Alice in Wonderland AU

By: Immortal Wolf Lover

(A/N I own nothing except plot and some scenes and comments. MALICE AU SUPER/ABUSED/ POWERFUL/MODEST/HUMBLE/ SINGING ALICE)

"I believe this belongs to you, your majesty." A ten foot tall Alice Kingsleigh said presenting the Vorpal sword to the five foot five White Queen while keeping her eyes lowered to the floor in respect and nervousness. The sword was taken from her hands by delicate soft fingers but Alice did not look up even as the sword was set down next to the armor.

"Thank you dear Alice. Now the armor is complete. All we need now is a champion." Mirana, the White Queen of Marmoreal, said frowning softly for a moment when she noticed that the younger woman had not taken her eyes off the floor.

"Is there something interesting about the floor, dear Alice? You seem to like looking at it so?" The queen asks curiously while Alice didn't even glance up.

"It is a sign of respect to not directly look at someone where I am from. I was not certain if it was the same here but I decided to be on the safe side. I apologize if I disrespected you in anyway." Alice said softly while not removing her eyes from the floor. Mirana frowned worried for the younger woman before smiling again as she seemed to glide over to Alice's side.

"Nonsense dear one. I was merely curious, you have not offended me and that is certainly not a sign of respect here. I, for one, prefer to look at the person I am conversing with." Mirana said gently lifting Alices chin as best as she could to get her first look at the prophesized champions face and felt her heart skip a beat. The younger woman was absolutely gorgeous! She couldn't have known that Alice was thinking the same about her.

"You are a little taller than I expected." Mirana commented slowly withdrawing her hand from Alices face. Alice smiled lightly before quickly hiding it.

"You can blame that on too much upelkuchen." Alice said with a respectful tone in her voice and, unless Mirana was imagining it, a slight undertone of fear. Mirana frowned for a split second before smiling again as she nodded in understanding.

"I can fix that in a moment. Come with me please, dear Alice." Mirana said taking Alice by her oversized hand and leading her down to the kitchen.

"Stupid PEA SOUP!" Thackery yelled throwing a can of soup at the door just as Alice and Mirana entered. Alice quickly caught the soup can before it hit the White Queen and smiled slightly at the Mad Hare.

"Thackery. You need to be more careful of what you throw where. You almost hit her majesty in the head with the can of soup. If you must throw things then please aim them to where they won't hurt anyone. Can you do that for me Thackery?" Alice asks smiling softly at the Mad Hare as she slowly pressed the can of pea soup into his hands and turned him to a blank wall that had nothing on it at all.

"Yes Alice. Sorry Alice. I'll be more careful." Thackery said somewhat calmly with only a tiny bit of violence in his voice as he nodded at the giant blond in a makeshift dress that was really a curtain from the Red Queens palace. Mirana stood there looking at Alice and Thackery in shock, no one in the palace had been able to calm down the Hare since he had arrived and yet this girl easily calmed him and got him not to throw things at people.

"Thank you Thackery. That's all I can ask you to do. You might want to try putting the soup in a bowl with a tiny bit of salt instead of throwing it at a wall. It should taste better that way." Alice said gently as she smiled at the Hare who nodded and followed her directions. Alice turned back to Mirana just as the White Queen managed to regain her composure.

"Amazing. None of us have managed to get Thackery to calm down in the slightest ever since he arrived. You truly must be full of surprises." Mirana said shaking her head elegantly as she smiled up at Alice. Alice merely blushed and smiled embarrassedly at the White Queen as she was gently led over to a small table with a white pot on it and a lot of unusual things on it. Alice sat and watched intrigued as Mirana mixed several ingredients together, telling Alice what they were as she did so, before holding a spoonful of liquid out to her. Alice blew on it gently as she was instructed too before swallowing the liquid and shrinking down to her natural height, two inches shorter than the queen, grasping the oversized dress to keep from being nude. Mirana was smiling when she saw that Alice wasn't disgusted by the ingredients used in the potion as she swallowed it and returned to her natural height but the queen frowned greatly when she noticed several wounds on the younger woman, some old white scars that appeared to have been infected and reopened recently, some newly bleeding scars that were purposely made by someone clearly wishing to harm the younger blond as much as possible while still leaving her alive, other nasty looking burns and cuts that have not yet healed, several cracks that look as if she went from incredibly hot to freezing cold weathers in less than a minute, several spider webbed scars that seemed to originate from a medium sized but deep gash near her ribcage, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. Alice quickly covered her scars and wounds with the curtain dress but it was too late as both Mirana and Thackery saw and were staring at the younger woman in shock. Thackery was the first to break the silence by going off in a rage and flinging things in every which way he could somehow missing both Alice and the White Queen.