Chapter four


"Are you sure this is the right way?" Luana asked as the two walked quietly through the thick forest covered in a black mist.

"Positive," Laurein answered, checking the map again whilst holding the flashlight tightly. "Only a bit further, now."

"And if it isn't?"

"For someone who loves surprises, you sure hate it when you're the target."

"Shut up," Luana snapped, proving her sister right. "I'm never the target."

"What about the time you opened the door and ten eggs fell on your head? Or perhaps the time where you were pushed into a pool of green slime? Let's not forget the time…"

"You will not finish that sentence if you value your life." Luana threatened, clenching her fists and glaring at her sister. Laurein simply laughed and the two continued on.

The volcano was now slowly coming into view and two figures stood waiting at the foot of it. Laurein folded and put the map away, leading the way to the figures.

"Right on time," one said, his voice clearly showing that he is a teen.

"We're never late," Luana said, crossing her arms. "What on earth are you doing here anyway?"

"You left your phone at home," the other said, stepping forward and holding out a black phone. "We couldn't reach you until your mother picked up and told us you were already on your way."

Laurein couldn't help but giggle at Luana's face as she swiped the phone and put it away.

"Why all the secrecy?" Laurein asked.

"We're not allowed to be here, remember?"

"It doesn't matter, John," Luana snapped, glaring at the person who gave her her phone back.

The other figure that stood in the shadow came forward and Laurein's face lit up.


Laurein ran forward and into the boy's arms and he hugged her tightly.

"Naturally, Love," he answered, tilting her up to look at him.

John and Jason were brothers, a year apart. Both had black hair, spiked up like it's being pulled by static electricity. Their light-brown, almost orange, eyes simply showed loved and kindness, never showed anger. Both sounded alike and looked alike, but the one difference that set them apart was their faces.

"Thanks for my phone, but you should leave," Luana said, pocketing her phone.

The brothers looked at each other and then back at the two girls.

"It's been great to see you again," John said, giving Luana a kiss on her cheek. "Keep in touch."

Luana nodded and Laurein let go of Jason. The boys then walked back the way they came and the sisters walked back through the forest.

"Hurry up!" Laurein yelled, running ahead of her sister. "We're gonna be late!"

"That's not my fault!" Luana said. "I need my beauty sleep!"

Laurein shook her head as they continued their way to the Academy Hall. Everyone was ordered to report before eight for something very important and it took Laurein a while to wake Luana. Teachers came to wake everyone to tell them about and told them all to hurry. The two burst into the hall, just as Dr. Crowler came in. They took a seat at the back, next to Jaden and his friends as Crowler began to speak.

"I have some news. Last night there was explosion near the east part of the volcano. The boulder there was blown to bits and caused a cave-in. Anyone with information on this event must go to Chancellor Shepard's office as soon as possible. If the trespassers are here, then I would recommend that they also go to avoid severe punishment. Dismissed!"
Just as he left people starting talking about it on their way to their classes.

"An explosion? I hope they don't come closer to the Academy,"

"How did they blow a hole into the volcano?"

"I can't believe no one heard it!"

"Maybe someone is part of a secret organization and wanted to do a mission here!"

"They're all idiots," Luana snapped as she entered the room and leaned back into her chair. "Why on earth would someone on a mission come here?"

"You don't think it's possible?" Laurein asked, moving forward to rest her head on her arms.

"No. This place is filled with security and look at how much trouble we had to go through just to go to the forest last night."

"Good point,"

Another teacher came into the classroom and requested silence, wanting to start the class.

"Good morning, students," the teacher had black hair that reached his shoulders and he was dressed in a yellow blazer. "I'm a Professor Satyr and today we will be learning about Duel Monsters through…curry!"

Everyone in the class looked at him in shock and someone decided to break the silence by asking the question on everyone's mind.

"Sir, what does curry have to do with Duel Monsters?"

The person who spoke was Syrus, though shyly.

"Well, Syrus, it teaches patience, concentration and that you can get burned if you get the recipe wrong,"

"Ohhhhhh," echoed around the room as each person said it.

"Now, let's begin,"

The entire school day went by quite quickly and problem-free, until Chancellor Sheppard called for attention over an intercom.

"Luana and Laurein Moyi is to report to my office immediately!"

The sisters exchanged curious glances before doing as told. Laurein knocked on the door and waited to be told to enter. Once inside, Chancellor Sheppard told them sit down, sounding serious.

"I have heard a story going around campus that the two of you are the reason for last night's explosion,"

"WHAT?" the two yelled in shock, leaning forward.

"Where were you two last night?"

"We were…" Luana began, but was caught off as Laurein stepped on her foot.

"Sleeping," Laurein completed. "We went to bed just past nine."

"Really?" Chancellor Sheppard asked, leaning back in his leather-coated chair. "That's not what I heard. I heard that you two were near the volcano, several minutes before the explosion."

"That is just absurd," Luana snapped. "Who on earth would say something like that?"

"Ciara Butyre,"


Sorry for taking so long to update, but at least it's here. Anyway, please leave a review!