A/N: I know that it has been forever since I have updated this story and for that I am sorry... I am slowly updating my CM stories but they won't all be at once since there are so many of them... I am also working on other stories in other fandoms so it will be every few days that I update a CM story... Enjoy this chapter! From this point on I will be typing Aaron instead of Hotch... LOL...

Disclaimer: I don't own CM!


Aaron watched Emily sleep for a few minutes before he pulled out his cell and sent a text to Jessica asking her to pick Jack up and bring him to Quantico. He had decided against calling her because he didn't want to leave Emily alone and he was afraid that he would wake her up if he did call and talk on the phone. He sat down on the couch and lifted Emily's legs onto his lap and watched her in silence. He was happy that she had come to them, come to him so that she wouldn't be dealing with this all on her own. He couldn't help but be thankful that she was back near him once again. He couldn't help but run a hand up and down Emily's leg reassuring himself that she was there and alive. He also knew that it would comfort Emily even though she was asleep.

He ran a hand down his face as he watched Emily's chest rise and fall with every breath that she took. As he stared at her he silently vowed that he would make sure that she didn't get hurt again. He hated seeing the bruises on her body. He hated seeing how thin she was and if he was honest how unhealthy she looked from her time on the run. He wanted to go and find her handler and beat him to a pulp but knew that he couldn't afford to do that right now no matter how much he may have wanted to. Right now his place was right by Emily's side. He wouldn't let her feel like she was alone still.


Dave watched Aaron stare at Emily from the doorway of the conference room. He couldn't help but smile slightly at the picture the two of them made with one another. He had no doubt that even though Aaron was staring at Emily that he was coming up with a plan to deal with all of this. He also had no doubt that he would be right by Aaron's side in protecting Emily. He had a feeling that she hadn't died like they had been told but to see his thoughts and feelings confirmed made him happy. He just wished that she wasn't so damn thin and covered in bruises.

As he watched Emily breathing he silently made plans in his head to have Emily over for dinner so that he could try to fatten her up some. He knew that it was not healthy for her to be that thin especially since he could see her ribs from where her shirt had risen up while she slept. As he looked at her face he frowned because he could tell that she hasn't slept properly in a long time. He couldn't help but wonder if she had slept properly since she left. He had a feeling that the answer to that question would be a resounding no. As he thought about that even more he got angry at Doyle and at Emily's handler even more. He couldn't wait to end this so that Emily would finally be safe.


Derek watched on in silence as Aaron sat down on the couch where Emily was laying. He didn't even think that Aaron knew that he was there but he didn't mind that because it gave him time to watch things undisturbed. He couldn't help but smile when he saw Aaron run a hand up and down Emily's leg like he was reassuring himself that she was there and that she was alive. He was happy that Emily was alive and while he understood why he hadn't been told he couldn't help but be a little upset. Although he wouldn't let that get in the way of him reconnecting with Emily. He had missed her dearly.

He sighed silently as he watched Emily sleeping. He couldn't believe the difference in her looks since the last time he had seen her. He couldn't believe how much weight that she has lost in the time she had supposedly died. He wanted to get her some food and force her to eat but he knew that that would not go over well. He could only make sure that she ate small meals several times a day so that she could regain some of the weight that she had lost. He knew that it could do more harm and damage to her body if she didn't gain some weight soon.

As he watched Emily's chest rise and fall he wondered if she even know how much weight that she had lost. He wondered if she even knew that she looked like she hadn't had a meal in several weeks instead of hours or days. As he looked at Aaron he knew that Emily would be taken care of. When he saw the look on Aaron's face and in his eyes he couldn't help but smirk a little. He had no doubt that by the time this was all finished that Aaron and Emily would finally be together like they should have been this whole time. He wondered if Aaron even realized that his thoughts and feelings were written all over his face. He shook his head in answer to his own question because he knew that Aaron would mask his emotions if he knew that they were written all over his face.

He really couldn't wait to see the reunion between Jack and Emily because he knew how much Jack loved Emily. He had no doubt that it would be one hell of a family reunion even if they weren't exactly family. He sat back with a small smile on his face as he waited for Spencer, JJ, and Penelope to get back. He saw that Dave was back out of the corner of his eye and nodded to him. He really couldn't wait to see a smile on Emily's face that was real and not forced like he knew that she would have once Jack was there and JJ was back with Henry.

A/N 2: I know that this chapter could have been longer but I thought this was a good place to stop it... I wanted the reunion between Jack and Emily and Emily and Henry to have it's own chapter! Click the button and let me know what you think!