So, for those who survived and made it to the next chapter of my long shot, enjoy the lemon! I apoligize for it's shittiness!

Also, this story is a rape fic. Yes, Bakura is the uke, and he will not be going "GIVE IT TO ME LIKE I'M A RABBIT"-Anytime soon. Thank you very much!

Warnings!: Harmartophilia (Committing sinful acts), Parthenphilia (Sex with virgins), Gerontophilia (Older partner), Shotacon (Younger partner), Rape, Molestation, Cat ears and tail, PWP, Somewhat Squick I guess, Marik's delicious toungue, Mind fuck, Father/Son relationship, Master/Slave relationship, Mentions of spanking, Mentions of human slavery, Angst, Violence, A few drops of blood, somewhat crossdressing, humilation, a little torture, bondage, domestic violence, a bit dark I assume, smut, childlike minds...I think that's it. I may have skipped a few, but, man, there are so many!

Disclaimer: Hai, my name is obsessive fan nr xxxxxxx, I've written a fanfiction. I don't get paid. It could be cool, but I don't, and also, I didn't create Yugioh!

Tearing down the hall in his newfound fear, Bakura aimed for his own room, leaping over a large pile of discarded stuffed animals. Diving to the floor and nugding himself under the bed, he curled together, realizing too late that this plan wasn't going to work out. However, changing them was also too late, and if he kept quiet, maybe, just maybe Marik would cool down, he always did.

Bakura breathed in, careful not to make a sound and clutched one of the stray animals beneath his bed protectively. He nuzzled the fuzzy mane timidly, patiently awaiting his Master, and hoped that it wouldn't be right away.

Hugging the catlike creature, a lion, to his stomach, Bakura swallowed hard in uncertain fear. There was nothing, except for the worst scolding ever, his mind could produce as some sort of punishment for hitting Marik. He'd never done that, and Marik hadn't ever hit him, it had just been discipline. Sure, if he misbehaved, there'd be a bit pain, but was nothing like what had just happened. This was new, and it wasn't a good new. Bakura kneaded the furry mane beneath his fingers, trying to understand why he'd suddenly deserved a new type of punishment, but no matter how much he strained his mind, he couldn't. You turned against your Master, you'd be scolded, you disobeyed, you'd be sent upstairs, or if you broke something, you'd be spanked, Bakura had that sorted out just fine. But as much as he wanted Marik to just treat him like that, this wasn't the case.

Brows furrowing in confusion, Bakura pressed himself into the wall beneath his bed, shifting so that he could glance out towards the door. Nothing had happened so far, and the mansion was disturbingly quiet. He nervously pet the lion, forcing himself to think of something else, and wondered briefly how big one of those cats actually were. It was an 'exotic' animal, like the karps Marik had. Bakura squeezed it gently, happy that the stuffed creature wouldn't object to his tight hug. He honestly liked them, even the lion, though he had a small bunny that he was especially fond of, but when he left in the night, he rarely brought them into Marik's bedroom. But he still liked them, alot.

The little cat curled up his legs, his grasp tightening on the poor lion when he heard heavy footsteps on the stairs outside. He swallowed a whine, panic rising inside him already and he clenched his fists as the loud thumps came closer, and sweat gathered in his palms. Eventually, the sounds stopped, and he could see the outline of a certain Egyptian in his doorframe.

"Bakura!" Marik snarled, moving out of sight, and broke something that made Bakura flinch. It sounded like glass. Staying as quiet as he possibly could, Bakura listened to the Egyptian ranting, and breaking whatever was within his reach.

"Bakura, I know you're in this house somewhere! It may not be in here, but you wouldn't run away!" The older man announced angrily, walking to the left side of the bed. Bakura shifted silently, watching the others movements carefully, eyes widening in fear when he saw fingertips grazing across the floor.

"It's not worth hiding." He said loudly, and even though Bakura knew he'd be found somewhere along the way, he wouldn't willingly go out there. He'd stay still.

