
The colonial settlement grew and prospered, after the Zeus had entered orbit of the planet two long-range Raptors had been sent back to the main colonial fleet, a month later, the colonial refugee fleet arrived at the planet named New Kobol, named that way in honor of humanity's birthplace, a week later President Laura Roslin signed the executive order that authorized the settlement of the planet, the Pegasus and two civilian freighters were sent back to the Colonies to salvage construction equipment and supplies to help on the new settlement, after six months of construction New Kobol City was founded, the planet had everything the colonials could ask for, the weather was perfect, and there was more flora and fauna there than in all of the twelve colonies combined.

Years passed and the Cylon Fleet searched every star in a thousand-light year radius of the colonial fleet's last known position, finding nothing after twelve years of searching for the colonials, the cylons just gave up on the pursuit of humanity, and left for a world to call their own.

Over the years the settlement grew, five years after colonization, Admiral Bill Adama retired and married Laura Roslin, Bill built a small-wooden cabin near a river in which he spent the rest of his days with Laura, after she finished her second (and last term) as president of the colonies, newly-appointed Fleet Admiral Lee Adama commandeered hundreds of salvage missions to the colonies, from which the Colonial Fleet restored three Valkyrie-class Battlestars and one Mercury-Class Battlestar which had been disabled during the attack, over the years the colonials grew in numbers, they knew the cylon threat was still out there, the Colonial Fleet grew massively over the next twenty years, massing sixteen Battlestars thirty years after colonization, New Kobol was surrounded by dozens of manned defensive stations which protected the five hundred thousand colonials of the planet from any threat.

Bill Adama died of old age being ninety-four years old when he met his maker, Major Gaeta, which had comed to visit his former mentor had discovered him and Laura dead in each others arms, both of them having died peacefully and above all, together, amazingly over forty thousand people visited their old leaders' graves and they will be remembered as the savers of humanity for the rest of history.

The colonials led by President Bill Keikeya and Admiral Lee Adama decided to sent an expedition in order to find the long-lost thirteenth tribe, the results of which are not yet known.

The End.

Thank you for reading this story, it was very hard for me to write this and I sincerely hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it, there is a sequel to this story titled 'Gone for Good' which deals about the re-emergence of the Cylon threat and renewed search for earth.

Thank you for reading.
