A/N: This is my first fan fiction so please be gentle with me!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice or its characters

Chapter one

Mail box

Mikan sighed softly as she shut the mailbox, trying to push down the panic that was boiling in her chest like a witches cauldron. It had been three weeks now and still Natsume hadn't responded to her letter. guess it's a no huh? she thought to herself trudging up the steps to her bedroom.

"Its not like you didn't expect this." she told herself quietly, Natsume was cold, and impersonal and it was clear that her didn't like her like…like she liked him. She choked on the lump that was growing in her throat and let out a tiny strangled sob. Why am I so stupid! She thought, tears bricking the back of her eyes,

"Mikan?" her grandfather called from down stairs. Mikan frantically wiped her eyes and hurried down nearly tripping over the steps. Her Grandpa was in the kitchen, she grimaced at the smell of burnt food that penetrated her nostrils. Her grandpa was a horrible cook.

"Were you checking the mail just now?" he asked rifling through the fridge, the lunch he had been making lay abandoned and charred in the sink. Mikan nodded glumly.

"A boy stopped by earlier." he said pulling out a bottle of tea, or something. Mikan stared at him blandly hardly daring to hope.

"He asked me to give this letter to you." he pointed to the counter, struggling to open the tea. With wide eyes Mikan nodded and snatched the letter from the counter. Sprinting up the stairs to her room again where she shut her door and stared at the letter her chest heaving. Finally she tore the envelope open and unfolded the paper very carefully. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply counting to ten before she opened her eyes and began to read


Meet me tonight by the tree. I'll answer you there


Her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. She reread the letter over and over again. Swallowing hard she nodded to herself. lets do this she thought.

Mikan waited quietly by the tree admiring the freshly blooming cherry blossoms. It had been a long time now and she was beginning to consider going home.

"Maybe he's not coming…" she said softly.

"who's not coming Polka?" her eyes shot open and she jumped to her feet. Natsume stood there his arms crossed holding her letter in his hand. She turned about fifty shades of red and a little green to even it all out.

"N-Natsume I didn't hear you…" she stammered he rolled his eyes and handed her, her note. He scowled at the ground for a minute before clearing his throat and meeting her eyes with such force she had to turn her gaze away.

"I'm not used to…this kinda thing." he admitted looking maybe just a tiny bit embarrassed. Mikan waited struggling to prepare herself mentally as Natsume cleared his throat.

"Wh-when you wrote me that letter…" he was looking up at the sky now his hands stuffed in his pockets absently kicking at the grass. and she held up her hand.

"forget about Natsume, things are fine the way they…" she began but he cut her off

"No, listen to me!" he hissed knitting his brows together. She shut up instantly.

"When you wrote me that letter, I was…how do I put this, I was a little confused, I mean, I didn't think you though of me like…that. And it took me a long time to think about it. that's why it took me so long to get back to you. But the more I thought about it…" he trailed off again and Mikan found that her shoes had become very interesting. Natsume was surprising her, he was never this talkative and not really one to give explanations. She held her breath.

"The more I thought about it, the more I realized that, it sort of made me, sort of made me…" he trailed off again and Mikan sighed, she wished he wasn't taking so long to turn her down, she had a giant bucket of cookie dough waiting for her at home and about thirteen boxes of tissues.

"It made me sort of…happy." he finished. Her head shot up and their eyes met briefly before they both looked down again. He pushed his hair nervously out of his face.

"What I'm trying to say is, well, I like you too polka." he coughed

"there I said it, and don't ask me to say it again!" he growled.

her heart leapt into her throat and she did the last thing she had ever anticipated doing, she laughed. Long and loud hysterical laughs that left her shaking, red-faced and teary eyed. Natsume just stared at her looking angrier and angrier by the second.

"whats so funny! If this was a joke I swear I'll…" she held up her hand to silence him and wiped her eyes still smiling.

"its not a joke Natsume, I was just terrified you would turn me down, and you didn't so, all of that was for nothing." she chuckled a little to herself and Natsume calmed down.

"Oh." was all he said.

"are we going out now?" she asked still smiling but a little shy now, she stood up and wiped her tears away. He shrugged.

"yeah, I guess." they grinned at one another for what seemed like a long time.

"hey Natsume?" Mikan said breaking the silence.


"do you perchance need any tissues…or cookie dough?"

A.N: I hope you liked it ,I'm bad at punctuation so feel free to tell me where I messed up. Flames are okay, but not preferred, see ya!