Author's Note; Yeah I know, I work fast... No life lolz. Anyways, since I had so many amazing reviews and so much encouragement in my last story, I decided to continue Lexi's journey as a Power Ranger! And oh yeah, she still has Alyssa, who is now Twelve years old.

"Now, Alyssa. You start school tomorrow too, start getting your books and stuff ready." Lexi frowned to her little sister; "You have to make an impression when you first go back."

"I liked Hollywood better than this place." Alyssa frowned; "Why did we have to move in the first place?"

"Because, after all of that music and recording and concerts both you and I need a break." Lexi laughed; "And Reefside is a nice little place. A lot like Blue Bay too."

"Are we ever going back to Blue Bay Harbor?" Alyssa asked.

"Do you want to?" Lexi wondered, stopping from putting her books away for her first day of school tomorrow.

"Well yeah, kind of." Alyssa pouted; "It was our home."

"Keyword- was." Lexi pointed out; "It's time to change things Alyssa, but we will go back one day, I promise."

"Pinky swear?" she asked, holding up the little finger.

"Pinky swear." Lexi giggled; "Now go get your stuff ready, I'll come and tuck you in for bed."

"Are you a mom or are you a sister?" she laughed; "You do too much of both."

"Just go." Lexi rolled her eyes playfully. Once the little sister was gone Lexi turned to her makeup kit. A new year needed a new look so no one could recognize her as a Rockstar... or as a Wind Ninja. She began playing with her hair and picked something that looked good, but stil had a touch of her in it. She finally decided on one; "Emo look."

She walked into her little sister's room and Alyssa looked at her; "Why do you look like that?

"I just thought it was time to change a few things." Lexi shrugged; "Listen, you have afterschool programs in your school tomorrow. Stay there until I come pick you up alright? You're not old enough to stay home alone."

"Alright Lexi." Alyssa nodded as she slowly fell asleep. Lexi squeezed her hand and went back to her own bedroom.

"At least this time I won't get sucked back into wearing the Spandex." She thought to herself before she closed her eyes.

Doctor Tommy Oliver walked the hallways of Reefside High School and finally met the new Principal.

"Doctor Oliver, I'm Principal Randall." she introduced herself.

"Oh it's nice to meet you!" he answered, putting his hand out so she could shake it, but she just looked at it and moved on; "It's uh, your first day too isn't it?"

"Yes, and I'm still trying to figure out why a Doctor of Paleontology would come all the way to Reefside to teach Science to teenagers." she said cocking her head slightly.

"I guess I'm looking for some peace and quiet." Tommy shrugged.

"So you became a High School teacher." She smiled fakely; "That doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, does it Doctor Oliver?"

He changed the subject hastily; "You know I was thinkin... we should get together. This way you can fill me in on what you expect of me."

"I expect you to make it hard for them, painfull if at all possible." She smiled nastily; "If they smile you know you're doing something wrong. Now, I'm off to find my first thing... we'll talk later."

He walked into the classroom to see paper planes flying everywhere and students running around the room; "Guys, settle down! Take your seats please!" They calmed down and looked at him; "I'm uh Doctor Oliver and this is first Period Science. Before we start are their any questions?" A hand shot in the air; "Yes?"

"Cassidy... Cassidy Cornell." a blond girl smiled; "Doctor Oliver, as you may know I'm the anchoring field reporter for out school T.V station."

She would have continued speaking, but the door creaked open, and in came a girl wearing Black jeans, an Orange shirt with her blonde hair straight but bangs flying over her forehead, and her makeup lightly done.

"Name please?" Doctor Oliver asked.

"Alexandria Fernandez." she said; "Sorry I was late. I have a twelve year old sister with separation anxiety."

"Just don't let it happen again." Doctor Oliver warned her, and she took a seat next to another, dirty blond girl wearing yellow clothes.

"Hi." the dirty blonde said awkwardly; "My name's Kira."

"It's nice to meet you." she replied; "Call me Lexi."

Doctor Oliver pointed to another empty chair; "Is... someone missing?"

Conner dribbled the soccerball in the air and kicked it into the poorly guarded net; "Dude you're supposed to try and stop it."

"You sure we're not gonna get in trouble for this?" the goalie complained; "I mean, the bell rang and it's the first day."

"Look, if anyone says anything, tell them Conner McKnight gave you permission to be out here." Conner smirked.

