This is my actual first idea for a fanfiction, but i never actually wrote or posted it until now. It actually took me a while to write this because I wrote 3 chapters for my other story Mystic Falls on Facebook. I know this chapter doesn't really have much but I like stories that are descriptive, because then you can actually picture it in your head. I'm going to try and make this story descriptive so hopefully you can picture it in your head and maybe get into the story. The timeline of the story is around the time when season one of TVD starts. This chapter and the next chapter are about 2 weeks before the start of season one.

This chapter is really explaining why they moved to Mystic Falls and what their house looks like. When you read this and try to picture the house, think Elena's house, but with the descriptions given.

This story has my OC.

Hi, my name is Chelsea Hale. I grew up in Wisconsin for my whole life, that is until my mom wanted to move to Virginia, Mystic Falls to be more specific. She was always researching legends and myths, which explains my obsession with vampires. One day my mom read about what happened there during the civil war, and got more interested. Once she did some deeper research, she discovered that during that time vampires actually took up residency all over town. But in 1864, which was during the war, there was a church fire that killed 27 civilians. Although, later from a friend of ours, my mom learned that there was only 26 vampires in the tomb. Before doing any additional research, she wanted to move there, in hope that she could learn more about it. What about me? I was happy for the move because I wasn't having the greatest life in Wisconsin. My boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me because he fell in love with someone else, my best friend ended up moving with her dad to New York after her parent's divorce, and I was basically labeled as a nerd and I was an outcast at school because of it.

We had flown to Mystic Falls about a month ago to check out the houses that they had. My mom wanted to stay there for about a week, so we would be able to know the surroundings a little bit, while we picked out a house. We ended up picking out a house near the Mystic Grill, but also close to the woods. We did this because sometimes I like the run in the woods or I would go out into nature, places like the beach or wooded areas just to think about life and other things. In Wisconsin I would just walk down to the beach or just sit in the park, but Mystic Falls is a ways from a beach and I like the woods better anyway so I'm not complaining. It took us about 2 weeks after we got back from Mystic Falls to finish our packing. When my mom said she wanted to move to Mystic Falls, I actually started packing right away, so I had a good portion of my stuff packed. All I had to do was help pack the books, pictures, and other important things that we wanted to take with us.

When arrived back at Mystic falls, there was a different feeling in the atmosphere than there was when my mom and I were here before. I'm not sure if it's because I was nervous, but there was something different. My dad was driving us to our new house, my mom was telling him all about it but I couldn't really hear her over my headphones that were plugged into my i-pod. I just listened to my music and looked out the window. We finally arrived to our house after my dad almost getting us lost.

The house looked more beautiful than it did before. The house is a light blue color with the exception of the windows and railing, those are white. It has a porch on the front that goes around one side of the house. When you go inside it seems bigger than my old house. To the right and left of me are closets, which we are going to put coats, umbrellas, and such in. On the right side, against the wall, is a flight of stairs, which leads to the upstairs. Across the hall from the stairs is where the living room will be, which is connected to where the dining room will be. The living room has light green walls with brown for the archway between the living room and dining room. Both rooms, like the rest of first floor, had between a light brown and a dark brown color for the carpet. The dining room's walls are a light brown almost tan color, with some darker brown around the room to complement it. The kitchen is a little bit away from the dining room, but it's still pretty close to it, and like the dining room and living room, there is no actual door separating the two rooms. There already are counters that are against the wall, and cabinets in there, but nothing else. The walls are the same color as the dining room, but a little lighter. In the kitchen, there are 2 windows, one, where the sink is, and one on the wall that's facing the part of the porch that reached to the side of the house. If you go in the kitchen from the dining room, to your left, there is an area that leads to the laundry room. A little bit before you reach the laundry room, there is a door that goes out the back. The door is almost exactly on the other side of the house as the front door.

After walking around the first floor I walked upstairs. The upstairs has hardwood floors, but tiled flooring in the bathrooms. The first room that I saw when I got upstairs is the one I wanted as my bedroom. It has white walls, a small walk-in closet, and a bench like seat by the window that I could sit on and look outside. The room was also connected to a bathroom, which was also connected to another room. The bathroom is a light blue color, with the exception of the toilet, bathtub/shower, and the sink and counters. The other room we were going to use as a guest room, or for my brother for when he visits us from college. That room is a dark brown color, with a closet, and a window that has a light brown border.

If you exit the guest room and go into the hall, to the left is another bedroom, which is going to be my parents' bedroom. It is also a dark brown color, but not as dark as the guest room. It has the same bench thing like in my room. I walked out the room feeling tired and hungry. I walked into the bathroom that is between my parents' room and the guest room, and I splashed some water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look tired, but the water might have had something to do with it because I wasn't feeling as tired anymore. There was a sound of a truck from outside, so I went downstairs to see what it was. It was the truck with our couches and beds. Yes! I shouted mentally.

It didn't take them long to get the furniture in the house. To our luck that truck also had our stove and refrigerator in it, but the bad part is, we didn't get any food so we had to eat out tonight. After the truck was done unloading, we had our; beds, dressers, couches, the TV, the dining room table, and the refrigerator and stove in the house. We had the smaller things like our pictures, silver wear, and most of our clothes, amongst other things in a different truck that wouldn't come until tomorrow. My dad had an idea though, that we bring a change of clothes, and other necessities to hold us over until the truck comes. I put my shampoo and stuff into the bathroom connected to my room, when my mom was doing the same with their stuff in the other bathroom.

It was about 5 o'clock when my mom wanted to eat. I put a little bit of makeup on just in case there were any cute guys there. I know I shouldn't be worried about how I look so early after just moving here, but I can't help it, I'm a girl. I was still wearing my jeans and my pink tank top that I've been wearing all day. All that would make my outfit better, would be to put on my plan black hoodie that has a zipper. After putting that on, I grabbed my phone and i-pod, put them in my pocket, and went downstairs.

I know you can't tell what Chelsea looks like from this chapter, but the next chapter will have more about her appearance in it. At the beginning of the story I mention that Chelsea and her family knows someone that knows about the tomb underneath the church, what I can tell you is that person will show up in about 2-5 chapters from now.

The next chapter will have them eating at the Mystic Grill, and a show favorite will make an appearance. I can tell you that Chapter 3 will be the first school day for Chelsea, and 3 (maybe 4) other character from the show will appear.

Please review and let me know what you think of it, even though the first chapter isn't that much to go on. Let me know what you think of the hints (I guess you can call them that) of some of the future chapters.

I might be able to update Mystic Falls on Facebook today, if not really soon, so please read that story too. The more reviews the stories get, the happier I get, because i know that people are actually reading my stories.