Let me just say, this first week of school was extreme hell on my part. It was filled with new information and getting used to the fact that I'm now blind.

Other than that, I think I have been faring fairly well for the first week….

Or not. Midway through the school week I had, had a break down. It wasn't very pretty. If I recall correctly, it was the teacher's fault (I'm not one to point fingers, but it really was their fault!), really. They had been pressuring me, and pressuring me, and pressuring me to do my work. The same homework and class work that had been written on paper.

I know the adults in this town aren't very bright, at least not the ones that I have come into contact with over the years, but are they really that stupid that I couldn't read the damn words on the paper? They kept saying, "oh, Kenny can translate for you." And all this other bullshit. But, I can't really think properly when people ask me questions. I need to read it in my head and think about it.

It wasn't until Kenny got fed up with my incessant crying and mass hysteria that he hauled me to Principle Victoria's office and demanded to get me something I could read. Paper with brail.

Which brings me to my new dilemma and yet another handicap I needed to get over. I had to learn brail. I'm kind of good with learning new languages. Brail was just one more thing I had to conquer before I got used to being blind. So that I knew what my homework said.

After Wednesday I was left in the hands of a brail tutor. Kenny had to go to his normal classes, but he would always come and fetch me after classes to see how I was doing. If I made any progress or not. Then he would leave for another class and I was there with the teacher. I was taught sign language too. Mr. Canfield was one of those special education teachers. The ones who knew how to read brail and speak in sign language. You know, to help out people like me who couldn't see.

You know when I said Kenny was fed up with my break down? He assured me it was because, and I quote, "I can't fucking believe how stupid people are, let alone the teachers."

Anyway. That's how the rest of the week passed by. I would be left with the tutor in that classroom, and he would teach me new things and test me on other things that I had previously learned so I wouldn't forget. The hardest part of learning brail was I had to entirely focus on the feeling of the bumps on my fingertips. I would venture to guess, because I am still young, that switching my senses around to make one stronger than the other will be easier than if I was ten years older, or something.

Kenny was always interested in what I learned. He even made to learn a bit with me, so I wouldn't feel left out. He was always one of my best friends, but what he's doing for me just goes to show how much I owe him. I don't think he feels obligated to do this either. I asked him before. He went really quiet when I told him he didn't have to worry and do things for me like he did. Then he hit me lightly upside the back of my head, spewing things about me being an idiot and how he would never abandon me.

I really do love Kenny for all the things he's done for me.

Throughout the weekend we just sat in my room listening to soft trance music and did our homework. If I was going to survive the rest of school being blind, I needed to learn how to read brail and fast. And the school doesn't charge us anything for the brail paper and books they were going to give to me. They're even going to give me a laptop with brail marks on the keyboard so that I can write essays when I need too. The only downside to that is, if I spell a word incorrectly I would never know. But in such cases, I will have someone to help me. I already know where most of the letters on the keyboard are, but to type I would always have to look down and see where they were. Now I would have to completely depend on memory.

Just one more thing I have to do.

Kenny keeps cheering me on. Saying things like, "you can do it! I believe in you!" and "man, Tweek, I do not know how you'll do all this, but I'm sure you'll surprise me." I have gotten used to touches and walking around as he tugged me places. It came more natural to me as I honed in on his body's movements and mimicked them.

I'm still scarred out of my wits, though, when we are in a new place. Luckily we haven't needed to go anywhere new. But I'm more in tune with what I hear and feel. I can distinguish a few people by voice, and others I'm getting used too, I'll only know if they are them if they tell me so. So far, I've only had a few people try and trick me. They were sore that I didn't fall for it eighty five percent of the time.

Come Monday, I would have to relive the hell that is learning and readjusting myself to my surrounding without sight.

Who the fuck thinks it's a brilliant idea to have school start at fucking seven in the fucking morning?

Retards, that's who.

I slam the snooze on my alarm clock that had just gone off a while ago, the annoying buzzing blaring through my ears and ringing in my skull. I groan and try to curl myself into my blankets more, trying to regain my warmth and sleep. I didn't want to wake up. Five more minutes will do. Or I should just skip school all together. It's not like I'm taking any important classes this morning.

"Craig, get your ass up. Mom'll get pissed if you're late for school again." I hear Ruby gruff from behind my closed doors, her voice receding as she made her own way down the stairs.

I huff out of annoyance, knowing she was right. And damn, even I will admit my mother is one scary human when she is pissed off…

I throw my blankets off my body boldly, letting the cold air hit my naked chest and refuse the urge to crawl back into the warmth my blankets gave me. Lazily I get out of bed and throw on clothes; jeans, shirt, and a jacket, and proceeded to get ready for school.

