Oh. My God. It's the LAST CHAPTER!

Felling a bit sad now, but don't worry - I've already written the prologues for Watching ESB, and I'll put it up in the next couple of days!

Really hope you all enjoyed it :) Wanted to say an absolutely HUGE ENORMOUS GIGANTIC thank you to everyone who reviewed, favorited or added this to your alert list. You guys are brilliant! Can't thank you enough!

Please keep reviewing - The more reviews, the sooner ESB will be up... Also, I don't care if you are reading this story years from now, reviews will always be greatly appreciated!

Disclaimer: You should all know by now that I don't know anything. End of story!

May the Force be with you :)

"My scope's negative. I don't see anything." Holo Luke whined back to High Command.

"Oh my god, Luke." Leia rolled her eyes. "We weren't exactly being silly."

"Pick up your visual scanning!" Red Leader ordered. Just then, a whole squad of fighters came into view.

"Oh, there they are." Real Luke remarked.

"Watch it! You've got one on your tail!" Red Leader yelled as a TIE fighter began to fire on one of the rebels. He evaded it for a moment before being hit. He barely had a chance to yell that he was hit before his x – wing exploded. The Rogues winced.

"If you pick one up, watch it." Luke said urgently into his radio. Wes and Hobbie looked at him strangely.

"Um, Luke isn't that kind of obvious?" Hobbie asked, bemused. Luke glared.

"It's coming in tight. I can't take it." Biggs called to Luke.

"I'll be right there." He called back, examining his computer targeting screens as he locked his guns onto the TIE and fired. It exploded.

"Nice, but why haven't they shown us yet?" Wes asked, indicating himself and Hobbie. Luke shrugged.

"By the way, kid." Han remarked. "The uniforms are pretty strange looking. Maybe that's why I never joined up." Leia and Luke both elbowed him. "Ow!"

On the Death Star, Vader marched up to a pair of officers. "Several fighters have broken away from the main group." He told them. "Come with me." Luke winced.

On Yavin IV, Leia, 3PO and the rest of High Command still stood around the circular table, listening to the pilot's radio calls. Leia watched herself and bit her lip. Apparently, she hadn't concealed her fear as well as she had hoped. Oh, well. Too late to do anything now.

"Luke also looked terrified. "Watch your back, Luke! Watch your back!" Someone called through his radio. Luke looked around just in time to see the TIE fighter fire on him, grazing the side of the x- wing. Leia sucked in a breath.

"I'm hit, but not bad." Luke called. "R2, see what you can do with it. Hang on back there!" The droid looked around from his vantage point, green gunfire whizzing around him.

"Huh. I'd forgotten he was there." Lando commented. "He's been through a lot." Luke grinned proudly.

"Red Six, can you see Red Five?" Red Leader asked.

His reply was garbled. "Heavy fire. Red Five, where are you?"

Luke looked around frantically. "I can't shake him!" He yelled.

"Han, now would be a really good time." Real Luke asked nervously.

"Sorry, kid, you have to wait a bit longer." Han drawled. "It's more dramatic if I come in at the last second."

"I'm on him, Luke." Wedge came into view suddenly. Real Wedge grinned. "Hey, look, this is good!"

Luke looked terrified. "Blast it, Wedge, where are you?" He said to himself nervously.

Real Wedge glared at him. "Come on, Luke! Dramatic last – minute saves are a signature Corellian move." Han nodded in agreement.

Out of nowhere, Wedge came along, blasting the TIE to bits. Luke slumped forwards in relief. "Thanks, Wedge."

Real Wedge grinned excitedly. "Your welcome! Hey that was some nice shooting, wasn't it!" The other Rogues grinned at him.

"Nice shooting, Wedge." Biggs came over the radio.

The holo went back to High Command for a second as Leia's eyes closed in relief. Then they were back at the battle. "Red Leader, this is Gold Leader. We're starting our attack run!" Several y- wings turned towards the Death Star.

Suddenly, Vader appeared in a TIE fighter. "Stay in attack formation." He ordered. Luke jumped up.

"What? He was in one of those? He was trying to kill me?" He yelled in outrage. The others looked at him strangely.

"That would be why he survived, though." Leia commented bitterly.

The y – wings dodged heavy fire as Gold Leader led the way into the trench. The pilots caught their breath. "Switch all power to front deflector screens." He ordered. "How many guns do you think, Gold Five?"

"About twenty guns." Came the reply. "Some on the surface, some on the towers." Everyone winced in unison again.

"I still don't get how you managed that" Lando asked Luke incredulously.

"With a lot of help from us." Han replied for him.


Leia watched herself watch the diagram of the Death Star's flight path. "Death Star will be in range in five minutes." She swallowed.

Gold Leader pulled down another screen. "Switch to targeting computer." He ordered.

"What happened to him?" Lando asked.

