2nd story after I NEED A JOB! A WAY TO MY HEART!

Amelia and Zelgadis are noticing their feelings for each other. But something is happening, the mysterious man from before, is now pulling the strings. Reality becomes dreams, and dreams become reality, which is up? Which is down? This game of twist and turns will test our Hero's love!

It happened after Mr. Zelgadis came to my house. He left after a cup of tea. Then Amelia hears another knocking sound, thinking it was Mr. Zelgadis again, Amelia opened the door. It was not Mr. Zelgadis; it was someone else, a different man

"Err, may I help you?" She asked the man

He brought his arm to her face, "sleep!" he had casted a sleep spell on her!

Amelia fell backwards, and went into a deep sleep

Mr. Zelgadis, in his room, heard a knocking noise. He opened the door, and it was the same man that visited Amelia (but Zelgadis doesn't know!)

"May I help you?" he asked

"Yes you can, fall into the twisted labyrinth of dreams, your true desires can save you, or ultimately destroy you," he said in a deep solemn voice


The man raised his arm, and said "sleep!"

Straggling backwards, he fell on his bed, into a deep sleep just like Amelia

This is when the dream begins