Title: Lollipops

Summary: Kaoru drops his lollipop. One shot fluff :3

Pairing: HikaKao

Enjoy :D

The Host club was out of coffee. Again. It was obvious they were going to run out soon. I mean commoners coffee? Everyone just adores the stuff!

So anyway Haruhi had been sent out to get some more and just to annoy Tono, Kaoru and I offered to go with her despite her bitter protesting. Stupid Haruhi thinking she would win.

When we reached the commoners store and Haruhi walked straight in. However me and Kaoru took time to stare at the sight before us. There was someone dressed in a sushi costume advertising the deal on 'premier' sushi and handing out lollipops to everyone that entered. I had no idea how the lollipops were going to encourage anyone to buy the sushi but oh well.

I looked over to my right and saw Kaoru covering his mouth, stifling giggles.

'What's so funny?' I looked at him confused. Really, the sushi dude couldn't be that entertaining, could he?

'Hika can we get a lollipop each?' I just couldn't say no. My little brother is so cute. Sigh…

Grabbing his hand I pulled him over to the sushi dude and started going through the lollipops in the basket he held.

'Ooh! Hika~! they have lemon~!'

'Wait Kao look! There's cherry here!'

'Hika~! Strawberry! Your favourite~!'

'Do you like cola Kao? Or do you prefer raspberry?'

Our discussion was rudely interrupted by sushi dude who pulled away the basket from our reach.


Me and Kaoru just stared in shock at sushi dude before saying in unison, 'How. Rude.' And turning to walk away, Kaoru with his lemon lollipop and I with my cherry one.

We began to make our way back to school each sucking on our lollies when my twin stopped still looking down at the floor with a look of disappointment on his face.

'Huh? Why did you stop walking?' Then I noticed the yellow lollipop on the floor.

'Well this sucks…' Kaoru sighed. This would not do. I could not have my brother upset!

'Kao look at me…' As he looked up I thrust my cherry lollipop in his slightly opened mouth. His eyes widened before he grinned and sucked on the lolly happily.

'Thanks Hika!' Then just to ruin his enjoyment I removed it from his mouth quickly down his expression into quite the opposite of what it was.

'What? You gotta share Kao.' I winked and noticed the smile spread across his face again. I loved nothing more than seeing him happy.


'Stupid Hikaru, Stupid Kaoru. Offer to come with me and then ditch me before I even leave the shop.' Haruhi muttered to herself as she walked back to Ouran, a metaphoric vein on her head, carrying 2 bags filled with packs of instant coffee and packet ramen.


So yeah little fluff there xD Needed something to break up the angstness from my other story. Though I think Kaoru was kinda OOC…Maybe TOO Uke-ish. I had a lollipop today so thats how the idea came to me.

R&R and read my angst story if you haven't already :D

Tora xxx