A/N: I know this took way too long. The POV's are a little weird here. I bounce back and forth between Shepard and Garrus so I'm sorry if it's confusing. Enjoy.

One week later. The longest, most excruciating week of Shepard's life and she was finally healed enough to leave the Med Bay with orders from Dr. Chakwas not to over exert herself.

"Hurting yourself won't help Novie." Chakwas said handing the Commander a bottle of painkillers.

Shepard stayed silent. She had nothing to say. Nothing to feel. Her only concern being the safe return of her child.

She would gladly lay down her life, again, to get him back.

"Riley." Garrus nodded to her as he stepped into the elevator and selected the CIC.

"Garrus." Shepard replied standing at parade rest, her back straight and feet shoulder width apart. She knew deep inside that Garrus had done everything he could to help their son. That he was suffering just as much as she was. But in order to keep the rage bubbling just beneath the surface from erupting forth she opted to distance herself from everyone. Even her mate.

"Dr. Chakwas informed me to keep you out of combat for a while." Garrus said, shuffling next to her nervously.

"I highly doubt that this interrogation is going to require much physical exertion. Provided the bastard is smart enough to tell us everything he knows." Shepard replied keeping her voice even and forcing the sick pleasure she felt from showing. How she hoped he would resist. She wanted to beat the living shit out of something.

"Just be careful…please." Garrus set a talon on her shoulder and she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. She nodded once and shrugged his hand off. He stepped away with a sigh.

The doors slid open and Shepard stepped out. Her boots clomped heavily on the floor as she stalked calmly to the air lock. Crew members watched her stride by, fear shining in their curious glances. Shepard couldn't help the smirk that grew on her face. She must look like some sort of modern day Darth Vader, earning the fear of anyone she passed.

Joker looked back at her over his chair as she waited for the air lock to open. She glanced at him and he nodded. Give 'em hell for me. She smiled at him, letting the hate spill onto her features for a moment. That is a guarantee. The doors opened and Shepard stepped through, the calm Commander expression on her face once more. She barely acknowledged Garrus' presence at her back.

The turian in the holding cell was normal in every sense of the word. Nothing stood out about him. He was built just like every other turian she had ever seen, his dark blue plates were dull, the gray eyes staring straight ahead even more so. The only anomaly was the lack of clan markings.

Shepard's greens narrowed as she watched him recline back in his chair. The bastard had the gall to relax right now? The walls were going to be spattered blue when she was done with him.

Commander Bailey approached with a data pad in hand. "Garrus, Shepard, it's good to see you in good health." Bailey nodded at them each in turn, his gaze holding theirs for less than second before dropping. Words were unnecessary. It was obvious how broken they were. He held the data pad out, but Shepard shook her head.

She didn't want to know who this bastard was. If he had a family or friends. She refused to feel guilty about what she was about to do.

"We are not to be disturbed." Shepard said nodding towards the cell. "Leave the cameras on if you must, but do not interrupt. Spectre authority and all." Bailey nodded and Shepard got the impression that there would be some technical difficulties in the near future. Without another word Bailey unlocked the cell and Shepard stepped through with Garrus on her heels. For the first time since she learned of her son's capture she was glad to have him at her back.

"Of course." The turian shook his head when they walked in and a dry chuckle escaped his throat. "So who's good cop and who's bad cop?"

"Sorry." Garrus said, his subvocals flanging slightly with barely contained rage. "We left all the good cops outside." He turned and locked the door while Shepard took up post behind the prisoner. He shifted slightly, the action revealing how uncomfortable he was with her being out of sight or Garrus' comment. Probably both.

Garrus met Shepard's eyes over the turian's head. Some unspoken message passed between them and he stepped up so that he was less than a foot away from their captive.

"Who do you work for?" He asked, clasping his hands behind his back to keep from beating the answers out of the turian scum.

"Don't you even want to know my name?" The blow was lightning fast. If there wasn't blood dripping from the turian's nose and Shepard wasn't suddenly standing at his side rather than behind him Garrus wouldn't have known anything had happened.

"I don't give a flying fuck who you are." Shepard growled her teeth clenched so tightly it was painful. "Answer our questions and you might leave here with all of your limbs attached. Doubtful, but it's a possibility."

The turian coughed, blue blood soaking into his under suit. "Got yourself a keeper here, Vakarian." He said. Garrus' hands clenched behind his back, but Shepard let another fist fly and he thought he heard her break the sound barrier before a crack split the turians left brow plate open and blood oozed into his eye. He groaned and his head fell back against the chair.

"Two strikes, fucker." Shepard said. "One more and you're gonna lose more than a little blood." Garrus' mandibles went slack in shock. He thought that he had seen all sides of his mate, but blatant torture was something he hadn't thought she was capable of. She never ceased to surprise.

Shepard raised her arm again when she decided he'd been quiet too long. "Alright!" The turian yelled desperately. "Spirits…just don't hit me again." He coughed and shook his head in an attempt get the blood out of his eye. Shepard and Garrus were more than happy to ignore his discomfort.

"Start talking, Cuttlebone." Shepard kicked his chair as she passed and stood next to her mate, arms crossed and one hip cocked to the side. Garrus forced himself not to be offended at the term.

"I work for a group of people that are…interested in your son." The turian said still attempting to shake the blood off his face.

"Interested how?" Garrus asked after deciding that his mate was going to let him do the talking.

"Multiple reasons." He replied. "Mostly how his conception was possible!" The turian added when
Shepard let loose a growl that was menacing even by turian standards.

"So, you fucks want to know how a human and a turian reproduced?" Shepard spoke this time, fury rolling off her in hot waves.


"I know I'm one of the smartest people in the galaxy by far, but did the option of asking us even cross your twisted little minds?"

The turian paused at her question taking a moment to really think it over. "I…well I'm just a grunt. I don't really know what the reasoning was." He shook his head again. "We were given orders and we followed them." Shepard let out a bark of laughter that had both turians staring at her in shock.

"Well, aren't you just the fucking turian poster boy." Shepard strode forward with a sneer, her steps echoing loudly in the room until she was leaning over him with her hands braced on his cuffed ones. "Where's the base?"

"Omega." The turian gasped out, terror obvious in his subvocals. "I don't know anything else I swear." His mandibles tightened against his face in preparation for another strike.

"Then you are of no use to me." Shepard pulled her pistol and before Garrus could reach her she fired.

The turian stared disbelievingly at the hole in his chest before his body seized, blood coating the chair and floor. Garrus stared at his mate as she watched the turian die. Not moving until his body stilled and his eyes gazed lifelessly ahead. Then she stepped out of the room like she hadn't just killed someone.

Not the walls, but close enough.

-A/N: So that was incredibly fun to write. Guess that speaks volumes about me, huh? Review and stuffs. I like feedback.