Ian used a pair of large garden clippers to cut through the lock on the gate of the Old North Church in Boston. Once it was cut through, they went through the gate to the doors of the old church, where one of Ian's men began picking at the lock on the door. Seconds later, the sound of sirens was heard, and they were surrounded by police and agents of the FBI, all of them pointing guns at them and telling them to put their hands up. They did as the police asked and held up their hands, seeing no way out of this. Ian was pushed up against one of the cars as they handcuffed his hands behind his back. Agent Sadusky walked over to him.

"You're under arrest, Mr. Howe." He said to him, "We got you on kidnapping, attempted murder," He smirked a little, "And trespassing on government property." Ian looked away from Sadusky and looked across the street. He saw someone's silhouette in the doorway with someone beside him and looked to see Ben and Letty come into the light of the streetlamps.

You have got to be kidding me, Ian thought when he saw them. Ben and Letty grinned at the sight of him being arrested. Letty waved mockingly at him as they pushed him into the police car. She and Ben looked over at each other and Ben held out his hand, palm up to her. She smiled at him and slapped the low-five he was offering.

3 months later…

"Yeah, you got it, chief." Riley said on his cellphone as he walked through a garden with Ben and Abigail, "Thank you, bye." He hung up and put the phone in his pocket, "They want us in Cairo next week for the opening of the exhibit. They're sending a private jet."

"That's fun." Abigail said.

"Yeah, big whoop." Riley said uncaringly, "We could've," He got his face near Ben's, "Had a whole fleet of private jets!" Ben looked away from his friend, sighing as he was ranting yet again, "Ten percent, Ben. They offered you ten percent and you turned it down."

"Riley, we've been over this." Ben said, "It was too much. I couldn't accept it."

"I actually still have this splinter that's been festering for three months," Riley said, pointing to his finger, "From an old piece of wood."

"Okay, I'll tell you what." Ben said, "Next time we find a treasure that redefines history for all mankind, you make the call on finder's fee."

"That's funny." Riley said, clearly un-amused. He looked over at Abigail, "What do you care? You got the girl, while mine flew off to Paris."

"That's true." Ben and Abigail said, leaning in to share a kiss.

"Yeah… Rub it in." He said, he walked away from them, "Enjoy your spoils." He went over to his red Ferrari car and jumped into it, "While I sit on one percent. One stinkin' percent… half of one percent, actually." He shifted in his seat, "One percent… unbelievable."

"I'm sorry for your suffering, Riley." Ben said. They looked up as they heard a car pulling up and saw a yellow taxi cab stopping in the driveway. Stepping out was a young lady, who smiled happily at the sight of them.

"Hey, Ben!" She said happily, waving at him.

"Letty!" Ben said happily, going over to his sister and hugging her hello. Riley jumped out of his car as Abigail went over and hugged her as well.

"It's good to see you." Abigail said, pulling away, "How was Paris?"

"Oh, fantastic." Letty said happily, "I can't tell you how awesome it was." She turned to her brother, "Thanks again for the trip, Ben. It was really fun."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." Ben replied, he was pushed aside by Riley as he came up to Letty.

"Hey," He greeted.

"Hey, Riley," Letty said in return, hugging him as well.

"So, what, you decided to pay us a visit before you headed back to New York?" Ben asked. Letty shook her head.

"Actually, I'm not heading back to New York." She said, everyone looked at her in surprise.

"You're not?" Riley asked, a smile on his face, but he quickly hid it as he tried to act serious, "What about your lab?"

"Well, that's the thing." She said, "The FBI may have brought it back, but my assistant," She looked over at Ben, "You know, the chemical mishap waiting to happen?" Ben nodded, "Well, it happened. He filled the entire lab with cyanide gas on accident, then there was some kind of sulfur explosion and now the entire place smells like rotten eggs, and that boy just couldn't run a business if he tried, so they had to shut it down."

"That sucks." Ben said.

"Not really." Letty replied, "I'm actually starting up a new lab in town, with much better assistants."

"Are you?" Abigail asked, "Locally?"

"Yeah, locally, available to the public and police if they need it, which I really, really hope they do, because cops are such good customers." Everyone laughed a little at her, "But, you know," She turned to Riley, "There are these new computers I got for my lab, and I could really use some help setting them up."

"Oh, I'm your man." Riley said, "I would totally love to help you out with that. We can take my car."

"Thanks," Letty said. She followed him over to the Ferrari and smiled at him, "This is a nice car."

"I know." Riley said, hopping into the driver's seat, Letty did the same to the passenger seat. Letty looked over at her brother as she buckled herself in.

"For the record, Ben," She began, "I like the house."

"You know, I chose this estate because in 1812 Charles Carroll met—" Riley cut Ben off.

"Yeah, someone that did something in history and had fun. That's great. Wonderful." He said impatiently, wanting to get to have some private time with the hot young forensic scientist sitting in his passenger seat. He started up the car and put on a pair of sunglasses, and looked over at him, "Could've had a bigger house." He drove off the estate and onto the road. Letty smiled comfortably as they drove. "So, where's this lab of yours?"

"It's downtown, near the state university." Letty said, "By the way, Riley, do you know of any good places to rent out?"

"Rent out?" Riley asked, Letty nodded.

"Yeah, I'm trying to find a good place to stay with decent rent." She said, a smile on her face, "Maybe I could, I dunno, get a roommate, cut the rent in half." Riley smiled as he caught her subtle hint, "Know any places like that?"

"Actually I do." Riley said, "My place has a rent of three hundred bucks a month. Move in with me, and we could take it down to one hundred and fifty each." Letty smiled.

"A hundred and fifty dollars a month," She said, "That sounds good to me." She looked over at him, "Oh, and, you know, you still owe me that pizza." Riley smiled.

"Oh this is gonna be fun." He said, "Really fun." Letty laughed as they drove off down the road, heading for their destination, very pleased to be going together.


I know, short ending, but I finally finished!

And if any of you are wondering, I plan on doing a sequel to this with the second movie.

And here are all the awesome people I want to thank for commenting/favoriting my story:



bloody alanna




Tsin. Luna




You guys rock! Keep your eyes posted for the sequel!