"Yeah but I heard the new principal is crazy. She worked in a prison or something before she came here." the goalie said nervously.

"Don't worry about Randall." Conner said; "She's a woman! And women are just grown up girls." The goalie gave him signs to shut up; "Need I say more?"

"I think you've said quite enough Mr. McKnight." Principal Randall said from behind.

Conner pasted a smile on his face and spun to face her; "Principal Randall! I have heard such great things about you."

"Vicious rumers I can assure you." She relpied grimly; "Go." She turned to the goalie in a hateful manner; "What're you looking at?" She kicked the ball so hard he fell to the ground clutching it to his stomach; "Now get back to class!"

Ethan and his friend snuck into the garden shed; "All clear. Okay, check this out. I wrote a program that generates a code, so the sprinklers go off different times every day."

"I wanna know,
Know where you're at.
I'm at the front,
But you're still at the back.

Oh can you tell me where,
Tell me where you're at.

Freak you out,
Freak you out,
Freak you o-out.

Freak you out,
Freak you out,
Freak you o-out.

Principal Randell, hearing the song approached her; "Miss Ford, I'm afraid you need written permission to perform at school grounds. Let's go!"

"Are you aware that kids who play an instrument have a fifty percent higher chance of getting into college?" Kira asked innocently.

Randall looked at her; "Well, you're hardly college material now are you Miss Ford? Now come with me."

As they were walking they saw Alexandria, leaning on a wall and gazing into the sky while talking into her phone.

"Miss Fernandez, cell phones are strictly prohibited on school grounds." Principal Randall hissed.

"I'm really sorry Miss. My little sister Alyssa's teacher called me to make sure I am Alyssa's only guardian." Lexi explained.

"I don't care if you were talking to a teacher or to a President. Cell phones are not allowed." Principal Randall snapped; "Come with me."

"Man, detention already?" Lexi huffed under her breath; "New record." The sprinklers went off, drenching everyone in water.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Kira exclaimed; "This is just great."

"Took me forever to get my hair and makeup perfect this morning." Lexi sighed; "Oh my life."

Principal Randall looked around to see who set the sprinklers off; "Ethan James! I should have known."

"Sit." she barked to the four teenagers, and so they did.

"Principal Randall, I'd just like to mention the fact that there's absolutely no hard evidence linking me to that unfortunate sprinkler incident." Ethan said hastily.

"Save it for Judge Judy Mr. James. The four of you have detention." Randall said; "For one week, starting today. Now if there are no further questions."

"I have rehearsal." Kira objected.

"I have computer club." Ethan said.

"But I have to take care of my sister!" Lexi squeaked.

"I didn't think so!" Randall spat, walking into her office.

"Okay, somebody seriously needs a hug." Kira smirked.

Conner then looked at Ethan; "Dude, computer club."

Lexi saw her hands steaming and shook them rapidly; "Great, my hair and makeup is ruined, I have detention, and now my hands are steaming. Amazing first day of school."

"Doctor Oliver, how was your first day?" Randall asked as she spotted Tommy.

"All the kids were great, no problem." Tommy nodded.

"Good, you're gonna be seeing a lot more of them... in detention." Randall told him.

"Mind telling me what I did?" Tommy asked unsurely.

"No, you're in charge of it today." Randall rolled her eyes.

He thought about it for a minute; "Uh no actually I have plans to go to a museum outta town-"

"Perfect! Take the little monsters with you! That should be sufficent torture for them." Randall beamed; "You've all met I trust? Well, enjoy your little outting."

Tommy looked at them, slightly disappointed; "So, you guys like museums?"

"My old school was like a museum." Lexi said, remembering the Academy and all the scrolls; "So yeah, I'm down with going to a museum."

"Woah! Check out the T-Rex!" Ethan exclaimed. They walked to the museum seeing a closed sign.

"That's weird." Tommy noted.

"Ah well, no museum for us." Conner shrugged.

"Great, lets go home." Kira said.

"Aw, I like learning about the past. I wanted to learn about the Mammoth." Lexi frowned.

"I'll tell you what. I want you guys to have a look on the grounds. If any of you guys find anything prehistoric I'll cancel detention for the rest of the week." Tommy told them; "Ima see if I can find somebody who can tell me when they're opening up."

As they were walking Conner turned to Ethan; "So let me get this straight, they have a club just for computers?"

"Oh for crying out loud. Yes there's a computer club, leave the kid alone!" Lexi said angrily.

