Heya all, so here is the first chapter of our new story we've been working on. It's pure fluff filled with the cuteness of the young Jack Hotchner (cause he is the cutest little boy ever!) We don't apologise for the fact that Hotch is not so straight faced in this, but only cause he's with his son and needs to let loose a bit ;) We hope you enjoy it, please review!

Disclaimer: we own nothing!

Friday Evening

The team had just worked three strenuous cases in a row, one after another with little sleep in between, and so to make it up to them, Hotch (with a little help from Rossi) had pulled some strings with Strauss and got them all a week off from work, including JJ and Garcia. The team deserved it after these cases, all were gruesome and the last had involved children, which always affected his team more. This was why it was important that they all got away from the gore and nightmares for a while and got a chance to take part in normal life away from the job.

"Hey Reid," Morgan yelled across the bullpen, leaning back on his desk chair with his hands behind his head. "What are you doing with your week of freedom?"

Reid looked up as he walked back to his desk holding a tray of coffees for the team and handing them out. "Well, I'm going to see my mom for a few days and then there is a lecture I want to go to in DC. What about you?"

"I'm staying with my ma and sisters and going to check up on the youth centre while I'm there too."

"Cool. JJ? Got any big plans for your vacation time?" She looked up from where she was discussing a case with Hotch to answer the question.

"Just spending as much time with my gorgeous family as possible. Rossi?"

"I am going to start writing my next book." Rossi announced to the group as he walked down the catwalk into the bullpen.

"What the whole time?" Spencer asked confused.

"Nah the rest of the time he will be looking for his next wife. The one and only, Mrs Rossi number four." Prentiss snickered earning her a glare from Rossi and laughs from her other team mates.

"What about you, Hotch?" Prentiss asked. "Any big plans with the Jackster?" Hotch looked up this time surprised at being asked about his plans, but happy to be included. His heart always warmed a little too with the affection that his team talked about Jack with, especially Emily. Jack was totally head over heels with her. All of their little family had helped out after Foyet, but none more than Emily.

"Actually yeah, we're staying at Rossi's cabin for a while. Taking over his little sanctuary." Everyone nodded their head in approval of this plan. Since the Foyet incident they knew that Hotch was trying to spend extra time with Jack and if anyone needed a break from the real world it was their fearless leader and their son. "What about you, Prentiss? What are you doing?"

"Yeah not another Sin to Win trip is it now Emily?" Morgan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope I am not doing anything. I'm just going to relax and spend some time reading books and chilling out in front of the TV with my two favourite men of all." Morgan smirked before Prentiss could explain. "Ben and Jerry, Morgan." She replied with a glare to Morgan and a smile forming across her face at the thought of a peaceful weekend alone. "What about you, Garcia? Doing anything special?"

"Well let's seeā€¦" the tech genius lead on sitting on the edge of Morgan's desk holding some files. "I am spending some time with Kevin over the weekend but he is still gunna be working so I'm doing my normal volunteering and some serious gaming." She announced quickly in one breath.

"Well baby girl you know if you get lonely you can always accompany me to Chicago." Morgan added flirtatiously.

"Oh I would be careful my vision," she countered "because you know if your mother and I got together there would be no stopping us." The panicked look that shot through his face caused mass hysteria among his colleagues and even Hotch broke out a dimple.

As the laughter broke down, each member began to get back to their work wanting to get everything done before they left for their week off. The team slowly began to file out of the building sharing goodbyes and wishing good holidays until finally Hotch and Emily were the only ones left. As Emily finished her final report she looked up at Hotch's office, his light was still on and as she glanced at her watch she realised it was getting close to Jacks bed time.

A knock on his door brought Hotch's thoughts away from his reports and the thoughts of his son being put to bed by Jessica again.

"Hey Hotch" the Brunette greeted after Hotch called for her to enter "How's it going?"

Hotch sighed "Slowly." He replied.

"D'you want some help?" she asked moving further into the room and sitting comfortably in the chair opposite his desk.

"No that's okay, I can manage." He said offhandedly.

Emily gave him a look as if to say 'yeah I'm not buying it' and so replied "Hotch, go home and be with your son, you have an early start tomorrow, what with going to Rossi's cabin, and I know you want to put Jack to bed."

"Prent-" He began putting up a fight

"No arguing Sir. I can finish off here. Go." She demanded

Hotch sighed and began to gather his things muttering under his breath "you know sometimes I query who the boss really is." This made Emily laugh while picking up his folders and heading down with him to the bullpen.

Before heading off he looked up at Emily sitting at her desk. "Hey, Prentiss." She looked up at her name. "Thanks. Have a good weeks rest."

"You're welcome sir, and have fun spending time with the Jackster." He smiled at her nickname for his son as he walked out of the office. She always seemed to have that affect on him, but he didn't question it any further, she was a friend of course she made him smile.

Now all he had to think about was spending some quality time with his son at Rossi's cabin, what could possibly go wrong.

We know its just an introduction, but what do you think? Please review :) next chapter will be up shortly