A/N: While trying to write chapter 4 for 'Only For You', this brilliant idea popped up in my head. I'm so proud of myself! ^^ Just don't ask. I'm in a really, really good mood today, 'cuz yesterday I thought sure I'd broke my PlayStation 2, but just an hour ago, I figured out that the switch was on channel 4 instead of channel 3. I'm SUCH a genius. ^^;; By the way, if no one knows, King's Island is an amusement park about an hour away from where I live. It's the one with that really big wooden rollercoaster, the Beast and the Son of the Beast? ...yeah, anyway... ^^;; Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own King's Island, or Weiß Kreuz. Yeah, that's right. I can't give you free merchandise. I'll...go cry now.

Warning: Uh...Farfisms. I like Farfisms. ^^ Everyone likes Farfisms...


"Farf, sit still!"

The Irishman fidgeted. "But I CAN'T! I'm too excited!"

Nagi sighed. "He's not gonna sit still, Schu. You know that."

The German rolled his eyes. "I shouldn't have told him about the Beast."

Farfie squealed. "THE BEAST!!!"

Crawford pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to concentrate on driving instead of the idea of tying down a certain psychopath to the roof of the car. "Will you all just calm down, please?! It'll be another HOUR until we get to King's Island, so PLEASE respect the need for SILENCE!!!"

"YEEE!!!" Farfie screeched as he spotted the ice cream truck speeding down the highway near them.

"God...why?" Schu sighed as he propped his arm on the window of the car.

The seating arrangement was thus: Crawford driving, with Nagi navigating; Schuldich in the back seat behind Crawford, and Farfarello in the back seat behind Nagi.

Crawford had taken them to America for vacation, knowing it was going to be a bad idea anyway. They were going to King's Island, an amusement park near Cincinnati, Ohio. Yes. Dear god, an amusement park. Like Farf needed any more amusement.

Farfie pulled on the seatbelt with his teeth, ripping it in several places. "Yai!"

"Damnit, Farfarello, THIS IS A RENTAL CAR!!!"

...As I said, like he needed any more amusement.

"These American maps are hard to read, Crawford-san." Nagi squinted at the map. "I think you're supposed to take a left at this exit..."

"Are you sure?" Schu grabbed the map from the prodigy's hands. "...hmm...iie, bishounen. You're suposed to take a RIGHT, not a left."

"Thank you, Schuldich." Crawford swerved into the lane for the exit ramp.

"See, bishounen? You should let ME navigate. Come back here and sit with Farfie." Schu grinned.

Nagi's eyes widened. He looked at Crawford. "Crawford-san?"

Crawford pushed up his glasses. "You ARE having trouble reading that map. Next chance I get, I'll pull over and you two can switch."

The car was quiet for a few minutes. Then...


Schu's head almost went through the window it was leaning on. He rubbed his ear. "OW! Goddamnit, Farf! Warn me when you're gonna yell!!!"

"But I DO!" Farfie whined.

Crawford sighed. "Schuldich, where's the next rest stop?"

Schu proudly took the map from Nagi. "Ano...2 miles, mein leibchen!"

"Really..." Crawford glanced into the review mirror, where Farfie was doing the potty dance sitting down. "..."

"I don't think he can hold it, Cap'n!" Schu said, saluting Crawford in a sailor-like manner and speaking with a bad Scottish accent. "He's about to breach the hull, sir! Request to shove psycho out the door, sir!"

"Oooh..." Farfie sighed as he thought of the feeling of asphalt embedded into his arms.

"FARFARELLO!!! You did NOT just piss in this car!!!" Crawford roared.

"Um..." Farf checked himself. "...no, I didn't."

"..." Crawford's eye twitched. "Schuldich, you do NOT have permission to shove Farfarello out the door, as much as he would probably LOVE to be pushed out the door..."

"Aww..." Schu pouted. "But--"

"Just...be quiet..."




"SHIT!!!" Crawford swerved out into the median and back onto the correct side of the highway. Gasping for breath, he leaned back in his chair, while Nagi turned the steering wheel with his telekinesis.

Farfie, stil doing the potty dance sitting down, giggled. "Near misses give God heart attacks. Near misses hurt God."