Yes, another random sad fic. I just feel...sad these days. So I write about it. :)


PS. Remembering Ms. Summers is a story someone wrote in a website called "TweenDiaires". It was really good, it's a shame they deleted it. :(

"Look at all the pretty lights, Darling. It's a shame they all went out..." -Madeleine S., Remembering Ms. Summers

Hollywood is a mean place.

They butter you up, and then break you down. One way or another, Hollywood will leave you crying, whether it's because of the little, or no privacy you get; the critics bashing on your very soul; or the media, the people, getting what they've been waiting for and finds a way to ruin the best relationship you ever had.

Well, Hollywood ruined my life. It made me an egotistical jerk. It made me lose Sonny.

I can't lie, winning the Tween Choice Award made me feel good, but…that was before reality came crashing down, and I realized that maybe it wasn't the best idea. The controversial "Channy Breakup" showing up on the front page of every newspaper and magazine reminded me that everyday.

It had been months since that break-up, and I can't even look at her without that feeling of pain coming over me. It was like someone punched me in the gut. There was also, as cheesy as it sounds, a small tug in my heart, and I can't help but stare at her and her Chuckle City buddies. She seemed so…content. And happy.

It was like she was over me.

While I, however, had a hard time just looking at the wallpaper of my phone or laptop because it was her photo.

It was like that first real crush. You can never tell them how you feel, so you just love from a distance and look away, hoping they didn't see you staring.

Hollywood is a mean place.

It takes no prisoners.

Review if you liked it please. :)

I was thinking of making a multi-chap... It's about Channy (of course) and Chad's trying to get Sonny back. Should I? Write the story, I mean. The only way to answer me is to review... ;) Or you know, you can PM me. Either way is good.

I am also making a writing contest, so please join. :D
