WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content.

DISCLAIMER: Avatar: The Last Airbender, and I do not make profit off the characters or settings I use in this story. They belong to Bryan Konietzko, Michael DiMartino, Viacom, Nickelodeon, and all of those other people

"Aang?" Zuko said, loud enough for Katara to hear.

"Yeah?" said Aang.


Katara leaned in closer, being careful not to make a sound. The hint of doubt in Zuko's voice hit her with a sudden nervousness.

"Tell me," said Aang, rolling off of Zuko and sitting up beside him in front of the campfire.

Zuko sat up and rubbed the back of his neck. "What about Katara?"

Katara literally stopped breathing. Her fantasies disappeared like dust in the wind. It was as if this wonderful night of love and passion suddenly didn't matter. Katara had interrupted Aang and Zuko. She hadn't stepped out to stop them. They didn't even know she was only a few yards away. Her connection with Aang still found its way in. Katara wondered why she didn't feel even the slightest hint of relief that she had been remembered. Before Aang even said anything, she knew she was only holding him back at this point. Something she never even would have imagined just an hour earlier.

"Are you saying we can't be together?" asked Aang.

"I just know that Katara means a lot to you and—."

"She does." The two boys sat side by side, but neither of them looked at the other. They both kept their eyes on the slowing dying fire in front of them.

"Have you two ever…?"

"No," said Aang with obvious disappointment in his voice.

"So before tonight you'd never—."

"Why? Have you?" Aang looked over at Zuko. "Didn't you have a girlfriend before you joined us?"

"Yeah…" Zuko picked up a twig on the edge of the fire and threw into the flames.

"So you and her…"

"Yeah," said Zuko rather abruptly. "She was my first…and only, until you."

There was a long silence. Katara couldn't read how Aang was feeling, but she personally felt like some of the magic had been lost. The idea of the reserved virgin prince opening up, sexually and emotionally, to the young virgin Avatar was no longer a reality. Their relationship was still beautiful and unexpectedly romantic, but Katara's admittedly selfish embellishments were stripped away. She didn't want something like this to bother her, but it did. The thought of Zuko losing his virginity with Mai didn't have the spark that she'd witnessed between him and Aang.

"That's not fair for me to judge," she thought to herself. "Why should I assume his relationship with Mai was any less meaningful than Aang's relationship with me? Just because Aang and I never…" She suddenly wished she had. Why hadn't she shared that experience with Aang? There had been so many chances. "That doesn't matter now. None of it does. It's Aang and Zuko now…"

Zuko finally broke the silence. "She never did that to me before though."


Katara understood immediately, and she smiled at Aang's adorable confusion. Assuming Zuko was telling the truth, her little Aang had pleasured Zuko in a way that no one had before. She clasped her hands together and pressed them against her chest. Her giddiness wiped away her guilt and disappointment.

Zuko nudged his head back towards the water as a hint. Aang suddenly understood.

"Oh. Well… It was nothing. It just seemed like the natural thing to do. Because y'know…it's the sort of thing I'd want someone to do to me."

"I guess it's not fair that I didn't return the favor, huh?" said Zuko leaning closer to Aang's side.

"That's not what I meant," said Aang, suddenly acting embarrassed. "I mean… You don't have to, if you don't want to."

Zuko positioned himself between Aang's legs and stared at his friend's eager erection.

"How could I not want to?" said Zuko, looking up at Aang.

From Katara's hiding place, she couldn't see exactly what was going on, but it didn't take much effort to figure it out. Zuko was lying on his stomach with his head between Aang's legs. Aang looked nervous yet extremely excited. Katara wanted to be there and hold him during this special moment. Even though she'd lost the opportunity to be Aang's first, she was grateful that she was there to witness what Zuko was doing for him.

Aang's fingers dug into Zuko's black hair, and his feet slowly lifted off the ground. It was as if some magical energy was passing through Aang and making his body float. His ankles twitched, and his toes curled. He was certainly more animated than Zuko had been when there roles were reversed. The prince had shown his enjoyment and appreciation with more subdued gestures. Aang was anything but subdued, and Katara loved every second of it. She'd never seen Aang so enthralled in anything before. Even his most rigorous training didn't come close to bringing Aang this level of pure physical expression. It was as if he'd cast off everything that he was, and all that mattered was the boy between his legs and the feelings he had for him.

Katara couldn't tell if Zuko had changed his pace or the rhythm of his technique, but something happened to make Aang start to cry out. It startled Katara at first, and she actually turned around quickly as if she expected Sokka, Suki, and Toph to suddenly appear after being woken up. Fortunately Aang was far from being loud enough to alert anyone to their presence, but he was certainly loud. His voice ceased to even sound like it belonged to him. The sounds Katara heard were like nothing even remotely close to anything Aang had made earlier that night. His voice had gotten noticeably deeper over the last month or so, but if Katara hadn't been looking straight at him, she would have thought she was hearing a girl.

Aang's dramatic panting and gasping was cut short every few seconds with a high pitched moan that lit up every nerve in Katara's body the moment she heard it. The look on Aang's face made her melt. She wanted to run up to Zuko and hug him for what he was doing for Aang. Her sweet little airbender was experiencing the pinnacle of sexual pleasure. His mouth was wide open, and his head dipped and swayed along with each of his beautiful moans.

"Oh, Zuko," he finally managed to say. "You're…" But one of his own sweet gasps cut him short.

Soon Aang's back arched, and his head leaned back with it. Katara was treated with more of Aang's wailing. He cried out for Zuko and quickly wrapped his legs around him. His hands pressed Zuko's head closer to him as Zuko's head appeared to bob up and down faster and faster.

"I love you," he moaned.

Katara's heart filled with a bittersweet mixture of absolute joy and repressed jealousy. Within seconds, Aang lost his grip on Zuko, and his hands flopped down to his side. His breathing slowed down, and Zuko sat back up, cutting off Katara's view of Aang. Katara fell backwards as if she'd shared in Aang's intense orgasm.

Thanks for reading! Please review/leave comments or suggestions. ^_^