Cold As You by Taylor Swift

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the slooooow update, but I had some writer's block. :(

Oh, and I've been addicted to this site called Tumblr. The link is on my profile.

Disclaimer: Song belongs to the amazing Taylor Swift. Characters belong to the awesome Rick Riordan.

It was supposed to be their perfect day. She'd finally agreed to go on the date with him, and he was utterly ecstatic.

He would have canceled, had he known that she would be an emotionless brick wall. [Because she was terrified of showing him her emotions.]

Finally, as they reached home, he couldn't take it. He snapped. [Maybe it did hurt that he was angry with her.]

"What is with you?" he yelled, turning towards her, anger flashing in his eyes. [Angry that she doesn't feel the same.]

She looked at him, scarily calm. Her eyes showed him nothing – just the same amber pools he always saw. [The ones he still thought were completely beautiful.]

"What do you mean, Carter?" Her voice matched her mood, the same serenity he knew wasn't true. [She's broken inside, however much she stubbornly refuses to show it.]

"Why would you agree to go on a date with someone who you won't even talk to? Or look in the eye properly? Or act like you're happy to be with?" [Why is all he wants to know. Why she hurts him this way. Why he's not good enough for her. Why she doesn't love him]

[Because she's scared of saying something she shouldn't. Because she was scared her emotions would flicker across her eyes, even just for a second. Because she was scared of enjoying the happiness, then plunging into sorrow again.]

She simply shrugged as an answer, pretending not to notice the rain now falling from the angry gray sky, the clouds looking much like their tempers.

"I'm not what you wanted, so you just do what you want!" he accused.

[You're wrong, she thinks to herself. I do want you, but I'm not going to admit it aloud.]

"Say something!" he cried, clenching his fists. "Stop hiding behind those walls you've put up!"

[She won't stop hiding. It's the only safety she's ever known.]

"You don't give a single damn thing! It's so useless to defend this – you'll never feel the same!" [It's a lie, she does feel the same. Just not brave enough to admit it. She was gutsy, but when it came to feelings, she was a coward.] He turned around, tears mingling with the rain that slid down his face. She watched him walk away, standing there, still as ever. Almost like a lion or tiger waiting to pounce on her prey – but not sure if it was worth the risk. She might starve and die without it, but was it worth it? Wouldn't it be simpler just to die?

Maybe being so frigid had its disadvantages.

Oh, what a shame, what a rainy ending given to a perfect day...

A/N: Hope you liked it. :) I might update Simple Moments later.

Reviews are always welcome! ;)
