Author's Note: This is the final chapter of Part One of TLB. I hope that you guys won't be too disappointed by how brief it is. It might be a while before I begin Part Two, The Fire Crown. I'm starting a brand spanking new job this month! It's super exciting!

If you want to know when The Fire Crown has begun, please follow me on this website or on tumblr. I'll be sure to post the announcement on either site. My name on tumblr is also TrueImmortality so it shouldn't be too hard to find me! My blog is called "Scrub Money".

Also, if you're interested, I'm going to post a link to my tumblr on my profile. I'm also going to post a link on my profile to a really beautiful piece of art inspired by TLB created by Equestrian-Equine over on Deviantart!

Meanwhile, enjoy the last chapter of Part One and enjoy some fun music too! "Arirang", a traditional Korean folk song. watch?v=gkM_LXUCMeA&list=PL384BBDBCF7119BA5&index=108 (if you're a dork like me, you'll probably look up the lyrics and see why I chose it)



Dearest Husband,

I am sure you have heard that I have a new bodyguard. Her name is Nazuka. She is of Dragon House, bold and fearless and utterly unconcerned with political intrigue. I think she and I will become as close as Shin and I once were. Nazuka has not armed me in any way as Shin once did, but she sticks to me closer than Shin was able to. Since we are both women, her job is much easier: she even follows me into the hot springs when I take a bath. Often, she takes off her clothes and joins me in the waters! When I tell her that she might not be able to defend me as well without any clothes on, she simply says, 'A Dragon House master is never unarmed, Princess.' I am still not entirely sure what that means.

The mid-autumn festival seemed a little pale without your brilliant presence. Lu Ten made the experience enjoyable, and I ate too many autumn cakes to be ladylike. One thing I have noticed, Ozai, is that I grow less and less concerned with what is considered ladylike the longer I am at court. I am a princess, and I must maintain the shining example of an immaculate female courtier—but how I maintain that image is left up to me, for the most part. That is something that I have come to realize, over these years at the palace.

As you know, Ozai, I am now twenty years old (of course you know—the lightning bud flowers you sent me adorned the window in my bedroom for a week!). I am no longer a child by anyone's standards. I have gained some independence and lost some innocence in my time at court. I have changed so much since the days before we were engaged. Haven't we all changed?

Sometimes, it seems as though I look in the mirror at a stranger's face. Do you know that feeling? Who is the princess of the Fire Nation? Surely it's not Ursa, the daughter of two medium-ranking nobles? Surely it is the beautiful Yen, who captivated every boy's heart at the tender age of fourteen? Or perhaps it is Men Ti, the girl who used to torment me until I cried? Surely these rich daughters had more chance of becoming the princess than I did? How then did I come to be your wife?

I know you don't believe in fate, Ozai. You are a man who believes that ambition is what gives a man or woman power. And, I suppose, I must agree with that belief to a certain extent. But I also know that fate is a power greater than ambition or birthright or ill fortune. We were meant to be together, Ozai. What other explanation is there? How else did we grow up within miles of one another, attend parties and school together, and then, through a strange series of events, come to be man and wife?

I'm rambling. I suppose that's what happens when you are an old woman, right? I long for you to come home so I can ramble at you in person. And perhaps, if we have enough time to spend with one another, I can one day ramble to our children about the days when you and I were young…



To Ozai, Leader in the Fire Nation Militia, from Bao, Chief Commander of the Fire Nation Militia on the Capital Island in the Capital City:

To the esteemed second-born prince, Commander Bao sends his greetings. This letter is a formal command which dictates that Militiaman Ozai return to the Fire Nation within thirty days of the time this letter is received. Colonel Iroh shall be notified of this command through Army channels and shall be obligated to relinquish command of Militiaman Ozai at this time. Militiaman Ozai shall report to Commander Bao in person at the militia headquarters in Capital City before the first day of spring. This is the Firelord's decree. It cannot be revoked by any power or military. If in the event of injury or illness Militiaman Ozai is not able to comply with this order, he is to send a messenger hawk two weeks before the end of winter to notify Commander Bao of this development.

A return message is necessary to confirm that these orders were received.

To Chief Commander Bao of the Fire Nation Militia, from Ozai, Leader in the Fire Nation Militia:

Commander Bao's message has been received. Militiaman Ozai shall comply

with the Firelord's command. In this as in all things the Firelord's will shall be obeyed.


I'm coming home on the first day of spring. Will you be there to greet me?



I will be waiting on the palace steps. You will know me by my red robes and the lightning bud tucked behind my ear.

Your Wife