her chest they quickly holstered their guns while Lisbon ran over to Jane who was taped to a table and had obviously been crying at some point because his eyes were red and tears could be seen on his cheeks through the large amount of sweat that lined his face his jacket pocket had smoke streaming from it because he had just shot Rhonda Lisbon ignored this as she leaned over Jane.

"Jane are you okay?" She asked concerningly,

All Jane heard was an echoed question and red gleaming eyes and sharp terrifying teeth in the person he should have seen as a friend which caused him to thrash about and call out frightenedly,

"Jane what's wrong with you it's me." Lisbon said,

"Boss." Cho called as he held up a syringe that used to contain a drug that was now in Jane it was then that Lisbon understood why Jane was acting seriously strange. She saw how scared Jane was and it tore her up inside because she never wanted to see anyone like this not now and not ever,

"God Forgive me." She said before she struck Jane in the jaw causing him to fall unconscious she then grabbed the knife off the floor and cut the tape that held Jane to the table and with Cho's help carried him to her car this time Jane got the passengers seat and Rigsby was forced to share the back seat with Cho and Van Pelt over the bumpy rode Jane flopped about lifelessly like a rag doll if it wasn't for the seat belt he would have slipped of the chair.

Hours later,

Jane began to regain consciousness he blinked for a bit before he saw Lisbon starring at him he knew where he was he was on his couch in the CBI where he wanted to be not in a hospital bed being harassed by doctors and nurses Jane was the first to speak.

"Oh you have no notion how good it is to see you're face Lisbon I thought I would never see it again." Jane said honestly,

Jane was answered by a punch in the shoulder from Lisbon, "What was that for?" Jane asked confused,

"That's for letting yourself get kidnapped by Rhonda and not telling us the truth about what you were really doing earlier." Lisbon said playfully,

"You set it up didn't you, you knew you would get kidnapped that why you put the GPS tracker in my office...but what I don't understand is why you did it you know you killed Rhonda don't you?" Lisbon asked,

"Well no I didn't know if she was dead but I do know I shot her three times I think." Jane said trying to remember,

"Why don't you tell me why you did it?" Lisbon asked kindly,

"Well I knew she would want to talk to me so I took measures that I hoped would ensure my safety." Jane replied,

"Then why did you make me leave the room?" She asked,

"Because of what she wanted to talk to me about." Jane answered, "I will never tell you so don't bother asking...my head hurts." Jane said honestly,

"Well that will be like that for a while until the laceration heals it's not severe so it shouldn't take that long." Lisbon answered,

"Do I smell lemon grass tea?" Jane asked after sniffing for a bit,

"Yes you do." She answered happily as she handed him the cup she had concealed,

"Thank you Lisbon for saving me." Jane said as Lisbon began to walk away,

"That's okay you get some rest now." Lisbon replied gratefully as she returned to her desk,

Jane sipped his tea as he thought about what he had told Lisbon it had been a lie the real reason he wanted Lisbon out of the room was so he could set Rhonda up in purpose and make her kidnap him so he could kill her because he did not and probably would never forget what she had done to him before she burnt her mother's house down but he would never tell her that because she would never understand his motive for many of the things he did but if she did know he did it on purpose she would have realized there was no way she could stop him from killing Red John.

The End.

Right first I would like to apologize for all the mistakes that I know are in the story, and for the way it is written because I haven't edited it, and because this is the final chapter and I will not be continuing the mentalist fandom.