I don't know why Ruby gets up so early. She doesn't need have to be at school until eight, she's still in Junior high and her buss doesn't get to the bus stop until seven something or other. It's six thirty now, and she's just lazing around in her pj's in the living room eating pop tarts and watching old reruns of cartoons.

Lucky bitch.

I pop some bread in the toaster and waited for it to pop before spreading two tablespoons of Nutella on it and leaving the house, the Nutella toast deliciously hanging from my mouth.

Keys in hand, I shove on my shoes and go to school. No need to bore anyone with what way I took or some shit like that.

I lick off the chocolate spread from the corners of my lips and get of my car, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and leaving my car locked and parked in the student parking lot before making my way into the crowded hallways of the school. I have a few minutes to spare, leaving just enough time to go to my locker and to class without being late. But knowing me I will be late just to piss off the teachers. They can't expect me to be completely mobile at this time of day, and yet they still do.

How they can be so stupid, I will never know. I can't wait until I graduate and get as far away from here as humanly possible. Probably go to a University in England or Barcelona or some shit. Wait, screw England, I might get pissed off from their accent. Spain it is.

Don't get me wrong, some English accents are sexy, but there are just a few that really get on my nerves…

As I walk through the halls, I pass by people I couldn't really care much about. However, a sight caught my attention.

It wasn't very surprising to see Tweek and Kenny together, as they were best friends, and practically everyone knew that. However, I had noticed this week, that they were particularly more together than usual.

And I mean that in the way I say it. I had only had Tweek in one class and Kenny in three. Now, Tweek is in all the classes I have Kenny with, and has switched out of the class he was alone in. It's peculiar. Why would they do that? What inclination do the teachers have to switch them on a whim so that they could be together?

Just a few days last week I noticed Kenny coddling Tweek, more than usual. It's not that I care, and I don't dare say it piques my interested, because it doesn't. It's just weird.

Apparently I hadn't been listening to the gossip around the school.

Tweek was standing very close to Kenny as he got out books from his locker. They linked arms as Kenny closed his locker and they walked down the halls. I raised a brow. Not that I'm curious or even give a fuck, but for all I know, are they dating?

It wouldn't surprise me.

The first few periods passed by without much event. The teacher droned about something or another that I couldn't care about or already knew, and I was left to text Token and Clyde, who were in different classes about what our plans for next weekend.

When lunch rolled around and I proceeded to my locker, then towards the cafeteria, I noticed that Tweek, for once, was without his bodyguard. He stood in front of an open locker. He wasn't digging through it or anything. He was just standing in front of it, sometimes going off to the side to lean against the closed lockers.

I could hear whispers and chatting from the hall, but the only thought in my head was to play a joke on him. It's cruel, I know. But I am a cruel person and take pleasure in other people's misery from time to time.

He seemed dazed; I just was to see him squirm.

With a smirk playing at my lips, almost a malicious one, I nonchalantly towards where he stood. I didn't hesitate to slam the locker door closed with as much force as I could muster. I got the desired effect, I scared him witless. But maybe I over did it?

"Gah!" He snapped his head towards me, where I slammed the locker shut. His eyes practically bugging out and instead of calming down after looking at me, he gave a shriek and ran down the hall, away from me.

I looked on, slightly confused. I had played jokes like these on him before, but he never ran away from me. If anything, he only averted my eyes and proceeded to do what he was doing. Now that I think about it, was there something wrong with his eyes?

And, on that note, was he running towards the stairs?

In confusion, I watched on as people made way and he bumped into a few others, they further scaring him as he dashed onward. And I found it strange that he didn't slow down, not one bit, as he came closer and closer to the downward staircase. Almost as if he didn't know it was there.

It became apparent to me that, on closer inspection of his movements, that he had no idea where he was headed.

He didn't run far, but as he got to the stairs he kept running. It almost looking like he was going to fucking run on air, if it wasn't for that immediate drop when he ran out of floor to run on. He gave a shriek and I covered my ears at the intensity of it and watched as he disappeared behind the dip of the stairs. There was a ruckus, paper shuffling and a body falling, that was for sure.

Curiously, and a bit concerned at what had just happened, I casually (maybe even a bit urgently), walked over to the stairs to see what damage had been done.

"Tweek!" I hear someone call from a bit behind me. I didn't even have to turn to see who the voice belonged too. Kenny ran past me, down the stairs, to where the blond was cradling his head and arm almost pathetically. He might've even sprained his ankle.

Now, I almost kind of feel bad. But shouldn't the blond idiot already know that there was a staircase there? A descending one, to be more specific.

Kenny practically shooed everyone around Tweek away, calming him down and trying to see if he was hurt. A few onlookers were nice enough to gather some of Tweek's belongings and hand them to Kenny, who took them gratefully and put them neatly back into Tweek's bag.

After watching the speculation, I found something odd.

