"Here," mumbled Robin as he gudgingly tossed a black bag onto the desk in front of him.
The dark, stale atmosphere around him fueled his anger and misery as he waited for a response.
"Excellent work Robin," replied a voice as a black glove reached forward and examined the object inside the bag. "I have to admit I'm impressed," continued the voice as its owner rose from its seat and walked forward. "You have surpassed my expectations. I didn't expect you to be this efficient, on your... 'trial mission'..." the voice continued as its owner stepped forward from the shadows and stood before Robin- Slade. "I believe you are ready for a reall assignment." He said calmly as he paced back and forth. "Who knows," he continued methodically. "A few more days and you might be able to handle my most challenging tasks..." Listening to Slade's lecture, Robin grew and angry and finally lashed out, trying to attack Slade. The two began to battle and throw each other around, fighting with intense fury. Robin grew more enraged and determined as Slade began to critique him and make comments; analyzing his every move. Then, just as Robin prepared to strike again, he was blindsided by a sudden blast of pain in his side. Crashing to the floor, Robin looked up at Slade in a heated confusion, wondering how he had managed to strike him so hard. Angrily, he sprung to his feet and prepared to attack again, when he was strangly struck again. Cringing on his hands and knees, Robin looked around trying to determine how he had been kicked a second time if Slade hadn't moved from his position in front of him; then suddenly he saw another shadow approaching from his right.

The mysterious shdow stared down at Robin as he pushed himself up from the ground, only to have his hands swiped from beneath him as the shadow confidently continued to walk past him. As Robin stumbled and pulled himself up, the attacker coldly looked back at him before walking over to Slade and proudly standing beside him. "Well done," praised Slade, looking down at Robin. As he continued to pull himself up, Slade introduced the assailant as Apollo- his first apprentice and Robin's new partner. Studiously, Apollo stared at Robin with a hostile gaze that bore an uncanny resemblance to Slade's. Angrily, Robin lowered his head in submission, accepting Slade's command. "I understand that this will be a, step up, from your original team of misfits; but I can assure you... it's for the best," Slade purred as he began to walk away. "I'll leave the two of you alone. Talk, strategize; with the missions I have planned for you two, you'll need it..."

The two stood and stared at one another for what seemed like hours. Teeth clenched, Robin studied his new 'partner'. Dressed in black, Apollo stood before him menacingly. With a sleek, ninja- like mask resembling Slade's, all but the thief's left eye was shielded from view; yet even with only one eye showing, the stare Robin felt remained just as deep, but strangely not as cold and empty as before. "Don't expect me to accept you or anything else here," Robin growled. "I will get out, and I will make Slade pay!"

"You say that now..."

"And I mean it! I promise you, I'll stop you, Slade, and his plans!"

"Huh, whatever..." mumbled Apollo, slowly turning away and in a confident manner. Just then, Slade returned with a new mission for his apprentices. The two walked forward together, only to be parted by their Master- claiming that they still weren't ready for a 'dual mission'. First approaching Apollo, he whispered something in his ear, then stepped back as the rogue strode forward and slowly disappeared into the darkness. He then moved on to Robin, "And now," he said menacingly. "I have a special mission for you..."