This is my version of Skip Beat! If you're looking for happy, cheerful, optimism then read the manga or my other (half-dead) fanfic! You will not find any of those things in this story! It is supposed to be dark and sad though not a tragedy! (Hate those...)


I do not own Skip Beat or any of the characters (well except some)! And I would like to thank the scanlation groups that translated skip beat (or else I would have no idea what each character was saying)!

Anyways enough chit-chat, just read already :)

Chapter 1: Take Off!

A long time ago, God created a box within every human being...This box had an infinite number of locks which could only be opened by the individual. Once God had placed a box in every individual, they are then born into the world. The contents of the box will always be hidden until the right moment unveils itself and the locks will be opened one at a time...

"Okay, well I'll repeat your order to you again. A double cheeseburger, medium fries and a bottle of cola."

A young cheerful woman who seems happy with her life... She lives in Tokyo, Japan independently.

"Plus a teriyaki burger, a fish filet and a cola. Is that right?"

With a smile the girl looked up at the customers in front of her. They nodded before handing her a few bills.
She was just tapping it into the register when someone grabbed her on the arm. She jerked her hand away instantly and felt the familiar tinge of fear.
Her co-worker did not seem to realize as she tried to catch her breath.

"Kyoko, I'm so sorry for being late! You can take a break now. Leave your shift to me!"

Kyoko smiled as she nodded and untied the apron from around her. She took one more glimpse at the already frantic worker before walking out the back door. There were a few people who expressed their gratitude to her as she walked past. Kyoko merely smiled at them. When she stepped out onto the street, she raised her wrist to check the time. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Damn, it's ten past five already! I'm going to be late to my next job at Darumayu!"

Immediately Kyoko took off running. The world around her became a blur when suddenly her feet fell from under her and she toppled head first onto the ground. Fortunately her hands braced the fall. She felt a sharp sting of pain on her left knee and knew there would be a bruise. With a sigh, Kyoko stood up with the help of a nearby pole.

"From now on, Sho is the only one for me!"

The voice caught Kyoko's attention and she turned her eyes to the side to see two girls standing in front of television screens. The screens were broadcasting a young blonde-haired singer with brown eyes. When the singer winked at the camera, the two girls squealed not noticing the girl who was drooling behind them.

"Oh, I recognize him! He's Fuwa Sho, the newest Tokyo heartthrob! All his albums have been selling lately!" The other girl said before a look of confusion appeared on her face.

"Hang on Cary, weren't you obsessed with Ren?" The girl called Cary shrugged. "I've converted to Sho! Besides, Sho is way cuter and a better singer!" Cary giggled while the other girl looked shocked and all the time they were both oblivious to the girl nodding fervently in agreement behind them.

"How could you say Sho is better than Ren? You cannot say that Ren is a worse singer than Sho! We have never even heard him sing before!" The other girl exclaimed. Cary merely rolled her eyes.

"Well it is obvious that Ren sings worse! I mean if he can't even publicly show his voice then it probably isn't even any good! Besides I'm all Sho now." Cary said with another giggle as she started walking away with the other girl arguing beside her.

Kyoko waited until they were out of her sight before limping towards the screens. The wink replayed again and Kyoko squealed to herself. "I am all yours, Sho~." Kyoko whispered as she giggled and raised a hand towards the screen. Suddenly she caught sight of the time on her watch and screamed. "Boss is going to kill me!" With her long orange hair blowing in her face, Kyoko quickly ran as fast as she could while ignoring the burning pain in her leg.

Fifteen minutes later saw her collapsed on the floor in one of the bedrooms upstairs of the Darumayu. Mary, the wife of the owner of Darumayu was patting Kyoko's back while holding a glass of water to her lips. "Your persistence really is impeccable, Kyoko but you did not need to push yourself that hard! A trip that would usually take forty minutes only took you fifteen plus you have an injured foot!" Mary said as she sighed and placed the glass on the floor. There were a few moments of silence before Kyoko unsteadily sat up and started pulling her hair into a side ponytail. Her leg had become swollen in the pants she wore.