"But if you want me to get even angrier with you, that's alright." Marik said, a light sigh escaping him. Bakura noticed that he suddenly changed directions, as if going for something, and he shifted to keep an eye on him. The older male proceeded towards his little pile of stuffed animals, kneeling down and gingerly grabbing Bakura's bunny. Frowning, the cat contiued to watch, wondering what was going to happen, till Marik stood back up, and it was left to his imagination.

"You know what? I'm kind of bugged by the price of your lunch today. And I'm honestly quite puzzled as to how I'm going to teach you not to touch my fish again, because they're very expensive Bakura. However, I think I have an idea." The Egyptian trailed off, and Bakura suddenly felt a thick, cold lump in his throat.

"It's not much, but I know just how attached you are to this inanimate critter here. I think I should show you exactly what happens when you oppose me you like you did today." He finished, and a soft, short rip of fabric informed Bakura that his little bunny had just been taken from him. Biting his lips hard, he tried to ignore the pain in his chest when a brown, fuzzy body fell to the floor, followed by the tiny head with two floppy ears.

"Even if you didn't this watch this, I'm still quite satisfied now. Almost so satisfied that I'll forget about how much you disappointed me today...-But I did get very sad, so maybe this just won't suffice." Marik muttered, and a few seconds later, the head of a stuffed cat dropped onto the floor, staring directly at Bakura, through black bead eyes.

For several moments, Marik walked around the upper floor, calling for the cat and trying to lure him out, while Bakura remained safely hidden under his bed. Since the Egyptian had left the first time, he'd merely stayed still, watching his treasured little bunny in two pieces just a few feet away. It just lied there, discarded and looked lonely. He wanted to crawl out and cuddle it, but the fear of Marik returning, kept him from it and he settled by staring at it. There was something that told him that whatever Marik had in mind, it wasn't going to be good, and somehow, he was grateful that he wasn't that bunny.

Bakura relaxed for a short while, tensing up suddenly, when he heard Marik's footsteps approaching the room once again. He wasn't sure how, but he could sense the determination in the Egyptian, and he knew he was going to be found this time.

"Bakura, since you didn't come out the first couple of times I've called for you, I've decided to end this game of yours. I thought you were smart enough to know not to defy me, and recieve your punishment with honor, but I guess I was too naive." Marik said, walking closer to his bed in an agonizing slow pace. Quivering by now, the cat buried his nails deep into the lion and held his breath, because even though he knew Marik would pull him out, he couldn't go out by himself.

"Right. I take it you want the rough treatment then-" The Egyptian said calmy, and Bakura felt a palm wrap painfully hard around his ankle, squeezing, as if to tell him it was alright. Panic bubbling to the surface, Bakura kicked out with a desperate cry, pulling back, but the older man was much stronger. He twisted, heart picking up a pace as he clawed at the floor, trying to prevent what was happening the best he could.

"Bakura, stop behaving like a child! Let go immediatly!" Marik snarled angrily, having dragged the cat halfway out from under the bed, and grabbing at his shirt for better leverage. Proceeding to kick and struggle, Bakura sobbed hopelessly, seeing the distance between him and the bed increasing with every second. He needingly threw his arms around the legs of the bed, gripping at it so hard his knuckles grew white. The Egyptian growled, sounding more annoyed than angry, and before Bakura realized there was no one touching him, he was grabbed by the back of his shirt, and forced quite roughly to his feet. It took him a moment to regain his focus, staring up at the furious expression of his owner.

"You are awful for making me go through this, do you know that?" Marik muttered, grasping the cats face hard enough to leave marks. They remained quiet for a while, the frantic breaths from Bakura being the only thing to break their silence.

"I-I'm sorry." Bakura croaked, the sound barely audible and choked down a sob. Cooeing softly to the cat and nuzzling his cheek affectionately, Marik hummed, his fingers reaching down to wrap around the others wrist.

"I know you are." He said nonchalantly, pulling gently in the frail wrist. The cat whined quietly, shook his head and stood firm.

