I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. This chapter is in Alfred Jones point of view.


By waterrain

I looked into the mirror and grinned widely for first impressions are really important. I'm wearing my best blue jeans, a simple short sleeve black shirt, a brown jacket with the number 50 on the back of it, white socks, and black boots. I decided against wearing a hat for what if that person hates hats? Seriously not going to risk it and stuff.

"Good luck, Alfred." My twin stated calmly and I rolled my eyes at him. Why would I need to be wished good luck? Anyone would be happy to have me as a roommate. I waved at him before getting into my heroic car. Ever since the tender age of ten I started saving my money up for a car, putting my money inside of a bank account, worked for my neighbors, took on a part-time job, and by my seventeenth birthday had enough to buy myself a car.

I parked my hard earned vehicle, unbuckled the lifesaving seatbelt, in a cool manner got out, and made sure to lock it because I don't want to risk anyone taking anything from my car. Normally, The inside of my car is messy and all that to detour peeps from even wanting to open the car door. I made sure to take out all of the balled up newspapers, candy wrappers, plastic plates, the three metal spoons, and a whole lot of other stuff. Yeah, I had to make sure the inside of my car is completely clean and no clutter for first impressions are important.

"Hello, My name is Alfred Jones. We talked over the phone and you said that you had to meet me before deciding whether or not to accept me as your roommate." I made sure that my voice sounded mature, calm, and first impressions are really important. Of course I can't act like my usual self because then I really doubt this Arthur Kirkland will agree to have me as his roommate.

" You do not look like a hooligan." Arthur commented to me and I just looked at him. Not sure what the heck to say because I do not want to screw up or say something wrong. "You seem to be pretty quiet. I'll show you to my apartment and we can discuss on how to divide up the cost."

I'm tempted to say 'Heck yeah', but I'm not through the clear yet and no paperwork has been signed. I simply nodded my head in the same polite manner that my twin does to peeps and it seems to be working really well.

"Alright then please follow me." Arthur said calmly, I nodded again, and followed him. Arthur seems to be a polite, boring, and all that other stuff. I saw the back of his neck as he moved his blond hair and is that a tattoo? I rubbed my eyes, his neck was covered again, and was my mind playing tricks on me or something? I walked into Arthur's apartment and he said 'You may take a seat, Jones'.

"Alfred Jones, About how old are you?"

"I'm old enough to vote, but not old enough to drink alcohol."

"You are either eighteen, nineteen, or twenty years old."

"May I ask a question?"

"Yes, Alfred Jones."

"About how old are you, Arthur Kirkland?"

I could have sworn Arthur smirked at me, but my eyes must be messing with me or something because as soon as I looked at him again. He was smiling politely and not a trace of a smirk. I think I'm going crazy.

"I'm old enough to drink alcohol, but not old enough to be your parent. What name do you wish for me to call you by Alfred or Jones?"


"And you can call me, Arthur. I will get the paperwork and you will become my roommate."

I nodded my head in agreement. Arthur has blond hair, he's slightly shorter than me, has green eyes, big eyebrows, and I'm trying to figure out his age. Seriously, It is bugging me and he didn't give me a straight answer. Of course I didn't give me a straight answer on my age, but hey there is only three choices with mine and stuff.

"Sign here, Alfred."

I nodded my head again, silently read it, and signed it. Arthur took the paper and looked at me.

"I will be back. After all I have to turn in this paper and make it official that you are to become my roommate."

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