Chapter 1

Ohio, USA

Battle cries filled the sky as the demi-primes (Demigod child of the Primordial gods) charged towards me, Xavier, and Soul (We're the three son of Chaos who were given birth.) Xavier (The oldest) used lighting at shocked the first row. Soul (The second) took souls out of their vessels, he then formed them into a ball full of pure destructive energy when it was fully charged, he blast them into several directions that destroy everything it touches.

"They call those pathetic losers demi-prime? They should stick with jelly-limes! Get it?" Xavier chuckled expecting me and Soul to laugh. "Why do I have an idiot as an older brother?" Soul sighed slapping his forehead. "Don't let your guard down." I said crossing my arms. "I could take them on without moving, SEE!" He said standing firmly but destroying demi-primes at the same time. "Yeah right! I could destroy them by even sleeping, much less lying on the ground!" Soul argued. "Why does mom have to send me with you two idiots" I said in a husky voice.

"They're sending more back up." Chaos, my mom said in my mind. "Roger" I replied. I drew my sword-like-mace with a red dragon head as the hilt and a claw at the end, its name is Draco. Its five feet long with Spacial (NOT SPECIAL!) Titanium as the blade? (If it's a sword it's a mace but if it's a mace? I don't know.)

I stab Draco into one of the demi-prime's stomach and slashed the other with the claw. I retrieve Draco back from his (the demi-prime who I stab) stomach and slammed other with the edge. I kicked another in the chin that sent him soaring into the blue sky.

I created twenty ice shurikens and used my vacuum power to control them and then threw them at twenty demi-primes. I noticed that they're starting to use their powers. Two of them shot hot black fire so hot that I could start to feel it's warmth from a mile away, but I control it and shot them back at them with vaporized them before it hit them.

I used my shadow powers to pull them into another dimension. "Damn it!" I thought whenever one of them is killed; three more replaced him or her.

"Clear the way." I told my brothers. "Why?" Soul questioned. But he gulped when he saw my star (It's my pupil) started spinning. "Brother! Are you…?" Xavier said nervously "Yes, the Imperial Comet." I interrupted as we soar up. I started to channel my energies into a blazing ball of red energy when it's fully charged, I launched it. The ball of energy bolted towards the enemy in the speed of light, it didn't even give the demi-primes a chance to even breathe. When it impacted the ground, the enemies started to soar away like a huge force field with dust obscuring the view. When the dust cleared away, there isn't even a demi-prime left, only the scattering ashes were to be seen.

"Let's go home." I said before flashing away.

The Earth's core, Chaos's secret city, throne room

"Welcome back home, my sons." Mom said sitting on her throne while were kneeling. "Tomorrow, we're going to ally with the Olympians to defeat my other children who gave me a bad name." My mother continued.

"But the way they're children, the demigods, treated me badly! And the ones who hated me most are granted immortality!" I boomed, it's not like I normally cry, I'm mostly cool headed, but the way they treated is unimaginable. Nobody wanted to duel with me in a sword fight, everybody ignored me. But it became worse when the giant Phorphyrion (Did I spell it right?) and his minions attacked the Camp. Even though I drove them away, I wasn't called a hero, I was called a freak. But this was my worse moment.


"Hey freak! Show us how you drive away the king of the giants?" Some children of Mars shouted. "Maybe he fell down laughing while you were attacking him!" Another said while they laugh and grab their stomachs. I started to walk away but they surrounded me. Then they started to push me around like I'm wooden dummy, then punching and kicking until I'm too weak. But something amazing happened, I started to feel this strange power radiating from my body, then I heard a female voice "Havoc, you have the spirit of the Drazon, my pet, inside you, he'll protect you, I'm sorry for being a bad mother to you." I could feel my eyes glowing with red energy, and many threads of red energy started to slash around me wildly. "NEVER MESS WITH ME!" I yelled, I could notice that I have another voice under my real voice I slashed one of them with my energy. All of them started to flee except for the son of Jupiter, Zach, he then started to radiate with lightning like he was blessed by Jupiter except that he has mastered the power mode so that he can radiate with lightning whenever he wants. He shot lightning at me but I brushed it off with my energy like it was nothing. Then I held out my hand, wrapped all of my voids (It's the threads of energies) around his body, with one easy clench, I broke every single bone in his body (If you don't understand it but you know Naruto, it's like Gaara, with his sand thing, and the void thing is the nine tails thing.) Then I was banished from the camp for killing Zach, which I now realized that he was brought back to life and granted immortality.

Flashback ends

The sun ray was penetrating the yellow curtains when I woke up. I knew that today is the day that the Space Army visits Olympus.

Weapon Room

"We're ready now, Mom." I said as I removed my helmet, holding it between my arms. "Today, we're going to ally with the Olympus, now get ready!" My mother said. Then we flashed ourselves to Olympus (Yes, the Space knights are granted the power to flash and immortality when they join me.)

At Olympus the gods were arguing about who destroyed the demi-prime army in Ohio when we arrived at Olympus. But they stop when they saw us; they thought that we're going to invade them. If you're wondering about I know about it, I can tell you it's not instinct, it's called reading Aura, A-U-R-A.

Olympus, Throne room

"Who are you?" Jupiter/ Zeus asked. "We're the Space knights." I answered. "Who are you?" Zach asked. "Who are you asking?" I tested him. "You! with the dark armor." Zach said pointing at me. "I'm your worst nightmare" I said removing my helmet when I did that, Zach's eye widened then he said "You're that kid, Havoc! You're the one who crushed all my bones!"

"WHAT!" The Olympians said in unison. I then grinned.