Title: Ryuu to Inu

Author: MissTuffcy

Story Idea: katastrifi

Rating: M

Summary: What was really the cause of Inutashio's death and Sesshomaru's hatred for Inuyasha?

Warnings: Not too sure but definitely Language and Violence….And Yaoi….Yeah…


Ryuu to Inu

Killing Perfection


A high pitched squeal broke the still silence of the forest. Golden orbs opened slowly to settle on the source of the noise. It was the little buddle in his arms; his young pup of only one week. He smiled gently when he realized why the pup had started squealing. A butterfly had landed on his nose and he was currently staring cross-eyed at it. Golden Eyes – Inutashio, lord of the western lands, giggled; right along with his pup in his arms. The pup he had yet to give a name to. Inutashio rubbed his pup's soft, pale, chubby cheek. The pup furrowed his brows as he continued to look at the bug on his nose. He whined until Inutashio plucked the bug up off his nose by the wing. His pup continued to glare at the bug until Inutashio squished it with his fingers. The pup grinned up at him and Inutashio chuckled. "You like when I kill things, don't you?" The pup began to babble and gurgle, grabbing onto his finger and putting it in his mouth. Inutashio stood up from the tree he was sitting under. He slipped his hand from his pup's mouth and ran it through his hair.

"Meh…." The pup whined at the lost of his father's digit from his mouth. "Meeeeeeeeeeeeeh~" His whine went to a full blown wail. Inutashio shushed his pup gently. He rubbed at the cresent moon shaped mark on the pup's forehead but he continued to wail and cry.

"Shhh…." Inutashio continued as he started walking, bouncing the pup lightly.

"Meeeeeeh~!" If anything, the continued coo'ing of the lord only made his pup more agitated and made him cry even louder. A his caught the attention of the dog lord and he turned slightly and regarded the bushes to his right. The bushes began to rustle until a large snake demon slithered out of them. Inutashio's lips went into a thin line in irriation as it seemed the snake demon was looking to challenge him. His pup suddenly went quiet in his arms and he looked down to see why. The pup was silently playing with a lock of hair that had fallen over Inutashio's shoulder. The pup looked up at him and started babbling. Inutashio smiled at him and the pup began to giggle. Inutashio returned his attention to his current soon-to-be headache.

"If you value your life, you will move out of my way." Inutashio said firmly as he glared at the snake. He tensed when he sensed more snake demons surrounding the area. It wouldn't be a challenge for him but he was worried that his pup might get hurt during the fight. He jumped back when the snake lunged at him and he used his claws to cut the snake into pieces. His pup started to giggle and point at the pieces of snake flutterying around them.

"Gehh!" The pup squealed. Inutashio laughed lightly.

"You really do enjoy it when I kill things, don't you." Inutashio smiled. His pup grinned back at him. "You'll grow up," Inutashio started, side-stepping the rather slow lunging snake from the shadows, "to be a perfect killing machine." Inutashio sliced the snake in half and the pup giggled louder.

"Mo!" The pup squealed, waving his tiny fists around. Inutashio grinned devilishly. His hand began to glow as all the snake demons he had felt lunged at him all at once. Inutashio lifted his hand up and a whip of light was sent slicing all the snake demons in half. The pup squealed loudly. Inutashio lowered his hand and grinned down at his pup.

"I think I'll call you Sesshomaru. I'm sure you'll grow to fit your name." Inutashio chuckled. His pup – Sesshomaru – yawned widely.

"Meh…" Sesshomaru gurgled something before his eyes closed and he fell asleep. Inutashio chuckled.

"My precious Sesshomaru…..My killing perfection." Inutashio grinned.