"In case of emergency call Anton Mercer industries." Tommy read from a board on the door; "Anton Mercer? That's impossible."

"Hey, did you guys ever hear the story about the guy who was hiking up here and fell in a Giant sink hole?" Ethan wondered.

"Must have missed that one." Kira said, not even bothering to care.

"Sounds like something from the older Pokemon shows when Team Rocket dug out the holes and Ash fell in." Lexi thought to herself; "In any case, no I haven't."

"C'mon, it was on all the Urban Legend websites." Ethan shook his head.

"Dude, you know this isn't computer club right?" Conner asked.

"Oh, I guess you're too big and bad to surf the web." Ethan rollecd his eyes; "Well what do you do in your spare time?"

"Me? I go out with girls... You know, there the ones at school that smell really good with the long hair and the makeup." Conner said, looking at Lexi.

"Oh its like that is it?" Ethan glared.

"Yeah, its like that." Conner replied.

"Whatever." Kira huffed walking away.

Lexi hung back behind them all; "This forest is amazing! Its even better than the one in Blue Bay!"

"All I'm trying to do is give you guys a heads up." Ethan said; "Stuff happens out here. Just don't come crying to me when you fall in a giant sinkhole."

The ground underneath their feet gave way, and the four teenagers fell into... a giant sink hole.

Tommy was beginning to walk back to his car when he noticed the model T-Rex was missing; "Where'd it..." He continued walking but turned to see his was facing the T-Rex, but it was alive! He kicked the T-Rex in the snout and ran to his jeep. He closed and locked the doors when he was inside; "Great yeah lock the door Tommy real good." He spun into reverse and drove away witht the T-Rex on his tail.

"Alright, you guys... stay here where it's safe. I'll climb up and come back with help." Conner advised the other three. He started climbing up but the rock he was holding broke off, and he fell backwards.

"Back already?" Ethan wondered.

"Alright, let me try now." Lexi said. She started climbing where Conner did but jumped over to the other side of the sinkhole and grabbed on, and kept climbing till she reached the top. She fell backwards as well, hitting the floor; "At least I climbed higher than mister Soccer star."

"Freak you out, freak you out, freak you out, freak you o-out." Kira sang softly.

"Babe, can you keep it down? I'm trying to stay focused here." Conner shushed her and continued walking.

"Did you just call me babe?" Kira asked as he walked away. She turned to the other two; "Did he just call me babe?"

"I don't know, I wasn't listening. I was too busy grooving to your tune." Ethan retorted.

"Yeah, he did." Lexi nodded. Kira walked to Conner.

"What? Just chill out why don't you." Conner said, noticing her glare.

"Listen, my name is Kira." She snapped; "Maybe you should write it on your hand or something so you can remember."

"And just as a heads up. I know Martial Arts. Call me babe and I will chop you into pieces." Lexi warned him. They kept walking further down and found a dino skeleton on the wall.

"This screams Jurassic Park to me." Kira said.

"This will get us out of detention forever." Conner smirked.

"Do you think you should-" Kira began as Conner opened the Skeleton's mouth.

"I'm not getting a good vibe about this place." Lexi said. The wall opened into looking like an indoor control room; "Cam would love this place!"

"Woah!" Ethan gaped.

"I could do a crazy video in here." Kira smiled.

"Me too. Totally screams Rock." Lexi agreed.

"Woah, haha, this must be like the mother ship for you dude." Conner chuckled, patting Ethan on the shoulder.

"Normally I'd be insulted... but when you're right you're right!" Ethan beamed. He noticed that on a giant black rock were four smaller ones of Red, Yellow, Blue, and Orange... and so did Conner; "No! Don't touch that!"

"Why not?" Conner shot.

"Cause they already belong to someone probably." Lexi srugged.

"You're really taking this dumb jock thing to a new level." Ethan smirked.

"Look, I have sat through enough lame science classes to know that thing looks fully prehistoric." Conner said; "And I don't have to miss practice."

"I hate to agree with him. Really, I do. But I already missed one rehearsal." Kira frowned.

"And I have a little sister who I was supposed to pick up ten minutes ago." Lexi added; "I need to get out of here." The four grabbed stones of their colors and they began to glow; "Thats cute."

"Well, what are they?" Kira asked.

"I can go online later and see if I can find out." Ethan suggested.

"You in front of a computer... wait, let me put on my surprised face." Conner laughed. Lexi thumped him on the back of his head.

