Love, Hate, and the Agony In-Between

(EDIT 2/22/14: I've gotten rid of a few of the OC's who didn't make the cut when I was re-writing my plot plans. They just weren't needed and I want to avoid using them. Also cleaned up the spelling and grammar a bit.)

Hello all of my new readers! You have no idea how thrilled I was when your comments came to me being mostly positive.

Late, Late, Late, why am I always so late with updating?

Warning: Changing of Character Personalities, and Some Characters Created by Yours Truly.

If I owned Naruto, Sakura would die. But I don't own Naruto, and Sakura will probably live to see the end. Damn it.

Chapter Three- You Can Run . . .

It was something about hot chocolate that just brought comfort to Hinata. The sweet drink always managed to make her feel better. She had sweet memories of her youth, back when her mother would make the best hot cocoa in all of Konoha for herself and her father as a comfort food. Sakura didn't know this fact and Hinata didn't mention it, she just accepted the warm drink with a polite 'thank you' and took small sips of it while her hair and clothes dried.

It is now, curled up on Sakura's couch with a blanket wrapped around her and her hair still a bit damp, that she worked up the nerve to ask Sakura the question that was haunting her mind. "Sakura-san, forgive me for asking, but why are you dressed like you are going on a mission?" The question was asked quietly, since the one asking it half hoped that Sakura wouldn't hear it. But Sakura was a ninja, and a good one at that, so she had trained her sense of hearing to be sharper then most and the question was heard clearly.

There was a long pause after the question was asked and Hinata thought that Sakura hadn't heard her, but Sakura had stopped sharpening her numerous shuriken so Hinata took it as a sign. Sakura seemed to be debating something and must have come to a conclusion because her sholders dropped and she sighed.

"I'm leaving Konoha, but it's not for a mission."

That was the last answer Hinata had been expecting to hear. Had she even heard her right? Maybe the rain outside was louder then she realized.


"I'm leaving the village, Hinata, and I will not be coming back," Sakura repeated. It was a long moment of silence. Sakura didn't say anything; she only went back to sharpening her weapons.

'Alight,' Sakura thought. 'I managed to scrape together roughly nineteen-hundred ryo, I have most of my weapons packed, a spare set of cloths, the picture of Aunty Mebuki and Uncle Kizashi, my new Team Kakashi picture, and the bracelet Daddy gave me. Is that everything?'

'I thought we were going to take that glass cherry blossom that Ino gave us last year for our birthday,' Inner reminded. Sakura put the last of her sharpened weapons in her backpack, biting the inside of her lip as she thought it through.

'Do I really want to keep a reminder of that—"

'That backstabbing whore of a frienemy?'

The corner of Sakura's mouth twitched into a smile for a second. 'I was going to say jerk, but that works too.'

Sakura got the feeling inside her mind that Inner's palm had made contact with her face. 'That is the weakest insult I have ever heard. Honestly, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have a clue how to insult people! You better be thankful.'

'Immensely.' Sakura stood from her seat on the floor, feeling Hinata's pale eyes watching her every move. She crossed the room without pause, reaching her destination- the glass coffee table that held small trinkets and pictures. She grabbed the small-ish glass cherry blossom that had been a gift from Ino last year. The glass was cold, and fit nicely in the palm of her hand. She trailed her thumb across one clear petal, admiring how a faint hint of pink came to the glass when the light hit it. 'Pretty,' Inner stated.

"It is, isn't it?" Sakura asked out loud.

Hinata watched as her friend tested the weight of the glass flower by tossing it up a bit and catching it a few times. A gasp escaped her when Sakura suddenly snapped her arm out and threw the object at the wall. The glass shattered loudly against the wall and fell to the carpet. Hinata could still make out a few shards that had once formed a blossom.

Silence rang heavily in the air. Hinata looked away from the mess and at the one who caused it. The ex-Hyuga quickly covered her mouth with her hand to muffle her gasp. Sakura- violent, skilled, strong Sakura- looked scary. Her eyes were darker with rage and her body was tense, ready to attack the next thing that moved. Her mouth was curled in a silent snarl and her fists were shaking. Hinata had never seen her like this before. Yes, she had seen Sakura angry and had seen her fighting, but this was completely different. She wasn't annoyed by something Naruto said or fighting against a rival; she was in a fucking rage, and Hinata was genuinely scared.