"You will not be able to work like this, Kyoko." Mary said with a slight frown as she moved a hand to touch the swollen leg but Kyoko shuffled slightly backwards. "No, I can work..." Kyoko said weakly as she paused momentarily. "If I take even one day off, I will not be able to pay the rent."

Mary was silent at Kyoko's answer and she felt her heart ache for the poor child. "Is the place you live in so expensive ? You told me you have a few other jobs as well. Kyoko, are you living alone?" Mary asked. Kyoko immediately stiffened but did not reply.

After a minute of silence, Mary sighed quietly. "Well I guess it's okay as I'm sure you need it." She said as she glanced at the girl in front of her. "But whatever your reasons may be, coming to Tokyo right after middle-school, working all day without going to high-school, Kyoko there's something definitely wrong with that!" Mary exclaimed trying to keep her voice calm. She cared for the girl almost like a daughter. "An adolescent girl...with such dishevelled hair and skinny figure everyday...Kyoko, don't you want to try being like other girls and go shopping, do your hair and makeup?" Mary asked softly.

Kyoko felt a sting of pain that came not from her leg but her heart. There was a time when she believed in Cinderella stories and the like. It was her dream to become a princess. That was when I was younger...While growing up I found out that beauty cannot be obtained for free...Nothing is free...

Kyoko closed her eyes and leaned against the wall of the elevator as the doors opened at her floor. The night air sent chills down her spine as she stepped out. Arriving at her door slower than usual due to her leg, Kyoko realized that the lights were on and her heart started pounding loudly against her chest. Could it be...? Could he be home? Kyoko took a few deep breaths as she grasped the handle of the door tightly and turned it. My prince...

Kyoko immediately gasped when she saw the figure. "Sho~!" She squealed happily as she skipped towards him. He turned to her with a disgusted expression. "Don't yell so loudly! The neighbours will hear!" Sho hissed with a frown before turning back to the cupboard. Kyoko merely continued giggling. Sho and her were childhood friends. Ever since she was young, her mother would always find some excuse to leave her with Sho's family. They grew up together so Kyoko pretty much knew what made Sho click.

"Sho~, have you eaten dinner yet?" Kyoko asked taking a few steps closer. "Would you like me to make something for you?" She asked, dumping her work bag and a bag of groceries on the floor. "Why wouldn't I have eaten yet? Do you know what time it is? It's eleven already." Sho replied without turning around to face Kyoko.

He stood up and walked over to the fridge. It was then that Kyoko's stomach released its anger. She cringed in embarrassment and sneaked a glance at Sho who did not seem to notice.

"Why is there no beer in the fridge?" Sho asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Kyoko seemed a bit taken aback by his tone. "B-But I don't drink beer." There were a few moments of silence before Kyoko took a few more steps closer to Sho. "I tried calling you a few times but it always led to your voicemail...and you never tell me when you come home so-" Kyoko stopped mid-sentence when she saw the death stare that Sho threw at her over his shoulder. "Are you saying it is my fault then?" He asked angrily causing Kyoko to tremble slightly. She shook her head quickly. Once Sho turned his back to her, Kyoko heaved a sigh of relief.

So how was that?

It doesn't really give much hint to what lies ahead but just a heads up the first few chapters are just like the introduction so it might seem repetitive especially if you just started reading the manga

Btw I have already planned the way I want the story to go already so you can be sure this ain't ending for a long time! Practically it will end when Skip Beat the manga ends :P or I might have my own ending...depends :S This story will have a lot of changes yet it will still follow the manga to some aspects.

Please rate and review :D

P.S. About my other skip beat fanfic, I will be updating that in a few days but I have already lost all inspiration for that because it was something I wrote in the moment which is something I never do...I usually plan a story out in advance in case some ideas don't work.