"I'm sorry!" He repeated desperately, praying that he could avoid Marik's wrath if he sounded sincere enough. His apology went past the Egyptian however, who merely pulled harder in him, just the right amount to make him stumble a couple of steps forward. Bakura whined and pleaded, digging his heels into the wooden floor when he felt another tug in his arm, nearly ripping it off it's joint.

"Bakura!" The Egyptian snarled at him, grabbing the front of his shirt and seized a handful of hair in the other hand, yanking it with force and made the cat follow along, despite his attempts to stand his ground. "Stop, right now! Or so help me, I am going to make you!"

Shivering at the tone of those words, Bakura swallowed, silent for less than a second, before it became apparent that he hadn't been forgiven, and was picked up quite easily. Bucking, kicking and screaming, the cat tirelessly fought back with all he mustered, even if it seemed hopeless, seeing how it merely slowed the process down. What process he was slowing, he wasn't sure of, but he was determined that it wasn't anything he'd strive for later on.

Breathing heavily, clearly annoyed, the older man dragged him into the hall, pausing briefly to look at him, with a very certain look in his eyes that Bakura hadn't seen before.

"I'm not in the mood for this anymore, you're old enough now." Marik said simply, making his way to his own bedroom, abrubtly coming to a halt when Bakura's palms wrapped around the doorframe.

"Old enough to do what?" The cat questioned, the shiver running down his spine tellling him to have kept quiet.

"To understand." Came his short answer, and wrenching the nimble fingers off the wooden frame, Marik carried Bakura to his bed, starting to have slight trouble with keeping the young teen still.

Remaining quiet, but far from relucant, Bakura tried to figure out the meaning of what he was told. He couldn't for his life understand why Marik was acting like he was, and why he was being taken to the bedroom, it wasn't meant for arguing in, it was meant to sleep in. And just as soon as his back hit the matress and soft silk, he suddenly felt much calmer.

Realizing that the storm had ceased, Bakura breathed out, fear induced goosebumps still evident on his skin. He gently rubbed at his arms, trying to rid himself of them and glanced at the older male, still feeling confused as to why he felt such a sudden rage, but decided not to question him. Glancing at the Egyptian, he smiled weakly, uncertain of how to act now, but obediently crawled under the covers, and promtly closed his eyes. They just needed to sleep now, and Marik would be better later on, of course he needed some rest. Bakura clutched a handful of the silken sheets, waiting for his Master, but instead of slipping in at his side, he sat down, right next to him.

Rolling around and looking back up at him, Bakura meekly coiled around the other body, flinching when he felt a hand reaching beneath the covers.

"You are such a confusing little thing." Marik muttered, and Bakura noticed his eyes were fixated on something between his stomach, and knees, and the look in them was making the odd feelings return. Modestly shifting, Bakura frowned, not wanting to be touched there at a time like that. It was time to sleep, he didn't need to get in that 'mood'.

"Hm. Lay down with me..." The cat whispered, swallowing uncertainly.

"No. Because we aren't going to sleep, I'm going to show you something." Marik responded truthfully, gently tugging the sheets off of the cat, climbing on top of him before he could object.

As soon as he noticed the sudden lack of space between them, Bakura feebly grabbed at the others wrists, wanting to get underneath them and slip out. He huffed, becoming more persistent when the older man denied him his escape, and gradually began to feel more and more like they weren't going to do anything good.

"M-Marik, I really want to go now!" He insisted sternly, desperately swatting the others hand away, having felt it in quite an unusual place. But despite his efforts, his wrists were pinned down, hard enough to bruise the fair skin.

"You're not going anywhere, you're old enough to see what happens when you misbehave Bakura. You deserve it." Marik explained, barely looking at the cat as he tried to yank the shirt off the other, sounding a bit too irritated by the resistance he was met with. Relucantly, Bakura stayed still, whatever punishment he deserved sounding better than having to try and escape it. And perhaps, from seeing the sudden submission, Marik grinned, ruffling through his hair.

"That's better." The Egyptian stated, moving away from him to rummage through the nightstand. Absently rubbing goosebumps off his legs, Bakura swallowed the lump in his throat as he watched the Egyptian retrieving two silken scarves from the drawer. He then, unconciously turned his attention to the pair of sciccors which were brought up soon after, followed by a small vile with something in it. Shaking it, and looking like it was an experiment, Marik threw at the cats side, indifferently snipping the scarves in halves.