"He froze up." Hobbie replied grimly.

Gold Two looked around in confusion. "The guns! They've stopped!"

Luke groaned. Gold Five looked behind them nervously. "Stabilize your rear deflectors. Watch for enemy fighters!"

"They're coming in!" Gold Two yelled. "Three marks at two ten!"

Darth Vader's TIE. "I'll take them myself." He ordered. "Cover me!"

Wes made a low growling sound. "If it hadn't been him in there, we would have had a whole lot more survivors."

Vader lined up his shot. There was a huge explosion as Gold Two was hit. Luke closed his eyes briefly.

Gold Leader was beginning to panic. "I can't maneuver!"

"He was good." Wedge commented sadly as he watched Gold Five attempt to calm Gold Leader. "Five, I mean." The others nodded.

Another blast of fire came from Vader's ship. Gold Leader's y – wing exploded. The people watching winced. Gold Five moved in to take his leader's position. "Gold Five to Red Leader. Lost Tiree, lost Dutch. "

"I copy." Red Leader yelled back.

"It came from behind –" He started to say, before his ship to exploded. Luke looked shaken.

An Imperial officer walked up to Tarkin. Their bridge was relatively quiet. "We have analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger." He said quietly. "Should I have your ship standing by?"

"You finally realized." Leia commented.

Tarkin looked horrified. "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."

The audience grinned. "Spoke to soon." Leia couldn't keep the hint of laughter out of her voice.

"Rebel Base in three minutes."

"I think we're going to turn up again soon." Chewie growled nervously.

Red Leader looked exhausted. "Red boys, this is Red Leader. Rendezvous at mark six point one."

"This is Red Two. Flying towards you." Wedge smirked. "I like hearing myself."

"Red Three, standing by." Biggs.

Dodonna went over to the comm. "Red Leader, this is Base One. Keep half your group out of range for the next run."

"Copy, Base One. Luke, take Red Two and Three. Hold up here and wait for my signal to start your next run."

"Has anyone else noticed that they are all acting like he's gonna fail?" Lando asked. The others blinked.

"No… But why does he know Luke's name and not mine?" Wedge asked.

The three x – wings flew in low over the Death Star, dodging heavy fire. "This is it!" Red Leader called.

Red Ten peered down the trench, confused. "We should be able to see it by now." He said uneasily.

"Keep your eyes open for those fighters!" Red Leader ordered.

"There's too much interference!" Red Ten sounded panicky now.

"Red Five, can you see them from where you are?" Red Leader asked. Luke looked at his screens.

"No sign of any – wait!" He yelled. "Coming in at point three five!" The others snorted. Luke went slightly pink, although not very much compared to the interesting shades of color he had been for the rest of the holo.

Red Ten looked up. "I see them." The small group of enemy fighters bore down on the rebels quickly.

Red Leader began the same approach Gold Leader had. "Target's coming up." He said grimly. "Just hold 'em off for a few seconds!"

"Close up formation." Darth Vader ordered suddenly.

"Almost… There…" Red Leader voice was tense. Wes, Wedge and Hobbie, seemingly caught up in the moment, bounced up and down in nervous excitement as Vader destroyed Red Twelve.

"You'd better let her loose!" Red Ten yelled. "They're right behind me!" Suddenly, he panicked. "I can't hold them!"

"No! Wes yelled, forgetting it was a holo. "Stay calm!" Just then, Red Ten screamed in pain as Vader's fire caught him.

"It's away!" Red Leader yelled as he fired. Stormtroopers and officers went flying as there was a huge explosion in the Death Star.

"It's a hit!" Red Nine yelled.

"Negative." Red Leader sounded exhausted. "It didn't go in. Just impacted on the surface." Holo Leia turned in horror and disappointment.

Meanwhile, Vader was very close behind Red Leader. Luke looked at his screen frantically. "Red Leader, we're right above you! Turn to point oh five! We'll cover for you!"

"Stay there!" Red Leader yelled back. "I just lost my starboard engines!"

"Oh, shit." Wes cursed.

"Get set up for your attack run!" He yelled, as he careened towards the surface, exploding against the Death Star.

"Com on. We have gotta come back soon." Han grumbled.

"What about your 'dramatic entrance'?" Leia asked him teasingly.

"Oh, yeah…"

A trumpet fanfare started to play as Luke looked around nervously. Wes made trumpeting sounds along with it.

"Rebel Base in one minute." Holo Dodonna put a comforting hand on Leia's shoulder.

"Hurry up, please, Luke." Real Leia groaned.

Luke spoke to Wedge and Biggs through his radio. "We're going in full throttle. That outta keep those fighters off our backs!"

"If only." Real Luke groaned.

"But hey, we destroyed it, didn't we?" Wedge told him. Luke grinned.

"Right with you, boss." Holo Wedge replied.