"S-Sakura..." Hinata hated- absolutely hated- how her voice trembled. "Are… are you okay…?"

A short, airy chuckle came from Sakura's throat. The pinkett breathed in deeply, tangled one of her pale hands into her short hair, and exhaled shakily. "No, not really, Hinata-chan. I want to leave this village behind. I want to go home and I want to be hugged by my dad again. He sent me here for protection and training, and now I have no reason to stay. Tsunade has taught me almost very thing and I have no more to learn from her. Kakashi stopped teaching me a long time ago- hell, he hardly ever trained me to do anything! I don't have many emotional ties now, other then you, my team, and few others who I'm sure wont miss me. Nothing is holding me back now, so why not?"

"Sakura-san, what are you—"

"I'm going home Hinata! How else am I going to explain this to you? I have no reason to stay here in Konoha, so I'm going back to my home village. And don't you dare try to stop me, because I will not tolerate it and I really don't want to fight you Hinata." With that, Sakura walked over to her already packed bag and slugged it over her shoulder. She left the living room and grabbed her white cloak, throwing it on before leaving her house and beginning her walk out of the village.

Hinata sat there in Sakura's living room, staring at the place Sakura once stood. The poor girl was in a shock. She had all the facts, but the answer didn't make since. Of all the ninja in Konoha, Sakura had been one of the last anyone would expect to leave. It didn't fit. She knew that Sakura was upset about the Tsunade incident, but to up and leave the village because of it? No, it couldn't be the Kiba incident. Sakura was far too independent and strong to let a guy get to her like that. So what was it?

Did she truly just want to go home? Hinata couldn't blame her entirely. She hasn't even been away from her home for a full night, and she already longed to go back. Knowing that she no longer had a place to call home was terrifying and she felt that the only way to get rid of that fear is her father hugging her once more, if only once more. Sakura hadn't seen her father in more then ten years. Hinata supposed that after that long, anyone would be desperate to see their beloved parent again.

It took her almost a full minute, but Hinata jumped from Sakura's couch and was out the door and outside in the rain again. She ran as fast as she could to the entrance of the village, hoping that she would be able to get to Sakura in time. It was almost three in the morning and most of the village, minus the late-night workers and clubbers, was asleep.

Hinata managed to catch up to Sakura as she was about to leave the village and called out her name. Thankfully, Sakura heard her over the heavy rain and stopped. "Hinata? What the hell are you doing out he—"

"Take me with you," Hinata requested. "I don't care where you go, just let me come with you!"

"Mama, Mama, it's time ta' get up, Mama." Natsu rolled over on her side and grabbed a hold of the energetic six-year-old who was jumping on her single bed. Pulling her sons ankle swiftly sent him on his back, his body bouncing a bit after landing and giggling like crazy, Natsu smiled a bit and rubbed at her eyes.

The young woman sat up in bed and pulled her son closer to her, then began raining tickles on his ribs and any place her sneaky fingers could get. "Akira, you silly boy, it's Saturday, remember? This is the only day Mama gets to sleep in and you normally sleep until noon. Why so excited?" His only response was to shriek with laughter and beg her to stop, which she did. Once Akira had calmed down (though he did keep a close eye on her hands, just to be on the safe side) he climbed over Natsu and got out of bed, tugging at his mothers arm impatiently.

"Come on, Mama. Hina-Chan left us a letter and a lot of yummy looking food! Come see, come see!"

Now that managed to get Natsu out of bed. When she entered her kitchen, she found all of the cabinets where open and full of food. She suspected that the fridge and freezer where the same. On the table was a large, purple velvet bag and a small note beside it. Natsu didn't even need to guess who it was all from.

To my dear Akira and Natsu,

Inside the pouch is enough money to pay for six years of teaching at the ninja academy. Also inside, is an extra 100,000 ryo, just in case of emergency.