"You know, ten years from now when your hair line's receiting and you're playing pick up soccer in the park because your dreams turning pro never quite worked out." Ethan began smiling; "I'll have my own multi million dollar software business." Kira began to walk away; "Where you going?"

"I don't want to think about what kind of freak lives in a place like this... and I sure don't wanna be here when it comes home." Kira said, walking out.

"Right behind you." Conner agreed and he and Ethan walked out.

"Something familiar about all this." Lexi said to herself.

"This way!" Ethan instructed. The four of them ran out and found themselves in a forest; "A compass, I need a compass. Anyone have a compass?"

"Ugh, and I was gonna bring one." Conner replied sarcastically. They felt a sharp breeze.

"What was that?" Ethan asked.

"The wind?" Kira wondered.

"I know the wind, and that isn't it." Lexi said; "Who are you and what do you want?" Just then lizard creatured popped up from the ground.

"Don't move." Conner advised them.

"Great idea, make it easy for them." Kira said through gritted teeth.

"Then, Run!" Ethan shouted, and the four fled.

"At least this time won't include spandex." Lexi chuckled. They leapt over a large gap but Kira fell in and they had to get to her before the creatures did.

Kira fell again and turned to scream at the creatures, blasting them away. The three others covered their ears.

"Help her up." Ethan said, they lifted her to her feet; "What was that?"

"I have no idea." Kira admitted, the gem in her hand started to glow and she heard a smaller scream coming from within. More creatures ran for her, but this time instead of run she faught back.

A few yards away Ethan was about to get slashed by a creature, but he held his arms out in front of him, and they acted as sheilds and the creature flipped backwards. He noticed the blue gem glowing; "Something's happening to me." He smiled and got back into fighting.

Conner felt his gem glow as well and soon everything was moving slower and he was moving faster; "Woah! Everything's so slow!" He took out the creatures in no time.

At last it was Lexi's turn. Her Orange gem was glowing; "Ah, I missed this." She faught the creatures but felt herself being outnumbered. Suddenly, an identical clone popped up; "Multiplication, I can get used to this."

They regreouped. Ethan held out his gem; "Yo, how much do I love detention?"

Tommy spotted them and ran to them; "Hey! Are you guys alright?"

"Yeah, couldn't be better." Ethan nodded.

"Nothing out of the ordinary happened?" Tommy wondered a bit suspiciously. Lexi finally realized who he was... Tommy Oliver, legendary Power Ranger.

"Nah, just your routine hike in the woods." Ethan shook his head; "Lots of furry little creatures."

"And a few scaley ones." Kira added under her breath.

"So you uh, get into the dino exhibit?" Conner asked.

"Uh... still working the kinks. We better get you guys back." Tommy said pointing to his jeep; "Come on."

"Don't you guys think we should tell him?" Kira hissed.

"I don't know about you, but I've got over a thousand Sci- fi DVDs. You wanna know how many times the dude with the superpower ends up in a goverment lab lying on a table with wires on his head?" Ethan shot.

"Even I know that." Conner agreed.

"You do what you want, I have something to ask him." Lexi said, brushing past them.

"Are you guys coming?" Doctor Oliver asked.

After getting Conner, Ethan, and Kira back to school Lexi picked up Alyssa and went over to Doctor Oliver's house.

"Did you need something?" He asked.

"I know who you are." Lexi said out of the blue.

"I do too. Doctor Oliver." Tommy chuckled.

"Don't lie, I know my Ranger history." Lexi rolled her eyes.

"What is this about?" Tommy asked.

"How did you..." Tommy wondered; "Were you a Ranger before?"

"Lexi Fernandez, Orange Wind ranger and Orange Elemental Ranger." she introduced herself. She held out the Orange Gem; "And by the looks of it, I'm a Ranger again."

"Let's go downstairs to the control room and talk about it." Tommy nodded, he looked at the little girl; "Does she know?"

Lexi nodded; "I had to tell her, she's my baby sister... and if anything happens to me se goes back into Foster Care."

They were talking about the Powers downstairs in the Control Room when Conner and Ethan climbed down the stairs; "Are you freaking out right now?"

"Yeah, I'd have to say I am." Ethan nodded.

Doctor Oliver and Lexi stood behind them, Alyssa doing homework at the desk.

"If you're looking for extra credit, you're in the wrong place." He smirked.

"Ah, Excellent." A lizard king hissed, standing over Kira's head.