I have no idea where this came from. It's just a random idea that came to me whilst cleaning my teeth last night. (Don't ask. I don't know myself.)

Ahh well. All oddities aside. Enjoy! (Or not as the case may be.)

Help! I'm Drowning!

Harry could feel the effects of the gillyweed beginning to wear off, the gills disappearing, his hands and feet returning to normal. It was too early; the blackness of the lake stretched around him in all directions, very little light could penetrate so deep. Realisation struck like a sledgehammer to the brain: he was going to drown.

He was panicking now, his hold on Ron and Fleur's little sister was weakening. He couldn't breathe. Water pressed in on all sides. The effort of holding his breath was making him dizzy and black spots appeared in front of his eyes. Slowly he fell into unconsciousness.

But, just before he sank completely into the blackness, he felt (or at least he thought he felt – his imagination was running rampant at this point) something large and slimy wrap around his waist.

Mutters spread like wildfire among the spectators. Where was Potter? The other champions had all returned. But it had been nearly half an hour since the transfigured form of Viktor Krum had returned from the lake with his hostage.

Suddenly, two long, sucker covered and highly dextrous appendages emerged from the water, depositing the two soaking wet and freezing cold, but very much alive forms of Ronald Weasley and Gabrielle Delacour onto the lake shore.

Moments later another long limb emerged holding the apparently unconscious form of Harry Potter high above the surface of the Black Lake. The limb then began to shake the boy up and down, expelling a large quantity of water from his lungs.

Waking up to discover oneself being dangled upside down and shaken very hard above a very deep lake was, as Harry discovered, not the most pleasant of experiences. Not to mention of course the fact that the entire population of the school was staring, probably open mouthed in his direction. In fact Harry wasn't entirely sure which was worse – the fact that he'd been rescued, or that the one that had done the rescuing was in fact the Giant Squid.