A/N - This is probably the most random thing I've ever written. It's a completely AU fic! It's going overly dramatic and soap opera like! I hope you like it anyways! It will only be five chapters and it doesn't run too deep.

Chapter 1

"Are you awake in there?"

A voice calls to Letty far away and she strains to make it out. Then a light clicks on. Letty blinks at the bright lights in her eyes and puts her hand over her face.

"Oh sorry about that," says a British accent much closer than before. Probably from somewhere right in front of her.

The light clicks off.

Letty opens her eyes again and tries to sit up. She wants to know where she is and who she's with.

"Easy. Let me help you."

The doctor leaning over her bed helps her into a sitting position. She looks up at him trying to figure the situation out. Nothing makes sense. She looks around the room and wonders how she got to a hospital. Why she's in a hospital. Everything is so unclear.

"Where…" she tries to talk but her voice is scratchy and her throat burns.

Suddenly she realizes her head is pounding. She reaches up and feels a large knot on her head.


"I guess something that size would hurt." Dr. Britain says to her.

Letty tries to talk again but finds herself still unable to.

The doctor pours her a cup of water and puts a straw in it. He puts the straw to her mouth and she takes a long deep drink. The water is so refreshing she sucks down more.

"Slow down."

Before she can heed his advice she starts to cough and choke making her throat much more raw than is already was. Which results in more coughs. The doctor lightly pats her back and calls for the nurse.

Once she's stopped coughing the doctor resumes their conversation.

"I'm Dr. Taylor. But you can call me Eric."

"Hi Eric," her voice still raspy. "I'm…"

"Don't be shy now. Out with it." He coaxes her.


Letty rubs her forehead just below the wound and thinks.

"I can't remember it."

"No worries. You have a nasty head injury. Two actually. Everything will clear up in a bit."

Letty reaches to the back of her head and feels the other lump there. She winces from her own touch.

"You just need time to get your thoughts together."

"What do my charts say? My wallet? Anything? It's making me crazy that I can't remember."

"Well, you didn't have a purse or a driver's license. So we don't know. Just rest a little while."

Letty leans back against the pillow racking her brain. She struggles to remember just a little bit about herself. Anything. Her name? If she looked in the minor would her face be recognizable? The answer to that thought scares her.

"Please rest."

Eric stands up as the nurse enters the room.

"The nurse is going to check your vitals. I'll be back to check in on you in a bit."

"Okay. Thank you Dr. Taylor."


"Thank you Eric."

Meanwhile, at Dom and Letty's apartment Dom is checking the clock. Mia is there with Vince and her brother waiting for Letty to arrive. They are supposed to be headed to a Formula One race that they have tickets to. It's due to start any minute.

There is a knock on the door.

"Who the hell could that be?" Dom asks confused and checks the clock again.

"Maybe Letty forgot her keys." Mia suggests.

Dom strides over and opens the door and finds two uniformed police officers there. He's had his fair share of police run-ins but nothing recent enough that would call for two officers to show up at his door.


"Is this the residence of Leticia Ortiz?"

Dom desperately wants to answer no. Instead he remains quiet.

Mia appears beside him. Dom takes a few steps back hoping he is misinterpreting the expressions on the officers' faces.

"Yes, this is her house. She's my fiancé." He finally manages.

"We're really sorry to have inform you of this. Miss Ortiz is dead. She was an accident. She was really badly…" the officer clears his throat. "She was really badly burned."

Dom starts to shake his head. "Don't say that. Stop talking."

"We found her body and her car…."

Dom can't hear anymore. He walks away into the kitchen. He grabs his phone from the counter and rapidly dials her cell phone number. It goes straight to voicemail.

"Baby it's me. Please call me back. It's really important. I need to talk to you as soon as possible. Please call me. There is a huge misunderstanding and I need to know that you're okay."

He holds the phone to his chest willing her to call back. His heart is pounding. He's nervous, but he knows she will call.

Hours earlier.

Letty is on her way home from a two hour drive to check out a car she wanted to buy and restore for Dom as a wedding gift. Turns out the car was not what she was looking for and the trip had been a waste of time but a beautiful drive.

She's about halfway home when she needs to stop.

"Damn it! I have to pee."

She pulls over at a gas station to use the bathroom and grab a quick snack. She needs to hurry home. She does not want to miss the beginning of the race.

When she comes out of the stall and washes her hands she hears a child screaming. She rushes outside to find a woman and a little girl. The woman is pulling the little girl by the arm.

"Please. Leave me alone. I'm just trying to go to the bathroom. My Daddy's inside waiting for me."

"Hey!" Letty yells at the woman.

The woman seeing that she now has an audience turns and takes off running without another word or a look back.

"What are you doing back here by yourself sweetie? What's your name?"

"Dianna. My Daddy didn't want to come into the ladies room with me."

"Alright, I'll go in with you. I'll make sure you get back to your Daddy."

Letty and the little girl head into the bathroom. Letty holds the door closed for Dianna since there is no lock. She also helps her wash and dry her hands.

When Dianna and Letty walk back outside the woman hits Letty over the front of the head with a bat. Letty falls backwards with so much force she smashes the back of her head into the brick wall.

A terrified Dianna runs into the bathroom and hides. Letty is barely conscious as the woman takes Letty cell phone, keys and wallet and jumps into Letty's car and speeds away.

A/N - You were warned about the soap like qualities! Please review! I so will not be offended if you don't like it. It's really something I was writing while I was playing around last week. I wasn't even going to post it but I figured, what the heck!

Thanks for reading! Please review!