I don't own Hetalia How many different ways can I say this?

I WAS going to make y'all wait loger for the chapter, but I decided against it because I'm nice like that... Well, actually some of my friends say that I'm tsundere, and that has nothing to do with anytihng... I someimes mindlessly rant about things, and-

... There I go again... MI DISPIACE~

Anyway, this is the LAST chapter of this story...

After Lovino hung up on Feliciano, he raced to Antonio's room to tell him the news only to be distracted by a…. Something. Lovino walked over to the object, but by the time he got over to it, the object had disappeared. Lovino shrugged it off as insanity and turned around only to be grabbed by a mysterious person.

"Gah! Help! Antonio, He- Mmmnff." During Lovino's cries for help, a hand covered his mouth, which stopped him from talking.

Luckily, Antonio had heard the earlier cries for help and rushed outside.

"Lovi!" Antonio gasped, "Clemente, let go of him right now!"

"I don't think so, boy!" Clemente shouted, "You're much too early to make such demands! Try again in about fifty years or so!" He turned towards a random window, "By the way, when I shoved you in that basement, I was being merciful, but," he glanced down at the frightened Italian, "I think my mercy has run away." He then…. Jumped out the random window….. Wait, what?

"Lovino!" Antonio rushed over to the window, but neither Lovino nor Clemente were in sight, "Why, oh why, did I have to fall in love with an ex-secret agent/assassin/thing? Why, God, why?" he ran back to his room, "I should call Feli and the others." he picked up his phone and called Ludwig's house phone.



Still waiting….

"Sorry, I couldn't come to the phone. Please, leave your name, number, and message after the beep."


"Gah! This is Antonio! You already know my number. I really, really, really need to talk to Feli! Lovino's been kidnapped by Clemente! Help! Help! Help!"

'Ding Dong'

"What the-" Antonio went to the door, "Who in the world would be here at this hour." He opened the door and found Feliciano, Ludwig, Arthur, Francis, Alfred, Kiku, Gilbert, and Matthew, "How did- When did- What- Huh?"

Antonio had apparently forgotten a lot of English words... Either that or he's trying to figure out how they got to his home in such a short amount of time.

"As soon as we heard your message Ludwig and me got all of our other friends and came here." Feliciano explained.

"How did you get here so fast?" Antonio asked, "Also, why didn't you pick up your phone?"

"Feli drove." Ludwig replied, "And we were, um, preoccupied with something very important." he blushed at his own statement.

"Nice lie, West." Gilbert smirked.

"Shut up, Bruder." Ludwig glared.

"Oh, no! It's West's glare! I'm soooo frightened." Gilbert smirked sarcastically hiding behind Matthew.

"Um, hello? We have bigger problems!" Feliciano reminded, "Just because Ludwig glared at you doesn't mean you have any right to forget about my fratello, who has been kidnapped by Clemente!"

"I'm sorry!" Gilbert really hid behind Matthew. The little Italian may be a gullible pushover most of the time, but when it came to his brother: He was gullible pushover no more. Instead he was: Kind of scary... Very scary... Okay... Scarier than Natalia Afroskaya scary... Yikes...

"Right. First, we need a plan. Second, if any of you want to quit, now is your ONLY chance to do so." Antonio agreed. He might be an oblivious airhead most of the time, but when it came to his cute, little Lovi in the hands of a mean, bad guy, he was oblivious airhead no more. Instead he was: Serious as possible, which apparently was incredibly serious because no one was questioning him, "Good. Now, Feli, is Clemente going back to Italy or somewhere else?"

"Somewhere else." Feliciano replied, "He definitely wouldn't go back to Italy after what happened last time. This time he's playing hide and seek" he switched back to bubbly mode, "Which is a game I don't really like..." He went back to serious mode... Did YOU know that Feli had a serious mode? I didn't until I wrote this... Anyway!

"So, where is he going?" Alfred asked.

Feliciano took of his backpack thing, opened it, and pulled out an atlas. He opened it to a world map and said, "Well, he has lot of hide outs here and there, but he mainly stays in Italy, America, Canada, Russia, Germany, and Spain. For something this big, he'd probably go to Spain because that's the country that's hide-away is hardest to find," Feliciano paused, "if you don't already know where it is."

"Do you know where it is then?" Arthur asked.

"It's under Salamanca."

"You mean 'in,' right?" Gilbert asked.

"No, I mean under." Feliciano replied as if it was the naturalest thing in the world.

"Uh-huh?" Gilbert raised an eyebrow, "Do you know how to get to it?"

"Ve~ Of course I do!" The bubbly Feliciano nodded sounding offended.

"So, we're going back to your jet?" Matthew frowned.

"Do you know any other way to get to Spain for free?"

"We could swim."

"Uh, Mattie, I don't think we have that long. Plus, we'd probably all freeze before we got there." Alfred laughed.

"This is NO time to be laughing!" The Spaniard and Italian shouted in unison.

"I'm sorry." Alfred apologized wide-eyed and not really in the mood to be beaten to a pulp.

"Anyway, to the jet!" Feliciano announced.

"What about a plan?" Antonio asked as they ran towards Feliciano and Lovino's old home.

"If no one thinks of anything by the time we get there than we'll just have to improvise." Feliciano replied, "See, unlike fratello, I don't normally plan anything. I just do what I feel like doing at the current moment in time."

"Obviously." Gilbert rolled his eyes.

When they were in the sky, everyone except Feliciano was wondering why they were back on a jet with a crazy pilot... Why couldn't they let Alfred fly instead? He was a licensed pilot... Speaking of Alfred...

"Eto, what are you going to do about your job, Alfred-san?" Kiku asked.

"I'm sure I'll come up with something." Alfred shrugged, "No one can fire me 'cause I'm the boss, so I'll be safe. I just hope I can come up with a good excuse of why I'll be absent for who knows how long."

"Eto, your employees won't try to do anything rash with they?"

"They might go on strike, but I doubt it'll get worse than that."

"Alfred-san, what does your, eto, company do?"

"We create free websites. They're virus-free and you don't have to pay to use them."

"Eto, where do you get the money to stay in business?"

"Well, it's not a problem right now." Alfred began, "I haven't had to find a method to collect money because I have enough right now."

"That's, eto, nice."

"Arigatou, Kiku-kun!" Alfred hugged his cute Japanese boyfriend... Wait! That didn't come out right! Kiku IS a friend, and he IS a boy, but he is NOT a boyfriend! ... Or is he?

"Hey, Alfred, Kiku, I can't help but notice that the two of you are holding hands." Arthur said quietly.

"Yeah? So, what?" Alfred blushed slightly... Okay, maybe I was wrong about Kiku not being Alfred's boyfriend... Perhaps they ARE together...

"Are the two of you together?" Arthur asked curiously.

"We might be." Alfred blushed even more, which caused Kiku to blush.

"Eto, why don't you just tell him the truth, Alfred-kun." Kiku suggested.

"F-Fine." Alfred stuttered, "Yeah, we're together."


... I have no clue when this happened, but oh, well. They were inevitably going to get together sooner or later. I suppose they finally decided to stop avoiding the inevitable.

"What do you mean by that?" Alfred asked.

"It was bloody obvious that the two of you were going to bloody end up together sooner or later." Arthur said.

"Well, I presume we finally decided to stop evading the inevitable." Alfred shrugged.

... "Did you upgrade your personal dictionary?" Arthur asked.

"Arthur, I should have you know that I can be intellectual if I feel like it." Alfred rolled his eyes.

"Who would've bloody thought?" Arthur sighed before Francis gained his attention.

Now I don't know about you, but I think this part wasn't really important... However, that's just my personal opinion.

So, the gang arrived just outside of Salamanca and everyone followed Feliciano.

"So, Tonio, what's it like to be back in Spain?" Gilbert asked.

"It's a little weird actually." Antonio replied, "I mean, it's not as weird as I thought it would be, but it's still weird none the less. I guess it could be worse, and we could run into my parents, but hopefully we won't because I don't get along with them, and I haven't seen them ever since I moved to America, and-"

"W-We get it, Tonio." Gilbert interrupted, "Well, maybe you'll be lucky, and you won't see any sign of you parents."

"Antonio Fernandez-Carriedo!" A female voice called.

"Thanks, Gilbert." Antonio sighed, "You jinxed me. Thanks a whole lot."

"Just keep on walking and pretend you didn't hear them." Gilbert ordered, "Maybe they'll leave you alone."

"For some reason I highly doubt that." Antonio said walking a bit faster.

Unfortunately, whoever called Antonio's name caught up with the young adults.

(Talking in Spanish)

"Antonio, what are you doing here?" The random lady demanded.

"Helping some friends of mine with some sight seeing, that way they don't get lost." Antonio replied.

"That's funny because I thought you said that you'd never set a foot back in Spain."

"Well, I decided that my friends are more important than any conflicts I have with you or anyone else related to me, Mother."

"Really?" The woman raised an eyebrow, "That's funny because I also remember you saying that nothing in the whole world would be able to change your mind. Not even love or friendship."

"I had a change of heart." Antonio sighed, "Unlike you apparently."

"What are you talking about?" Antonio's mother questioned, "I did have a change of heart. Remember when I thought life would be miserable without you? Well, it turns out I was wrong."

"Actually, you already knew you'd be happy when I was gone. You told me so yourself."

"Wait until I tell your father that you here. I bet he'll be simply ecstatic to see you. Just like I am."

"Mother, you are a horrible liar."

"Don't insult me, boy!"

"And why shouldn't I? You certainly deserve it. Besides I was simply being honest. Didn't you always preach about how honesty is the best policy or something like that?"

"Now you're mocking me. I'm advising you to stop!"

"The only way I'd be able to do something like that is if I left with my friends." Antonio turned around, "So, I think I'll be chasing after them now."

(Talking in English)

He began to leave said, "Come one, Gilbert~ We have to catch up to the others before they get too far ahead!"

"Alright." Gilbert nodded as they started to leave, "They probably didn't get that far ahead, so I'm sure we can catch up to them."

As they walked away, they both ignored, Antonio's nameless mother's shouting.

When they caught up to the other, they found out that no one even noticed they were gone... Except Matthew, but he notices everything because he always goes unnoticed... Someone give him a hug NOW! Anyway, they walked inside what I'm guessing was a library. It could've been a book store... I have no clue what they have in Spain... Whatever. I guess in my Salamanca, Spain it's a library. Everyone followed Feliciano to the back were the lamest thing ever happened... Feliciano pulled a book off the self, and the bookcase slid out of the way to reveal stairs.

"That was probably one of the lamest things ever." Alfred sighed, "It's always a bookcase and one certain book."

"There, there, Alfred-kun."

"Arigatou, Kiku-kun."

"Quit bloody complaining and come on."

So, Antonio, Gilbert, Francis, Arthur, Matthew, Alfred, Kiku, and Ludwig followed Feliciano down a unnecessarily long tunnel. They disarmed a great number of traps... Okay, Feliciano disarmed a great number of traps, and everyone else almost got killed a great number of times. However, by the end, none of them were harmed, which is a good thing... Fine, if you want the truth than I couldn't actually care less if a certain frog died fifty times, but he was unharmed like all the others. Anyway, when they finally reached the end they came across an unnecessarily enormous, silver door. This door had no designs of any type on it. It was just a really big, silver door, with a simple keyhole... I think Clemente might be dramatizing things a bit...

"Ve~ Alfred, can you come pick this lock?" Feliciano asked.

"Why? Can you not pick locks?" Alfred asked walking forwards and beginning to pick the lock.

"No, I can."

"Then why do I have to?"

"Ve~ I'm being lazy right now."

"I really should hit you."

"Ve~? I'd like it very much if you didn't."

"I guess it's a good thing that you didn't get lazy when you were disarming the traps."

"Yes, so since I did all that for you, it's the least you can do to help me some."

So, as Feliciano was having a lazy moment, Alfred picked a lock, which according to him was very simple to do because he opened it in less than five seconds.

"My parent's house door is harder to unlock than this." Alfred frowned, "I was hoping for a challenge of some sort."

"Ve~ Shouldn't you be glad that it didn't take that long?" Feliciano asked, "After all, if it took you a long time to pick the lock than it wold take longer to find Lovino."

"True." Alfred nodded as the Italian opened the door a crack.

He saw no one and opened it the rest of the way. Everyone followed him in, and they all looked around. Antonio was the first to notice something.

"Lovino!" Antonio gasped as he noticed the Italian everyone was looking for laying on the ground, which was most likely cold.

They all circled Lovino, and as the Spaniard rolled the Italian over, Lovino let out a groan.

"Well, at least we know he's alive." Gilbert said, "That's awesome, right?"

"Very." Ludwig nodded... Ludwig thinks something is awesome? I thought that was Gilbert's job... Even more: He thinks that Lovino being alive is awesome... Actually, I suppose that's understandable. After all, we don't want Feliciano to go emo on everyone, do we?

"Lovi, can you hear me?" Antonio asked. Even during these desperate times, Antonio STILL calls Lovino by his nickname. Wow.

The older Italian's eyes fluttered opened and he saw Antonio, "A-Antonio?"

"Are you okay?"

"I-I think so." Lovino tried to nod but found it painful to do so, "I-I don't really remember what happened."

"What DO you remember, fratello?" Feliciano asked.

"The last thing I recall is being brought here, but," Lovino paused, "after that I don't know what happened."

"We've got to get you out of here." Matthew said, "You should be taken to a doctor just in case."

"D-doctor?" Lovino looked like he was about to panic, "Th-That's really n-not necessary!"

"Really?" Matthew raised an eyebrow, "Can you get up?"

Lovino glared at the evilness of the Canadian and slowly sat up. However, once he was sitting up properly, he winced in pain.

"See?" Matthew sighed, "You're hurt, and we need to find out what's wrong with you."

"I'll be happy to tell you what I did."

Everyone in the group, minus Lovino, looked up to see Clemente. Antonio glared at him, "What did you do to Lovino?"

"I simply tried to get information out of him." Clemente smirked, "Beating him didn't work, so I tried drugging him as well, but I still couldn't figure out how to use my new beautiful ring."

Everyone gasped when Clemente showed them Lovino's ring. What a minute... When did he even get that?

"How did you get that?" Feliciano questioned.

"After I jumped out the window, I climbed into the house through a window that led into dear Lovino's room, and I searched high and low for it." Clemente explained, "Unfortunately, I still don't know how to use it because Lovino either doesn't know or won't tell me," he paused, "but, mark my words, I WILL find out. I always get what I want when I want it."

"Not this time!" Feliciano shouted as he round-house kicked the bad guy... What? You didn't think Feliciano could do something like that? After all he's been through? After all we found out about him and Lovino? You still didn't think he could do that?

Neither did I... Until I typed it.

... "Did that really just happen?" Alfred asked, "When did Feliciano even get over there?"

...The world may never know.

Feliciano went over to Clemente's body, picked up the ring laying next to it, and was thrown across the room by Clemente.

"Feliciano!" Ludwig ran over to the younger Italian to make sure he was okay, "Are you okay?"

"I-I hit my head on the wall!" Feliciano wailed.

Antonio looked at Lovino as the older Italian stood up, "Lovi?"

"You hurt my fratello!" Lovino glared at Clemente.

"What are you going to do about it?" Clemente taunted.

Lovino, like, disappeared, and the next thing anyone knew, he had kicked Clemente into a wall.

"Heh, I suppose THAT was what you were going to do about it." Clemente chuckled.

"Oh, no." Lovino shook his head, "I'm going to do a lot worse."

Kick. Kick. Dodge. Punch. Dodge. Dodge. Kick. Punch. Dodge. Dodge. Punch. Kick. Get flung into Alfred... Huh?

Geez, you let your guard down for a milli-second and you end up getting thrown at one of your friends.

"Hey, watch where you're gettin' thrown next time." Alfred said as he and Lovino stood up.

"How about I try not to get thrown at all?" Lovino snapped, "You try to fight this guy and see what happens."

"No thanks." Alfred shook his head as Feliciano flew over it.

"Quit arguing and help me!"

"Sorry, Feli." Lovino sighed.

Lovino lunged at Clemente, but before he could even think about hitting him, the evil Italian ran behind a certain Spaniard, pushed him to the ground, aimed a gun at him, and said, "If you try to hurt me, I'll shoot him."

"Not if I shoot you first."

Lovino looked behind Clemente only to see the one and only Feliciano Vargas aiming a gun at the bad guy... Never thought you'd hear those words, did you? ... Wait... Where did Feliciano even get the gun? I guess some things are better left unanswered.

"Should we see who can pull the trigger fastest, dear Feliciano?" Clemente questioned.

"I don't want to kill you, Clemente." Feliciano frowned, "Don't make me do this."

"Ah, Feliciano Vargas is so young and innocent." Clemente smiled, "You may not want to kill me, but I have no problem with killing you." he paused, "Or your friends."

he pulled the trigger.

Antonio closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact, but... It never came. Antonio opened his eyes and was almost brought to tears.

Lovino had taken the bullet for him.

To say Feliciano was angry would be an understatement. To say he was furious would be an understatement. In fact, I pretty sure to call him all the words of anger combined would be an understatement. He did the seemingly most logically thing to do at the moment and pulled the trigger of his own gun, and Clemente hit the ground.

Meanwhile, Antonio was questioning Lovino's actions.

"Lovino," Antonio paused, "why did you-"

"Because, you idiot," Lovino was breathing heavily, "I love you too much to see you die." he coughed, "I rather die a thousand times in your place." He paused, "I'm sorry if I made it seem as if I hated you. I just want you to know that I don't."

"Lovino." Antonio had know clue what to say. His Italian, who was dying in his arms, had just admitted his love for him, but all seemed to late.

"I know that you probably don't feel the same I do." Lovino let out a laugh, "I mean, who could possibly love someone who treats them like I treated you."

"You're wrong." Antonio began crying, "I DO love you. Please, don't die."

"Believe me I don't want to." Lovino winced in pain as Feliciano kneeled down beside him.

"Fratello, you can't- Don't- Please-"

"Feliciano, don't cry." Lovino pleaded. He looked at Ludwig, who was kneeling beside Feliciano with a hand on the younger Italian's shoulder, "If you hurt my brother, I'm going to haunt you." He noticed the look of remorse in the German's eyes, "Take care of my brother, Ludwig."

Shocked at being called his name by Lovino, Ludwig could only nod. Matthew, Gilbert. Francis, Arthur, Alfred, and Kiku were all kneeling or sitting around the dying Italian.

"This is like a tablespoon of unawesome times unawesome to the square root of unawesome. Hey, birdie, don't cry."

"Wh-Why shouldn't I c-cry? In c-case, you haven't n-noticed, Lovino's d-dying. B-Besides you're crying, t-too!"

"You're right, birdie."

"I am possibly the worst hero ever."

"Alfred-kun, Lovino does not want you to blame yourself.

"What's your point? I feel so useless."

"There had to have been something we could've bloody done to prevent this."

"Possibly, mon cher, but there is nothing we can do to prevent him fr-from d-dying at th-this point."

"You bl-bloody frog, are you crying n-now?"

"Y-yes, and so are you, mon cher."

Yes, eveyone was in tears at this point.

"He's not breathing." Antonio whispered.

"F-Fratello." Feliciano cried. He turned to Ludwig, who pulled the crying Italian into his embrace. The Italian was so busy crying that he didn't notice the gem of Lovino's ring start to glow. Why he was wearing Lovino's ring he wasn't really sure of, but that's besides the point. Actually, Ludwig was the first to notice the gray gem stone glowing.

"Feliciano, the ring." Ludwig began, "It's glowing."

Feliciano looked at the ring and started to panic, "Ah! What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" he started to panic even more when the grayish-bluish light of the stone flew around the room a few times and stopped right in front of his face."

"You're tears have called me!" A high-pitched voice began, "What is your wish, Master Feliciano?"

"Holy cow!" Feliciano was to panicked to reply right away.

"I can bring back the dead." The talking light began again, "Or perhaps you wish for something else? What is it that will bring you happiness? I can give you anything you want. Or I can give someone else anything they want."

"C-Can you give my fratello his life back?" Feliciano asked hopefully.

"No problem, Master!" The light cheered and flew around the room once more before flying into Lovino's body.

"H-He's breathing again!" Kiku gasped.

"This is probably the weirdest thing that has ever happened before." Alfred stared at the now breathing Italian.

"Let's get out of here." Antonio sighed gratefully. They did. Antonio carried Lovino out though seeing as he was unconscious.

When they arrived back at Antonio's home, Lovino, who they had placed in his bed, was still unconscious, and Feliciano noticed something of great importance.

"Why did the little light thingie call me Master?"

"Well, isn't that little stone thing passed down only in the Vargas family?" Alfred asked. This time the American flew the plane, so no one got airsick.

"Yup." Feliciano nodded.

"Maybe that's your reason right there." Alfred shrugged.

"Are you still wearing the ring, Feli?" Ludwig asked.

"No." Feliciano shook his head, "It's in my pocket. Why?"

"Just curious."

"You're not going to try to steal it, are you?"

"What? Of course not!"

"Good." he paused, "You know what?"

"What?" Ludwig raised an eyebrow.

"I am the first person to EVER use one of these rings."

"That's awesome." Gilbert grinned at the awesomeness, "It's also awesome that you used that ring to get your Bruder's life back even though the little light thingie said you could've had anything."

"Why would I ask for something else?" Feliciano titled his head to the side.

"Nothing. I'm just saying. Most people would've asked for something selfish like money or something."

"Well, I'm not most people, am I?" Feliciano said, "The last time I checked I was Feliciano Vargas."

"That you are." Gilbert laughed.

"When do you think he'll wake up?" Antonio asked looking at the stairs. He, Feliciano, Gilbert, Ludwig, Kiku, Matthew, Alfred, Arthur, Francis were currently sitting in various places in the living room.

"Only time will tell." Kiku sighed.

Feliciano walked towards the stairs, "Ve~ I'll go check on him." He walked up the stairs and into Lovino's room. The first thing he did was put the ring in its correct spot. The second thing he did was sit in the seat beside his brother's bed. The third thing he did was talk, "Fratello, I don't know if you can hear me or not, but you really need to wake up. Everyone's so worried about you, and I'm not sure what the ring did completely. Antonio's the most worried out of all of us." He paused, "I swear to the pasta god that if you go into a coma, I will personally kill you when you wake up. So, please, wake up soon, fratello." He sighed and walked to the door.

"Uh, didn't I die?"

"Yes, you did, but I was somehow able to use the ring and bring you back to life." Feliciano answered... Wait a minute! He turned around and saw his fratello sitting up and looking very confused, "Fratello, y-you're awake!"

"Um, yeah." Lovino nodded, "Did you say you used the ring?"

"Uh-huh." Feliciano nodded, "The gem thing started to glow, and the glowie light thing said that it would do anything I wanted it to, so I asked it to give you back your life!"

"What happened after that?"

"You started breathing."

"So, there were no side-affects of any type?"

Not to me." Feliciano replied, "I don't know about you though. How are you feeling?"

"Well, right now I feel as though someone dropped a truck on my head, but other than that I feel fine."

"Yea!" Feliciano cheered, "Oh! Oh! Come on! Everyone else is going to be SOOOO happy that you're awake!"

Lovino, who now thought his brother was crazy, nodded and followed Feliciano to the living room.

"So, mon ami, how is your brother?" Francis asked as the two descended down the stairs.

"Ask him yourself." Feliciano smiled.

"What do-" Francis noticed Lovino, "He's awake." He let out a breath, "Thank goodness."

"Awesome." Gilbert sighed in relief.

"Maple, Lovino. You gave us quite a scare." Matthew smiled.

"It is good to see that you are well, Lovino-san." Kiku nodded.

"I knew you'd wake up. It was all these other non-believers that were worried." Alfred boasted.

"Quit lying, you git. You were just as worried as the rest of us." Arthur rolled his eyes.

"I'm," Ludwig paused, "glad you're okay."

Lovino looked at Antonio, and both of their hearts skipped a beat. Or two. Or fifty. Or just some random number of beats.

"I think we should leave now." Francis whispered to the others.

"Come on, Ludwig, I'm going to make you some pasta when we get back." Feliciano smiled as he noticed how Lovino and Antonio's faces just seemed to be getting closer and closer.

Kiku, Alfred, Arthur, Gilbert, Matthew, Francis, Feliciano, and Ludwig left as quietly as possible.

"Lovino, I-"

"Don't say anything." Lovino interrupted.

"But I-"

"Just shut up and kiss me."

And that's exactly what Antonio did.

At the moment there were only two things running through Lovino's mind. One was about how much he loved Antonio, and the other-

'I really Am glad I chose dare. Perhaps the rest of this year won't be as bad as I first thought it would be.'

The End

I just want to take this moment to say: Clemente means gentle and merciful... Ironic, isn't it?

Should there be a sequel? Please answer in a review or PM me. Per favore!