A/N: Hey all. So, I'm back again with another fic. This story is completely different than anything I've ever written. A lot darker, that's for sure. Just wanted to give you a couple warnings first, there is character death in this story. As well, at the moment the rating is T, but I'm pretty sure that later on the rating will go up. Also, there will be a lot of angst in this one.

So, I hope you'll all still read and let me know what you think.

Chapter 1: Death:

Another day, another case. There didn't seem to be much new in Hotch's life. This day he and his team were in Tampa Bay, Florida. It was hot and the case was bad. But everything else was pretty much routine. Case briefing in Quantico, followed by more brainstorming on the jet and then finally the meeting with the law enforcement officials in charge of said case.

He'd just finished assigning his team members to the usual tasks. Routine. Morgan and Prentiss to the most recent crime scene. Rossi and Reid to work victim-logy. He and JJ off to interview the last victim's family.

Hotch finished speaking with the lead detective and made eye contact with the pretty blonde, ready to be on his way. She gave him a small nod of assent and was approaching when his cell phone began to ring.

He pulled it out of his pocket just as JJ reached his side. She gave him a quizzical look as he eyed the Caller ID. His look matched hers as he said, "Jessica?"

Hotch didn't bother to move away from his co-worker as he flipped the phone open and put it to his ear.

"Jessica," he began calmly, ready to politely tell her he was busy.

"Aaron, oh God," she exclaimed frantically.

It was Hailey's sister all right, only he'd never heard her voice so frantic, so desperate, so sorrowful.

"What is it, Jessica?" he said willing his voice to stay calm, hoping it would rub off on his former sister-in-law.

Though, he felt anything but composed. His heart had begun to race at her three words. JJ gave him a worried look.

"Jack, it's Jack," she cried into the phone. "Oh God…"

He was sure his heart had just plummeted to somewhere in the vicinity of his feet.

"Jack?" he said his voice husky, thick with undefined emotion.

"Jack?" JJ echoed at his side. "Aaron, what's going on?"

He gave her a wave, indicating to just wait a moment, as he tried to get through to the crying woman.

"Jessica, tell me what's going on?" he said, not hiding his trepidation anymore.

"I'm so sorry, Aaron," Jessica sobbed. "I'm so…"

"What happened?" he shouted suddenly.

He could see JJ flinch at his tone. She didn't move away, though. She grabbed onto his arm, tightly. He could see the color had drained from her face too.

"There… there was an accident… the school bus…" she sobbed, choking on her words. "Oh, Aaron, I'm…"

"Is he… is he all right?" Hotch asked hesitantly, but he knew. He could feel it, and fresh tears on the other end of the line were his answer.

The phone dropped from his fingers to fall to the ground and smash into pieces.

"Aaron," JJ murmured at his side. She tugged at his arm, getting him to look at her. There were tears shining in her bright blue eyes. "Aaron, what's happened?"

Her voice was sorrowful. She looked at him so sadly. Oh God, what just happened, he thought to himself. Did that… was that even real?

Hotch glanced from JJ's tearful gaze to the ground where his phone lay in a million little pieces.


"I've… I've—" he stopped abruptly, surprised by the raw sound of his voice. "I've got to go home…"

JJ nodded. Tears slipping from her eyes, she took hold of his hand and led him right out of the precinct.

He didn't know where they were going, he couldn't see. He put a hand to his face and felt wetness.

"Oh God…" he murmured. "Oh God, my boy…"

Well that's it for now. Hope this first chapter was… interesting. I plan on continuing. Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds.