Hello, It is me, Kylelover101 with another one-shot! :) I have decided to write a story dealining with Two-Bit and Ponyboy

Hope you enjoy. :)


Darry: Two-Bit!

Two-Bit: *Wakes up* Hey, Dar, what's up?

Darry: You've been slouching on my couch for three fucking days now!

Two-Bit: Nuh-uh! I've been Sleeping!

Darry: Who cares! you don't pay me rent, you don't clean up here, you drink all the booze that I try and maintain for myself, I get thirtsy and want a beer two ya know!

Two-Bit: So?

Darry: So? You're gonna' have to get a job if you wanna' stay with me!

Two-Bit: Don't be like that, Dar-bear *kisses Darry on Cheek*

Darry: I won't seeing I filled out an aplacation for a J-O-B for You!

Two-Bit *handed the aplication* no! Not that place!

Darry: Oh, yes that place.

Two-Bit: Mc Donalds?

Darry: get used to it, or you're not havin' any sex! *Darry walkes out the door to work*

Two-Bit: *staring at the aplication in a daze. He can't believe his boyfriend did that!*

Ponyboy: *Walks in room* Hey, Two-Bit, what'cha got there?

Two-Bit: a work thingy

Ponyboy: you got sighned up for Micky-D's too? So did I, I hate Darry at times.

Two-Bit: I want sex, he won't give it to me Pones, I have no choice now!

Ponyboy: What?

Two-Bit: Ponyboy, I have to eat you.


Two-Bit you make no sense!

Two-Bit: *is at the cash register at Mc Donalds, he stars hitting on some girls.*

Ponyboy: *has to work along side him* Welcome to Mc Donalds-


Ponyboy: *blushes* Can I take you're order?

MAN: Yeah...uh...um...


Man:...un...no, wait...uh...

Ponyboy: Today, please.

MAN:...can I have some waffles?

Ponyboy: We don't serve waffles at noon sir.

MAN: Then I'll have um...

Ponyboy *blinks*...


Ponyboy *groans* Darry what have youi done to me?

Two-Bit *picking his nose while trying to pus french fries in a bag.*

SOC GIRL: Never mind.

Two-Bit *shrugs and eats some french fries*

Ponyboy: *Sighs as the man is still trying to order*

MAN: Um...Where and I again?

Ponyboy: Mc Donalds sir.

MAN: This place is retarded. * man Leaves*

Ponyboy: *trying to mop up some puke that a fat kid got rid of when he notices Two-Bit stick in the twisty slide. Ponyboy panicks as he tries to get two-Bit out*

Ponyboy: Hello, welcome to Mc Donals may I take your order?

WOMAN: My son will order!

BOY: I want chicken nuggets!

Two-Bit *behind Ponyboy whispers*: That kid needs a tredmill more then some greased up fast-food. *Ponyboy tries not to laugh*

Ponyboy: Alright. *Hands the child the happy meal.

BOY: There's only ninteen pieces in here!

Ponyboy: Well, that's one less then twenty good job kid. *he was being scarcastic*

BOY: I...want...MORE! *Starts yelling and screaming and crying*

Ponyboy: *plugs his ears and notices the boy's mother isn't paying attention*

Two-Bit: I'll save you Ponyboy!

Ponyboy *turnes to see Two-Bit with a shit load of chicken nuggets and throws them on the small child*


Two-Bit: You wanted more!

Ponyboy and two-Bit's boss: you're fired, greasers!

Ponyboy and Two-Bit walked home that night. For a whole month, they smelled like McDonalds.

reviews plase