"Luke!" Biggs yelled. "At that speed, are we going to be able to pull out in time?"

"Be just like beggar's canyon back home." Luke assured him.

"What's beggar's canyon?" Lando asked. Luke started to reply, but Han cut him off.

"Tell him later. I'm coming back soon!" He told them.

The three x – wings had entered the trench. "We'll stay back enough to cover you." Biggs told him.

Wedge sounded worried. "My scope shows the tower, but I can't see the exhaust port!" He yelled. "Are you sure the computer can hit it?"

"Watch yourself!" Luke replied. "Close it up. We're going in full throttle."

Wedge gave him a look. "I'm officially declaring you mad, Lukie."

"What about that tower?" Holo Wedge asked.

"You worry about those fighters! I'll worry about the tower." Luke replied.

"Well, I was still pretty worried about the tower." Wedge grumbled.

The x – wings shot down the trench. Luke fiddled frantically with the controls. "R2, that stabilizer's broken loose again. See if you can't lock it down!"

Han snorted. "Hell of a time to fall apart."

Luke nodded in agreement. "Nearly as bad as the Falcon."

Leia broke in before they started arguing. "I doubt anything's as bad as the Falcon. Now shut up."

R2 whipped along, beeping to himself as he attempted to hold the loose part. "That droid of yours has guts." Hobbie commented.

"Really? He has guts? How did that happen?" Wes asked. Luke rolled his eyes at him. Holo Wedge glanced behind him as he saw more fighters come up behind them. He quickly warned the others. Before they had gone much farther, one of the officers scored a direct hit to Wedge.

"Damn! I hated this bit." Real Wedge said angrily.

"I'm hit! I can't stay with you." Wedge yelled over the comm.

"Get clear away!" Luke yelled back. "You can't do any good back there."

"Sorry." Wedge panted as he flew his crippled ship away.

"I still feel bad about that." Real Wedge told Luke.

Vader spoke into his comm. "Let him go. Stay on the leader."

"Well, that was nice of him." Wedge muttered sarcastically.

Biggs, now the only one protecting Luke, looked worried. "Hurry, Luke! They're coming in much faster this time. I can't hold them!"

"Any time now, Han!" Luke and Wes yelled at the same time. They grinned at each other. The two x – wings sped down the trench. Luke stared at his screen intently.

"R2, see if you can increase the power!" He yelled.

Biggs looked around at the TIEs. "Hurry up, Luke!" Then he saw Vader aiming at him. "Wait!" Too late, his ship exploded in a huge burst of red light. Real Luke sucked in a breath, looking away. The other rogues swallowed. Holo Luke had tears in his eyes as he bent over the controls with renewed energy.

On the Death Star, Tarkin watched the screen. "Rebel Base thirty seconds and closing."

"I'm on the leader." Vader growled.

"I wonder if he knew?" Luke muttered to Han and Leia.

3PO stood next to Leia." Hang on, R2." He fretted, making the audience laugh.

"He should have been a comedian." Lando grinned.

Luke pulled his targeting screen down. Suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere.

"Use the Force, Luke." Obi – Wan told him. Several people jumped. "Let go, Luke."

"Is he doing that Force thing again?" Han asked dubiously.

Luke nodded, grinning. "Watch this!"

Vader watched the lone x – wing. "The Force is strong with this one."

"So he didn't know." Luke muttered.

"Luke, trust me" Came Obi – Wan's disembodied voice.

"Exactly what is he asking you to do?" Lando asked.

"Act completely suicidal." Leia answered him as holo Luke turned off his computer screens.

"What are you doing!" Lando yelled.

"Trusting the Force." Luke supplied

"Getting very, very lucky." Wes said at the same time.

Leia stood in High Command, gripping the edge of the table. "His computers off." Someone said. "Luke, you switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?"

"His brain!" Han drawled.

"Nothing! I'm all right!" Luke yelled back.

"Gods, Luke." Leia grumbled. "You'd only been training for a day. You could've gotten the entire base destroyed!" Just then, Vader fired, hitting R2.

"Poor droid." Hobbie said.

"I've lost R2!" Luke yelled. Holo Leia looked terrified.

"Real confidence booster." She told him.

"The Death Star is within firing range." Someone said. A flash of fear came over Leia's face.

"Hurry up, Han!" Real Leia yelled.

Tarkin looked at his officer. "You may fire when ready." The officer began to ready the lasers. Leia gulped.

Vader finally managed to target Luke's x – wing. "I have you now!" He yelled as he began to fire. Then, out of nowhere, another shot came and destroyed his wingman. The audience erupted into cheers. "What?" Vader snapped.

Suddenly, Han's whooping face appeared. Lando, who had been looking confused, joined in the cheering.

"Thanks!" Luke yelled. Leia just grinned at him.