Do not tell anyone you have this money. Some people are not above thievery. Do not tell anyone that Akira is going to the academy either, since they will get suspicious about where you are getting the money.

Akira, you will make a wonderful ninja one day, one who I will be proud to have known. Natsu, thank you for being a second mother to me. I'm sorry I cannot help you both more.

With love forever,

"Mama, look, Hina-chan got my favorite cereal! Can I have some, please?" Akira asked, holding onto the brightly colored box. Natsu smiled down at him lovingly.

"Of course. Ninja's need to have at least a little meat on their bones after all." Akira's face lit up. "We well go down to the academy and get you signed up for the year later today, okay?"

"Really Mama?! Really?!" For the next hour, Natsu listened to her son talk about how exciting ninja training was going to be and how he would make Hinata and his mama proud.

The sound of hard knocking filled a quiet house. The knocking was just a bit softer then pounding, but the yelling made more then enough noise. "Sakura-Chan! We know you are upset, but hiding in there won't make it any better!"

Silence. A loud, frustrated sigh. Or maybe it was an airy groan. Maybe a soft growl? I don't know what that sound was, okay.

"If she hasn't come out yet, what makes you think she will now?"

Two blonds gave a dirty look. One raven-haired boy ignored it as he normally did. He was much too busy examining his short nails to pay much mind to them.

"Sakura, please~! Let me in, we need to talk!" Ino begged/whined at the closed door.

Silence. Ino hit the door -surprisingly not breaking it- and growled.

"God damn it, Forehead!"

"Good idea, Ino- lets insult her. That should make her open the door."

Three heads turned to see the new arrivals. Amaya Hyuga and a very irritated Hanabi Hyuga stood behind them, Amaya with an amused smirk and Hanabi with a blank stare.

Naruto turned fully to address them. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We were coming over to see if Sakura knew where Hinata was. We have been searching all over Konoha for her."

Word of the Hyuga's ex-heiress' banishment had spread like wild fire throughout the village, everyone adding their two-cents about it and twisting the story to their liking. The rumor mill had gone crazy and Hinata and the Hyuga clan were the talk of the village. Some said that Hinata had fallen pregnant and now any man who had ever been kind to her was a possible father. Others thought that Hiashi had found out about her secret (obvious) feelings for Naruto Uzumaki and wouldn't accept her as a daughter any longer. One of the more popular rumors was that Hiashi had beaten Hinata after she refused to marry a rich lord and had thrown her into the street himself.

"We thought she may have stayed with a friend last night, but no one has seen her since yesterday afternoon and she didn't tell anyone where she would be staying," Hanabi explained.

Ino growled at the door again. Poor door. It's being so abused this morning. "Well, either Sakura is sleeping like the dead or she isn't home."

"Or she's ignoring you."

Amaya's elbow met Hanabi's side for that comment and Ino glared.

Sasuke finally spoke up "If she isn't home, where would she be? No one has seen her today and she didn't go to her shift at the hospital, or come to training with us."

"Have you thought of breaking into her house?" Amaya suggested, only half teasing.

"Criminal," Sasuke accused with a teasing smirk.

Naruto grinned at the duo. "As if you wouldn't be her partner in crime," Naruto snickered.

"That would be Neji," Sasuke pointed out. "Where is he anyway?"

Aparently, Hanabi had gotten tired of all the chit chat and turned to Amaya. "Why are you just standing around talking when we should be looking for Hinata?!" Amaya gave a surprised noise at Hanabi before giving her an apologetic look.

"Hanabi-sama, we've been searching for Hinata since Hiashi-Sama explained to you what had happened last night. You have five of the branch family searching all of Kohana. Neji is questioning her teammates and friends. Hinata is sure to turn up soon so please-"

"Don't think that you have any authority over me, Amaya-nee! I want my sister back home where she belongs and I want her back now!"

The sound of a door opening made Hanabi turn her attention elsewhere.

"Hey! Sakura's door is open! Let's go inside."

Amaya looked at Naruto in disbelief. "You mean you haven't even tried opening the door?"

"We try not to make a habit of breaking and entering, Amaya."

"Shut up, Sasuke."