"Stay put, I'll be finished in a moment."

"Finished with what?" Bakura asked timidly, cursing himself for letting his throat shrivel up like that, and make his voice so frail.

"Oh you'll see. Right now, actually." Marik responded, glancing back at him, smirking. He leant over him, a finger poking beneath the rim of his shirt. Shifting uncomfortably, Bakura shyed away, laying his shirt flat against his stomach. The Egyptian sighed, grabbing his wrists in one hand, and tugged up the fabric with ease, till he could tear it off the cat, going for the shorts afterward.

Feeling fingers where they weren't supposed to be once more, Bakura fought the urge to lash out, his whole body trembling as he let the older male do as he pleased, and tug down the shorts, leaving him painfully naked. Marik purred, making the cats brows furrow in confusion. He couldn't understand those moodswings, even if he tried to, and he certainly couldn't understand why he needed to be undressed either.

"See, it's much easier if you just co-operate with me." The Egyptian commented, leaning down to rest on his elbows, mere inches from the cats face. Bakura looked off, heat rising to his cheeks. He held back a threatening whine, spurred on by a finger running along the inner part of his legs.

"Look at me." Marik whispered, and for a moment, the cat considered it, but ended up angering the Egyptian once more as he turned away, feeling frigthened by the intimacy.

"I told you to look at me!" The older man demanded, grasping him by the jaw so hard he thought it'd break. They stared at each other for a moment, before their lips met, in a harsh, bruising kiss. Bakura struggled, despite being pinned down, with all he could muster, his scream swallowed by the others mouth.

What was going on?

Toes curling and tail bristling into a thick bunch, Bakura pushed, shoved and scratched at Marik's shoulders. And before he could react, they'd parted, and Marik raised his hand before him, at a very dangerous angle. Bakura bit his lips to keep them from quivering, fairly certain of what was going to happen, and gasped brokenly, when the others fist collided painfully with the front of his face. Searing hot rivulets of blood began flowing, down his cheeks along with his tears, and onto the sheets, permanently staining them. Trembling violently as the pain finally got through to him, Bakura screamed, his hands flying up to cover his face, but the older man snatched his wrists, pinning them down. The cat cried and spluttered, barely able to breath through the bloody mess, and shrieked, pain induced tears joining onto the surface beneath him.

"Stop resisting, or I'll do much worse." Marik whispered, dragging his nails down the others chest in an agonizing slow pace. Long red welts rose to the surface, matching the blood already covering most of the cat's face, and some of his hair. He whimpered, feeling nausious from blood loss already, or maybe it was merely the sight of it, or perhaps the escusiating pain.

"S-st-" The young teen stumbled across his own words, choking on the metallic substance and stared up at those lilac orbs, wanting-Needing comfort. It didn't matter that Marik had been the one to inflict the pain, he just needed someone to make it go away.

"Don't. Fight me." He was told, and for a moment, Bakura held still, quivering, crying and positively sure that he'd drown in the blood trailing down his throat if he didn't move soon.

"But, I said I'm sorry." Bakura whispered brokenly, tasting iron between his lips and feebly latched onto the others clothing, trying to prevent his fingers from going down there. But, in hindsight, he should've seen it coming because of what he did. The older man was allowed to be furious, he'd been so horrible.

"I know. I've heard it multiple times. Now shut up, and do as you're told, or I swear, I will make you sorry." Marik murmered, grabbing the cat by the knee and urged him to turn around, his back facing him. Hesitantly, Bakura did it, shifting and buried his face into a pillow. As soon as he did, Marik's hands returned, touching him so possesively, along his shoulderblades all the way to his tail.

"Bakura, I'm disappointed in you." The Egyptian said, breathing onto his neck. He hummed, sending shivers down Bakura's back, and ran his fingers up his legs.