"Not quite so mercenary, eh, Solo?" Wes smirked.

Vader's remaining wingman looked around, seeing the Falcon coming towards them on a collision course. "Look out!" Just then, he lost control, veering straight into Vader's ship and exploding. Vader went spinning off away from the Death Star.

"Nice!" Several people yelled.

"You're all clear, kid!" Han yelled into his radio. Holo Leia looked up in shock as his voice came through their radio. "Now let's blow this thing and go home!"

"I have to say, that was one of my biggest shocks." Leia remarked dryly.

Just then, Luke fired. The shot went straight into the exhaust pipe – just as the officer pulled the trigger.

"Boy, I had no idea we came quite that close to being blown up!" Luke said, surprised. "Guess that was pretty good timing on my part."

Tarkin barely had time to look confused before the Death Star exploded. The audience burst into cheers again as the Falcon and the three remaining x – wings flew towards Yavin.

"Great shot, kid!" Han yelled from the cockpit. "That was one in a million!" Luke closed his eyes in relief. Then Obi – Wan began to speak again.

"Remember, the Force will be with you always." He told Luke.

Back in space, Vader's fighter finally stopped spinning randomly as he go it under control, taking off.

"Damn. Why couldn't I have just gotten him then?" Han grumbled.

The pilots landed their x – wings in the hanger bay, jumping out to meet the crowds of celebrating rebels. Leia ran to hug Luke first. He swung her around, laughing. Fortunately, the rogues were too busy celebrating to make awkward comments, which Leia was glad of.

"Hey! Hey!" Han ran up behind them. Luke practically jumped on him.

"I knew you would come back! I just knew it!" He half yelled, half sobbed.

"Luke, no offence… but you sound like a girl." Wes smirked.

"Well, I wasn't gonna let you take all the credit and get all the reward." Holo Han grinned. Leia ran to hug him.

"I knew there was more to you than money!" She yelled as he hugged her.

"Do I have to say it?" Wes grinned.

"Blame it on the adrenalin rush." Leia laughed.

Holo Luke suddenly looked up, seeing the mechanics lifting a battered R2 down from the x – wing. "Oh, no."

"I can't believe I forgot him!" Luke groaned. 3PO looked terrified.

"Oh, my! R2 can you hear me? Say something! You can repair him, can't you?" Leia tried to look serious but failed.

"We'll get to work on him right away." One of he mechanics said soothingly.

3PO was still worried. "You must repair him! Sir, if any of my circuits or gears will help, I'll gladly donate them!" Leia and the others burst out laughing.

"He'll be all right." Luke told 3PO as R2 was carried off. He, Han and Leia ran off towards the other rebels, Chewie following.

"I'm being a bit left out, here!" Chewie growled.

Suddenly, they were at the Awards ceremony. Han and Luke stood outside the doors, glancing at each other nervously as they slid open. They walked into the huge room of rebels, Chewie following. Leia and the rest of High Command waited at the other end.

"Wow, Leia, you look beautiful!" Lando said. He flinched slightly as Han gave him a look.

The three continued to walk up the aisle, Chewie randomly letting out a roar. Real Leia giggled. Holo Luke looked awed, and Han just looked - well, Han – ish.

The rebels all turned to face the front as they reached the front and climbed the steps towards Leia, who tried to look serious for a moment, but grinned. Dodonna handed her a medal, which she draped over Han's neck.

"I notice that we had to stay a few steps below you. Is that so you could reach?" Han asked. Leia elbowed him.

Holo Han straightened up again, winking at Leia, who smiled.

"What was that about?" Luke asked.

"LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!" All three rogues yelled simultaneously.

"I think he was just being Han." Leia grinned.

Holo Luke jiggled nervously as Leia picked up his medal. Real Han snorted. "Come on, kid, can't you keep still? You look like you have to go to the 'fresher." Luke blushed.

Leia put the medal around his neck. Both men bowed slightly to her before a beeping from the side interrupted them. Luke grinned as a fully healed R2 waddled forwards. Then the group turned to face the front as the rebels began to cheer. Han looked mildly embarrassed.

Chewie tilted his head back and roared as the uplifting horns in the background reached a climax and the holo finished.

"What?" Wes yelled. "That's the end?"

"No!" Wedge screamed.

"More!" Hobbie had joined in.

Chewie roared with laughter. "I got the last line!"

"I wasn't even in it." Lando grumbled. Luke, Leia and Han grinned at each other.

"So, that was actually kind of… informative." Leia grinned, thinking about Han and Luke's conversation.

"I just wanna know how all that was recorded." Han added. He raised his voice slightly. "Hey, Chewie! We need to check for recorders in the Falcon, ok?" The wookie barked in agreement.

Luke grinned. "That was a bit embarrassing, but fun." He said. "I just hope there aren't any more."

"Yeah, me too kid." Han agreed.