Kenny got Tweek up on his feet and slung Tweek's messenger bag over his shoulder and helped Tweek back up the stairs. I started to descend. I watched carefully, listening in to what they were talking about.

"It's just a few more steps, like five, and then we're back onto the plateau." Kenny spoke softly, calming the shorter male.

Tweek nodded, biting his lip. I watched from the corner of my eyes as Tweek darted his eyes around. They slowed when they turned to face me.

He didn't even look like he was looking at the guy who practically made him fall down the stairs. In fact, his eyes went away from mine without notice to me.

I raised a brow in question in my own thoughts. It was like he was blind or some shit.

It wasn't until halfway through lunch that Token had told me that Tweek was, in fact, blind. He, Kenny, and Tweek shared a class. Apparently, in that class, Tweek has had his mentor with him for that day.

No wonder all the girls fawned over him, almost mothering. Making sure he was safe and such.

"How the hell did he become blind?" I asked, nit picking at the fries they served for lunch.

"I heard he got into a car crash." Clyde piped in, haphazardly chewing him food as he spoke. Token nodded.

"He did. Rumor has it he couldn't see when he woke up after the crash. I'm venturing to guess, since I heard he doesn't have any damage to his actual eyes, that he was damaged at the occipital lobe." Token says, smart as he is. Clyde gives him a look, a confused one that tells him he didn't understand.

I didn't understand much either, but Token knows what he's talking about so I'll just trust him on this.

"You can lose your sight if you get knocked at the back of your head hard enough, since that's were vision is processed." He explained simply.

Now, I felt a bit worse, having known the situation. It makes sense that he didn't recognize me and freaked out. And he didn't recognize me when he looked at me when we passed by the stairs.

Come to think of it, it makes more sense that his eyes were glazed over and kind of grey, too. But I am still a heartless asshole, more than anything. This intrigues me and I want to find out more.

Bidding adieu to my friends before heading off to my next class, I think about how I can get close to the blond. It should be easy. I just want to find out what'll happen. The only problem I can see is Kenny. He's always been protective of his friend. Now that Tweek is more vulnerable, his instincts to protect must be heightened.

Well. I do like challenges.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ!

Today was so stressful!

Okay, so it starts out all normal right? Everything is going normal and stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary (at least not for the life I currently live), then BAM! Everything goes wrong!

I don't even know what happened. I was just waiting for Kenny at his locker. I was getting used to the background noise of other students. I was minding my own business when I suddenly heard a locker slam closed right next to me.

Kenny had promised he would be back in a few minutes, he had only ran to go get something he forgot from the classroom. Could it have been him?

I highly doubted it… He would tell me he was back; he would coax me to relax if he so much as gave me a light freight. It was this fact that got me extremely anxious.

I snipped a noise out of habit, right? I turned to the noise and, obviously, I couldn't see anything but that didn't matter as a small little voice in my head told me to run. And I did. I ran away from where the loud bang came from. I had thought it was someone out to get me, or some monster that decided to chase me. Either way, I ran as fast as I could away from it.

I had thought I was doing well until I felt the floor from under me disappear and-

"Tweek, calm down." Kenny said softly. He was playing around with the kitchen gizmos at my house.

"B-but, but! What happened at the school—"

"Was an accident. You're lucky you got away with only a light sprain to your non dominant hand and a twist in your ankle." He could hear him clinging pots on the stove, or something. He was supposedly cooking dinner for me since my parents were both on a shift at the coffee shop.

I pout slightly. That incident had really upset me, especially since I didn't know exactly what happened. Kenny had been there to console me and take care of me but it still scares me to know I have the ability to run down the stairs without even knowing and could possibly fall to my death.

As if sensing my despair I heard him come closer and felt him place a hand on my shoulder, it moving to my back in a comforting manner.

"It's okay, yeah? Just, if it happens again, try to calm down. I'll take you with me next time. But, if you're alone don't move, okay? Just sit down if you're unsure and think that you're safe."

I nodded. This will definitely get some time getting used to…

Too much pressure..

"Okay.. I'll try."

Oh my gawd, guys~! Hi!: D I'm back after a long and unexplained hiatus of two years or some shiet like that. And I am sorry for my disappearance. But, after going through the reviews I had felt like I needed to give you guys at least this chapter. (and try to upload on Richard III & JALU)

I feel out of practice with the way I used to write… My style always changes. But I hope you guys enjoy this semi-long ish (maybe) chapter. I'll try and get used to the characters again. I had found my little cheat sheet of what I wanted to happen.

For me, I don't like continuing with stories that I don't know where they head too. So I stop until I find something to do with it. So, sorry again for the delay. I appreciate the support!3

Disclaimer; I do not own South Park or the characters. But, I do claim the story line.