Author's Note: The following contains sexual conduct.

I do not own Doctor Who or any of its affiliates, nor do I own Barry Manilow (nobody can, he's one groovy, free spirit).

Discretion is Advised.

Chapter 3

Madame Vastra and Jenny celebrated the evening Sullivan died, if for no other reason than the wine; many bottles had been stacked in the Silurian's cellar and saved for special occasions that seemed to hardly ever come around, so it was completely understandable they were on their third within the second hour.

From her short time traveling with the Doctor, Vastra had ascertained a low-grade CD player and 'The Essential Barry Manilow', which technically wasn't supposed to come out for an odd, hundred and twenty five years or so.

Regardless, the two women knocked back glass after sweet tasting glass while Vastra happily sung along to 'Mandy.'

"I remember all my life, nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh, like ice…" She hiccupped and giggled at how badly she was missing the lyrics, despite having listened to the disc, her only real source of music, many times over. A faux-serious shade fell over her face. "Shadows of a man! A face through a window!" Vastra raised a hand dramatically, "Crying, in the night…"

"Crying, in the night…" Jenny echoed quietly.

"Just another day, happy people pass my way! How happy you made me, oh Mandy! Oh Mandy!" She held the note shakily.

"Oh Mandy!" Jenny laughed.

"Right? Oh you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away." Very suddenly and without warning she splayed her limbs back and fell onto the red velvet settee below her. Jenny followed suit.

The two women laughed in unison, hugging each other's shoulders with a free arm until they felt sore and chose to loosen up. The song ended to several over exaggerated groans of disappointment. A foreign silence filled the room, perforated by long streaks of giddy chuckling.

Jenny was the first to turn; she eyed Vastra without a care in the world, for her, there was not a single one. Her mistress was clothed once again in a white linen shirt and tight black shorts, and if Jenny squinted, it was if she had travelled back to the day before.

The green of the Silurian's skin shown through the thin cloth and revealed enough to red the younger woman's ears with inner heat. Vastra's emerald scales showed no weakness against the room's dim candlelight, pure luster reflecting white against the darkness.

Madame Vastra moved her head to face the servant she'd grown so attached to; their eyes met and in that seemingly endless minute, a certainty was realized, understood, then accepted.

Leaning forward enough to feel Jenny's unsteady breath on her lips, Vastra closed the gap and kissed her lightly, then again, this time harder. The younger woman put up no fight as the fire within her burned powerfully; she reached up to caress the Silurian's cheek, tracing the alien contours of her features and dove deeper into the embrace.

Madame Vastra restrained a moan when Jenny began to nip along her neck, lengthened to receive the pressing teeth. Still at her servant girl's mercy, the Silurian brought two nimble hands forward to unbutton her grey vest, which slipped to the carpet below. The older woman failed to repress another gasp and stopped undressing her partner, allowing Jenny to plant gentle bites along her jaw line.

"Ah, ah, Jenny."

"Yes m'am?" She murmured through a particularly responsive cluster of scales. Vastra took long to continue.

"Where did you… Where did you… Ah…" She moaned.

"Where did I… what?" Jenny loved the effect her mouth was having.

"Where did you learn this?" The Silurian managed to whisper.

She led her lips down to Madame Vastra's upper chest, taking joy in her mistress' flushed reaction; an emerald hand gripped the back of Jenny's head, caressing the blackness of her hair. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting ta' do this."

"Really?" Vastra drew out the word. "Why didn't you say-" A strong nibble caused her voice to heighten in pitch, "so?"

In a cooperative effort, Jenny lifted her mistress' shirt above her head and threw it with wild abandon to the pile below; a trail of thinly layered saliva showed Jenny's trail downward and its stops along the way. Most notably was the passage to Madame Vastra's heaving breasts, now coated with evidence of Jenny's presence. A firm nip in the right place, Jenny found, was enough to cause two muscular legs to wrap around her lower back.

Emerging from the sea of pleasure long enough to clearly see the room around her, Madame Vastra efficiently removed Jenny's dress shirt and rolled on top. A newfound way to vent her aggression was practiced upon the younger woman's trembling body and sharper-than-average teeth found their way to her shapely ear.

"Let's see how you like it." Jenny failed to brace herself for the shock wave that coursed through her veins upon Vastra's attack. When the Silurian bit too hard, the servant girl spoke up.

"Gentle!" She squealed.

"Yes, yes of course. I wouldn't want my porcelain doll to break, now, would I? There's still so much more playing to be done."

"That there is…" Jenny agreed through excited panting. Nimble fingers unhooked Jenny's last remnants of clothing, leaving the two impassioned women with nothing more than their separate trousers; a minute later found those at the foot of the sofa as well.

Their mouths connected again, touching, feeling, exploring. Vastra's tongue was long and snake-like, but thick and unyielding as well; it slithered deftly down to the back of Jenny's throat and twisted throughout her mouth, sliding along the inside walls of her warm cheeks. The younger woman tried in vain to regain her dominance but finally accepted being completely at the mercy of her mistress.

Madame Vastra opened her eyes and controlled a giggle at the exertion evident on Jenny's face; the Silurian took that as inspiration to delve further still until the younger woman pushed for air. Five seconds passed before Vastra's tongue was fully removed and back within her own lips, leaving Jenny to huff and puff.

"You're such a light-weight." Her mistress joked endearingly.

"What else can that tongue do?" Jenny replied, lightning in her eyes; Madame Vastra took it as a non-rhetorical question.

"Well, it's good for poisoning and the general incapacitation of targets…" A look of disbelief clarified things for the Silurian. "Oh!" She blinked. "Amongst other things…" Vastra leaned down for another kiss but was stopped halfway.

"Show me."

"If you'd like." Madame Vastra grinned devilishly as she pecked her way to Jenny's flat stomach, taking time to grasp the younger woman's sculpted back; her palms were met with shoulder blades that jutted outwards, accompanied by the long crevice that ended at the servant girl's well-rounded ass.

"Prepare yourself for unimaginable-"

"Oh just get on with it!" Jenny begged. Madame Vastra granted her wish, placing her head stiffly between the younger woman's inner thighs. In private fantasies, the servant girl had pleasured herself many times to the same image, but in reality it was so much better. She sharply inhaled when her mistress gained entrance and held herself the best she could without passing out.

The house fell away and all Jenny could see were shades of scarlet as Madame Vastra navigated her insides with dexterous skill; prodding roughly against the younger woman's sex, Vastra tested several different theories.

Rabid with adrenaline, Jenny coaxed Vastra's head deeper, to which she complied with great enthusiasm. The servant girl's hips began to shudder as she reached climax, forcing an indescribable ecstasy to cloud her vision and drown her very soul in an ocean of heated delight. She collapsed backwards, exhausted by the ordeal but radiating pure, near tangible bliss.

Another jolt ran through her flesh as the reptilian woman removed herself, causing Jenny to yelp at her own sensitivity.

"Like I said," Madame Vastra repeated after she'd reclaimed her tongue, "a light-weight. My turn's tomorrow, until then, rest."

Jenny could only offer up a weak nod and dopey smile. A little later, she fell asleep and dreamed of what exhilarating erotic adventures the coming days would bring. In time, all of them surpassed her expectations.

Though the house belonged to Madame Vastra, it became Jenny's in the years to come.


Reviews are appreciated! Stay tuned for my next two DW fics, "A Deeper Shade of Blue" and "Triumph of the Could've-Been King."