Eugene: *rain pours* *sigh* *sings random song* Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day. Battle Brawlers wanna fight and play, rain, rain, go away~ (yes, I made that bit up!)

?: Excuse me, I am sorry for interrupting you but did you forget us countries?

Eugene: Huh? No, I didn't. *turns to person* You're Japan, right?

Japan: Hai, konnichiwa. *bows*

Eugene: Oh wow! You're totally the person I'd been expecting today! In case if you're wondering, this is the start of my new crossover! But this is different, so it's the first for the 2 topics (same for Vampire Knight with Bakugan). This is a Bakugan/Hetalia crossover story! :D

Japan: You mean.. you are mixing those 2 kinds of.. media to write a new story? O.o

Eugene: Yep! This one will have some "serious" stuff though, because not only this will be the first fanfic I'd done with a character's P.O.V., but also I will be performing some research for some of the stories to not only give off a brawler's experience (like from the episodes), but also for something like a Hetalia episode with the Bakugan ones combined (eg: you may find historical references, people popping, etc.). So in this case, the chappies here will take a few days to publish. 1 last thing, this part will have Japan's P.O.V and if you wanna know why, well, you'll find out. ;) Anyway, ONWARD WITH THE NEW BAKUGAN/HETALIA CROSSOVER! SHUN AND JAPAN!

Japan's P.O.V:

Konnichiwa, my name is Japan. My humble and sincere presence awaits you. I am the country where the sun rises. No, I am serious, I am the real country. My own people do not know of this but they aren't supposed to. You may think that because I am a country means that I am supposed to be the floating group of islands near the Pacific Ocean.. or in other words, just a piece of land. Well.. the truth is that the group of islands are more of my homeland or to put it simply, my "house". But the truth is that I am actually a real person. A human being. It's just that like all other countries in the world, we do not grow old and die because of the way we live on during many periods of time in history. So please, for my sake, think of me as someone that you might eventually meet.

Today, it was Thursday. April. 5, 2007 and I was gazing at the beautiful cherry blossom trees before the sun sets. In my own language, Japanese, sakura means "cherry blossom". Looking up at the lovely light pink and white flowers reminded me of part of an old poem I knew from long ago. It goes something like this: The cherry blossoms are pure and beautiful, just as life and the person itself, when one day the wind will eventually scatter the flower petals, as if the life of a person will end. Apparently, I have been on my train of thought lately, so I did not notice for a moment that the sun was setting and that the place was getting dark. I went back to my house to eat dinner. As usual, it was rice and some sashimi tonight. Then as I gazed through the window nearby the heated kotasu table I was dining on, I noticed the bright, colourful modern lights of the city nearby, Tokyo, the capital city of me, Japan. As you can notice, I may seem to be the "old-fashioned" sort of person, as my friend America once told me, but I do also have a more modern and possibly a high-tech side of me, too. Apparently, that side of me is the reason why I became successful in business and tourism so quickly. After cleaning the dishes, I shrugged on my brown robe, as I was wearing my normal blue yukata (a man's version of a kimono), and headed out to the city.

It was strange somehow, that wondering around the brightly lit streets possesses that similar beauty as I see in a flower or in the leaves of a tree. As usual, Tokyo was in its busy, late-night standards, with the bright lights flashing, advertisements appearing on the huge flat-screen TVs, people eating dinner or visiting late-night spots, and the cars rushing down on the roads heading home. It was a bit noisy, walking around at this time of the day, but it was also pleasant as relaxing under the cherry trees from earlier in the day. Then all of a sudden, I realized that my citizens were looking at the sky, all at the same time. I looked up as well and I noticed by first sight that for the first time, the night sky turned into a inky dark blue and for some apparent reason, soft shades of neon green. Then I heard some rumbling and at first, I thought that there was to be a thunderstorm heading this way. But fortunately, there was no storm, but then it started to rain. But no, it wasn't raining raindrops, it was raining black cards! They all looked so strange and mysterious. They softly fell down like feathers and there was a tinkling sound above, like.. wind chimes, which I find very strange. People ran around trying to catch the cards with whatever that may be useful for them to land on. I, too, also caught many of the cards and put them inside the folds of my robes. It was hard to catch all of them, but I got as much as I could. Finally, after about an hour or so later, the cards finally stopped falling and the night sky went back to normal. I looked at the time from the digital clock nearby and was shocked to discover that it was almost midnight now. Have I really been out that long? I gave out a yawn and I decided that it is best if I head back and go to bed. Before lying down, I took out those strange cards and placed them in the floor, near my futon. As sleep finally invaded me, it did not occur to myself that the strange event of those cards appearing actually happened to the other countries.. apparently the entire world as well. And in that very day, it is as if the entire world changed completely.

*Historical Note: The Arrival of Bakugan in Japan*

In Japan, the first season of Bakugan, "Bakugan Battle Brawlers" first premiered in Japan in that very day, Thursday. April. 5, 2007 on TV Tokyo and was rebroadcast 6 days later on BS Japan in Wednesday. April. 11, 2007. Four pieces of theme songs were used, 2 for each arc of the season. For the first arc, there was "Number One Battle Brawlers" (ナンバーワン·バトルブローラーズ, Nanbā Wan Batoru Burōrāzu) by Psychic Lover as the opening song and "Air Drive" by Elephant Girl was the ending song for the first 26 episodes. For the 2nd arc, which consists for the final 21 episodes, the opening song was "Pucchigiri Infinte Generation" (ブッちぎり∞ジェネレーション, Pucchigiri Infinitto Jenerēshon), which was also by Psychic Lover and the ending song was "Hello" (ハロー, Harō) by Za Bon. So at this point, Bakugan was actually shown in Japan before any other country. It was like this for the first season.

Eugene: Wow.. It's pretty long. But I'm wondering if it's too serious or not…

Japan: So I got to meet those.. bakugan?

Eugene: Yeah. Anyway, this is the first chappie so stay tuned for the next one! Oh, and review what you think if you wanna! As authors say, "reviews are my fuel".