Me: Yo! I'm back with chapter 10!

Kyo: Took you long enough!

Me: Don't get mad at me. I'm working on my schoolwork. Not to mention, I'm typing this on my phone.

Kyo: Whatever. And stop picking on me, damn it!

Me: But you make it so easy~! On to the chapter!

Kyo: Hey!

It had been a couple weeks, since Team 7 came arrived at Shigure's house and the three were getting along well. School was normal, except for Yuki and Sakura pulling pranks; driving the teacher insane and caused them to resign. Shigure tried to scold them, but it was hard to, when he was laughing from their explanations.

Now the gang was hanging out in the living room; with Sasuke and Yuki watching Kyo and Naruto play Street FighterxTekken and Shigure was reading the newspaper. Team 7 had changed their attire, so Shigure would stop picking at Naruto and Sasuke; and also, when they went out, they didn't draw unnecessary attention. Naruto wore an orange shirt, with the words 'I Love Ramen' on the front and tan shorts. Sasuke wore a simple black, short-sleeved shirt and jeans. As for Sakura, she wore a simple, red sundress and leggings that went to her knees. The girls were in the kitchen, making lunch and could hear the two loud-mouths yelling angrily.

"Come on Asuka, you're better than this!" Naruto shouted, as said character, he chose was being kicked repeatedly by Kyo's character.

"Ha! There is no way she can go up against Juri!" Kyo taunted, using Juri's ultimate attack. Naruto was getting frustrated and tried to switch his character with her partner, but Kyo got him before he could.

"Remind me again, why are we watching them play?" Sasuke asked, from his spot; which was lying sideways on the floor, in front of the table that Yuki was sitting at.

"I thought it was to see two idiots could do against each other, in a video game." Shigure chimed in, looking up from his newspaper and glanced at the two quiet boys.

"Oh right."

"SCREW YOU, SHIGURE!" Both Naruto and Kyo screamed, glaring at said man, who just laughed nervously. A sudden scream made the two look back at the screen, in time to see Asuka fall to the ground and Juri being claimed the winner.

"NOOOOO!" Naruto exclaimed, his jaw dropping in shock.

"YESSS! TAKE THAT RAMEN BOY!" Kyo exclaimed, throwing down his controller and then started dancing, as Naruto hung his head in defeat. Sasuke deadpanned at the two and shook his head, as Shigure was laughing. Yuki, who was silent up until Kyo started dancing, just chuckled quietly before getting up and walking over to Naruto, who was still sulking.

"Naruto-san, would it be alright if I played?" Yuki asked, making Kyo stop his victory dance and Naruto to stop sulking. Surprise was written all over Shigure's and Kyo's face. Normally Yuki, would just watch, even when Kyo challenged him.

'Whats with him? He's normally not like this, but since his sister came, he's been so out of character. It's creepy.' Kyo thought, watching as Naruto smiled and handed the controller, that the orange-haired teen threw down.

"Sure." Naruto said, and then turned to his friend, "Hey, Teme, come and play." At first, Sasuke was gonna refuse, but it did look fun. So he hesitantly held out his hand, as his blonde friend tossed him the remote and he caught it easily.

"Alright, let's get this over with." He stated, sitting up and the two chose their characters, as Kyo and Naruto sat on opposite sides of the two. Yuki picked Vega and Asuka as his partner, while Sasuke chose Jin and Cammy. As soon as the battle started, Naruto was cheering for Sasuke, while Kyo was cheering for Yuki.

-In the kitchen-

"They sure can be loud." Sakura commented, as she washed the dishes, while Tohru was setting up lunch, which was a simple fried salmon and rice. (A/N: I really don't go into much detail)

"It's not so bad; at least they're having fun." Tohru replied, "It's usually quiet, except for when Kyo and Yuki are fighting or when others come over." This made Sakura curious and turned towards Tohru, while she still did the dishes and asked who else came over; to which Tohru answered.

"Well, Haru and Momiji mostly; Kagura, Uo-chan. Hana-chan, Ritsu,
Kisa, Hiro, Kazuma, and Ayame."

"Nii-san?" Sakura asked, surprised and as Tohru nodded her head, the Sohma twin turned back to the sink; that was filled with soap and water and stuck her hands back in it, while thinking about something. Sakura was so distracted, that she didn't noticed that she grabbed a knife from the sink, until the blade sliced in her left palm and she recoiled in shock; letting out a short yelp.

"Sakura-chan, are you ok!?" Tohru asked, seeing her friend holding her hand and her face scrunched up in pain. As she grabbed Sakura's hand, to examine it, Yuki came running; with the other males close behind him.

"Is everything ok?" He asked, and then stopped, when he saw his sister's bloody hand and ran over to her, "Sakura-chan, your hand!"

"It's fine, Yuki-kun." Sakura tried to tell her brother, seeing the worried faces from everyone. Yuki just asked Tohru where the first-aid kit was and the brunette ran out the kitchen.

"No, it's not Sakura-chan. Here." He said, leading her back to the sink and turned the faucet on warm. She was gonna tell him that she could just heal it, but seeing the determined look on her brother's face, as he gently rinsed the blood off her palm made her go quiet. The others watched, as Tohru came back with the first-aid kit, just as Yuki finished rinsing the blood off and handed the box to him.

"You don't have to do this, Yuki-kun." Sakura finally said, while said boy dried her hand, opened the kit and pulled out the bandages. But he was so busy, bandaging up her wound, that he didn't notice her flushed face.

"There, done." He announced and looked up, at Sakura with a smile, "Does it still hurt?" Unable to say anything, Sakura shook her head, slightly and then her eyes widened when Yuki lifter her hand to his lips and lightly kissed her palm; which made her cheeks flare bright red, while everyone stared in shock, except for Shigure, who was taking pictures.

Pulling back, he looked at her again and she tried to say something, but suddenly the two felt something on their shoulders and Sakura looked to her left, while Yuki looked to his right, only to see a hand on both of them.

"Haha! It's nice to see love, blossoming through today's youth! Especially my dear brother and sweet sister!" A voice proclaimed and everyone stared at the owner; with different expressions. There stood a male, with long silver hair, yellow eyes and wearing a long red cloak.

"N-Nii-san?" Sakura asked, all traces of embarrassment gone and replaced with surprise. The oldest sibling just chuckled at her, while Yuki glared at him with cold eyes. Naruto and Sasuke were the only ones that wondered why the male was there, Tohru and Shigure and were happy to see him and Kyo was sorta pissed.

Me: Ok, I'm just gonna stop it there.

Kyo: What?! Why?!

Me: Because, I can.

Kyo: You're so lazy!

Me: I'll do the next chapter, damn! Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it. Please R&R!