Hello there!

I decided to write a little story that's been on my mind for a while. It has tons of potential, and I need to work with a smaller story instead of feeling like I have to write 3,000+ words per chapter. I'll still update my other story, 'Rising Stars Can Fall Too'. It's just getting difficult to write so much with all of my classes.

I don't own Big Time Rush, or anything you may recognize. I just own Jade and this storyline. :o)

Anyways, this story is about Jade, James' sister. She's 17 and he's 18. (Just to clarify) On with the story!

"Mom, you can't make me," I said while trying not to freak out.

"I am your mother, and what I say goes!" she said back. I knew that no one ever told my mom 'no'. It usually made her blow up, and it was not pretty. But, I really just wanted to lock myself in my room and scream because of what she was suggesting.

"Why would you want me to stay with him?" I questioned.

"As you know, I'm leaving for Europe soon I can't take a 17-year-old with me!"

"Why not? And why can't I just stay alone?"

"I have too much work to do. And you need to spend time with James! You two used to be so close!" she said while patting my shoulder, trying to act all motherly.

"I don't want to even talk to James. I don't miss him, mother," I rolled my eyes.

"You know there's no truth to that. And don't you miss those other boys?"

"Those other boys left without saying goodbye, along with my brother! I do not want to be stuck with them!" I said starting to get angry. "It has been 2 whole years since I've seen, let along talked to them," I said giving her my 'I-can't-believe-we're-even-discussing-this' look.

"Sweetie," she said. "If I could take you, I would,"

"I'm 17! I'm old enough to graduate a whole year early, and I can't even stay alone at my own home?"

I was considered the smart Diamond of our family. My brother, James was the talented one. We were both exceptionally good looking. He was the one that boasted his good looks and used them to his advantage. I mean, I can't say that I haven't done that...but I have more self-control.

"You're going, and the plane leaves in 2 days," and with that she slammed the door to my bedroom

2 days. 2 damn days.

I think she could've let me get more prepared. I wasn't even packed, and I didn't want to go. I sat on my bed and sighed in frustration to myself.

I was planning on never talking to James again. He left when my mom, Brooke Diamond and I were traveling around the world, promoting her beauty products. When we got home, I want to Kendall's house and there was a for sale sign. So I went to Logan's house, and his mom filled me in on what happened.

James always thought that he'd be famous, and I knew he would. He had the determination, which I was always jealous of. I too loved singing as much as him, but I could never sing in front of people. James would sing every chance that he got.

I changed my cell phone number when I found out he left. I didn't want to speak to him, and frankly I was pissed.

I ignored Big Time Rush's music everywhere, plus their interviews. They were even in Pop Tiger from time to time, and I made sure to shred it. At one point, they were all in Minnesota for their tour. I locked myself up in my room and cried. I was always an emotional wreck after James left.

I couldn't decide whether I terribly missed him or not.


Two days later, I had sucked it up and packed my suitcase. There was no telling when my mom would want me to come back home.

She drove me to the airport in silence. It was snowing here in Minnesota, something that I grew fond of. Now I was headed to Los Angeles, where I was excited to tan everyday.

Our black Escalade pulled into the parking lot of the airport.

I opened the door and stepped out into the crisp, windy air. I smoothed out my purple hoodie and straightened out the black v-neck underneath. I was also wearing dark washed skinny jeans and purple Nike tennis shoes.

I grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk, and my mom was on the phone with someone as she got out of the vehicle. Business...


After checking in at the airport, I had a 15 minute wait for the plane.

She finally finished taking care of her business call and I spoke up.

"I'm leaving for LA in a matter of minutes. Can you make some time to say goodbye?"

I asked her.

"No need to use the tone with me," she said while hugging me.

"You know I was kidding," I said into her shoulder.

"I know," she said while pulling away and running her hand through my hair.

"Im gonna miss you," I told her with tears starting to form.

"Oh honey! It won't be long," she assured. "I promise that I'll call you and check on you,"

The speakers came on and said that my flight was now boarding.

"James has to be at the studio all day, so Mrs. Knight is going to bring Katie and come pick you up at LAX,"

"I really miss them," I said while looking at the floor. Mama Knight and I were always close, closer than me and my mom at least.

"I know you do," she nodded. "Now go board your flight! You'll be just fine, Jade,"

"Thanks mom. I love you,"

"Love you too, sweetie!" she said while waving goodbye.


The plane ride went fast, because I decided to listen to my iPod. Panic! At the Disco was my favorite band, so they were on repeat throughout the flight.

The pilot announced that we landed safely, so I unbuckled my seatbelt to grab my luggage.

I was in the front of the plane, so I was one of the first to get out of that plane.

I took a deep breath as I reached the entrance to the airport, where Mama Knight and Katie would we waiting for me.

A lot has changed since they've last seen me. I've grown a good 7 inches, standing at 5'10". I guess that I inherited the Diamond gene for height. My chocolate colored hair grew down to just above my bellybutton. I got my braces taken off about a year after the guys left, and I got well...curvier.

I peeked past the guy in front of me, looking for the Knights.

I soon spotted a familiar pair. I paused for a second to take it in.

Mrs. Knight looked just the same, with her red hair and fair skin. I noticed that she had small circles around her eyes. She was probably tired because of the boys being on tour, and all the stress that comes with a boy band.

Katie looked more beautiful than ever. She was 12 now, and she looked about the same, except for her height. She had gained at least 2 or 3 inches, standing at maybe five foot.

I dragged my suitcase over to them and they didn't even see me.

"Are you looking for someone?" I asked them with a small smile. They both looked up and smile huge.

"Jade!" they both squealed. We went in for a group hug and laughed.

"My, have you grown!" Mrs. Knight observed. "You're probably as tall as Kendall now!"

I laughed and looked down at Katie. "My little Katie's all grown up!"

She smiled and got out her gaming device. She began playing it like old times.

"Well, we better get to the Palm Woods!" Mama Knight said while taking my luggage.

Oh boy...

Thanks for reading! Please review, I'd really appreciate that. :)