Hanabi was the first to take action by shoving Naruto aside and entering the house. "Onee-Chan, are you in here?"

Silence greeted her. Hanabi looked ready to punch someone.

"I don't think Sakura's home you guys," Ino pointed out.

Amaya, ever with a comeback, voiced her opinion. "What was your first clue?"

"Wow. What happened in here…?"

Ino gasped when she entered the living room. "I gave her that for her birthday! Why did she break it?" Ino said in distress. The broken bits of glass laid shinning in the afternoon light.

"What makes you think she's the one who broke it?" Sasuke pointed out. "… I think we need to go tell the Hokage about this" Going to the Hokage meant that the girls' disappearances were now a big deal, and no one wanted that.

"I'm with the Teme on this one. Something just isn't right about this."

"Why is that?"

"Sakura-Chan is a neat-freak. No way she'd be able to just walk away from a mess like this. Something must have happened."

"That and I found a long strand of violet hair on her couch. Sound familiar?"

Hanabi then grabbed her cousins upper arm and tried to drag the taller girl out the door. "Let's go already!"

-Four Hours Later-
-Tsunade's Office-

"What do you mean you can't find them?!" Tsunade snapped at the team of ANBU in her office.

"Hinata and Sakura Haruno are not in the village, Madam Hokage. We have searched everywhere possible."

Shizune bit her bottom lip nervously. "Do you think they…?" The question went unfinished, and hung in the air for a long moment. Tsunade did not seem too pleased with Shizune voicing the question on everyone's mind. "Haven't you found anything?"

"One of Sakura Haruno's neighbors claimed that he saw them leaving her house around three in the morning. He said Sakura looked like she was leaving for a mission, so he didn't think much of it at the time."

A clenched fist slammed down on Tsunade's desk. Silence filled the room for a few tense moments before Tsunade stood from her desk. Tsunade's voice was dead serious and dark. "Organize a search for them. Look through the village one final time and search for clues in Sakura's apartment. Question the members of the Hyuga clan, Hinata and Sakura's teammates, and Ino for information about their whereabouts. If we find nothing, organize a search. If we cannot find them before the month is out, then the search turns into a hunt and they will be pronounced rouge ninja's. Get Team Ruki and Team Taka to begin questioning the Hyuga clan. Team Sachi is to search the north. . ."

-Later That Same Day-

News of the search stunned the village. It was extremely rare that a shinobi abandons their village and to have two loyal shinobi who had protected the village for years already to do so was almost unthinkable. Sakura and Hinata were now the biggest scandal since Sasuke Uchiha came back and everyone was talking about it.

Naruto made his opinion known. "No! Sakura-Chan and Hinata-Chan wouldn't do something like this! They couldn't!"

"Naruto, every minute you spend arguing is another minute that Hinata and Sakura are getting farther away from the village. Now shut up and do your job," Sasuke snapped harshly, having grown tired of his friends ranting twenty minutes ago. The Hokage was assighning teams to search for the girls and Sasuke's probation had been temporarily dismissed so he could help, but he was being put into a strong group who could keep an eye on him.

"They have been loyal ninja's to the village all their lives! You can't think that they would just drop everything, every friendship, and leave! Sakura has been our teammate since we-!"

Kakashi apparently was getting sick of his speech too. "That's enough, Naruto. If Sakura and Hinata were taken, we will find them, but if they left on their own, they must face the punishment for those actions."

"How can you say that?!"

"That's the way it is, all we can do is help with the search and pray that they are alright, Naruto."

"I cannot believe that you would—"

"Shut up already!"

Like it, Love it, Hate it?

Tell me! Please~

-Next time, we will stalk Sakura and Hinata as they are stalked by Konoha ninja and find out someone has a crush on Hinata.

-Sorry that it took so long, but my laptop decided it hated me and crashed a while ago. Don't you love it when that happens?

-Please, please, please, please tell me what you think of my writing, my OC's, and anything else. I would love it if you criticized or praised me so that I can become a better writer.

(Rose- This chapter was originally written on January 13, 2012. That's more than two years since I wrote… how do I have followers?)