"I know, I apoligize!" His soon-to-be victim cried into the fluffy comforter, terrified of the one person he'd trusted the most. Bakura whined and whimpered, effectively staining his cheek in a hopeless attempt to try and calm himself down.

"It's not enough just being sorry. No matter how many times you tell me, it won't make me cease the punishment. I believe you, oh I do, don't think I don't. You're obviously regretting what you did, but like I said-You're old enough to understand the concequences of your acts." Marik whispered, covering the cats bottom with a palm and gave it a firm slap, emitting a muffled cry from him.

"And, despite your struggling, and resistance, I choose to believe that you do understand. You understand why I have to do like I do, it's simple. When you disobey, I'll have to do something, it's just like that story you like to have read at night. Red ridinghood. The girl in the story does exactly like you, she doesn't listen to her guardian, even though they warned her. And what happens? - She gets punished Bakura, and they were only trying to help her, just like I'm trying to help you. Because when you don't listen, I'll have to be strict with you." The Egyptian spoke, lips trailing across pale skin.

"But, she is eaten-And the story ends with a happy ending." Bakura mumbled carefully and soon heard the elder chuckle lightly.

"Yes, I know, I'm not going to eat you, it was an example. You ought to know that" He countered, a finger tracing teasingly up and down against a rather private area to the cat, one that hadn't ever been touched in such a manner. Bakura mewed uncertainly as the digit pressed, as if wanting entrance. He was just about to cry out in protest, when he was flipped around to the Egyptian, staring up at him, frightened from this new foreign touch he was given.

"Listen, I'm going to kiss you now, and I'll reward you if you're well behaved." Marik whispered against his mouth, quietly undressing himself and nibbled curiously at the cats lower lip. Unsure what he meant by 'well behaved', Bakura cringed as the others toungue slid out to lick off the large blooded areas on his face. He whimpered and whined, horrified when he was kissed again and stirred beneath the larger male, not liking the way his leg was hoisted around Marik's waist.

"Don't resist." The Egyptian demanded, much to the cats disappointment. He snarled, fumbling at their side, and snatched the thin wrists, Bakuras innocent pleas lost on him, as he reached up and tied one of them to the bed pole. Tying the other to the opposite side, he glared at the cat, those brown doe eyes pooling over with tears.

"I hate that I have to restrain you like this." Marik apoligized, his frown deepening.

"Then please let me go, please, please, I promise I'll be good!" The cat cried in hopeless desperation, kicking and bucking as he noticed Marik's judging stare drifting down his terribly naked form. Smiling faintly, the older man laid on top of him, dragging his nails along those flawless thighs, raising red welts to the surface.

"Hnn-Marik, you're hurting me!" Bakura wheezed, flailing like a fish out of water, despite of the tight knots the Egyptian had made around his wrists. Growling angrily, Marik grasped his ankles, barely dodging an incoming kick with an inch.

"I thought I told you to stop resisting." He muttered calmy, pinning the cat down and looping his ankle into the silken scarves, before tying it to the end of the bed. Bakura sobbed and cried, watching his last functioning limb get restrained to a bare minimum, endlessly spouting out apoligees. Stroking his cheek in a manner that would've normally comforted him, the Egyptian ran his free hand along the underside of silken legs, to an area he'd seemed quite fond of so far.

"There's no need to be frightened, my kitten. You know-" Marik began, leaving sloppy kisses down Bakura's neck, in a trancelike state. "All those times I've told you to stay in bed, because I had a female guest, I was only wishing that I could do these things to you, like I could to them."

Pulling halfheartedly at his bonds, Bakura mentally struggled to find a better way of voicing his obvious discomfort, without setting off the Egyptian. He tried laying still, but this only fueled the older man in making him squirm some more. He tried to beg, unfortunately, it was to deaf ears. He even tried to enjoy what Marik was doing to him, but he couldn't, it made him so nauseous and disgusted.

"I don't like it Marik, and I don't-"

"Shhh, kitten, you deserved it after all."

"But I don't like it, why won't you listen!" Bakura cried, shivering as he felt a warm finger catching one, of many tears by his cheek.

"I don't need to do anything you tell me, other than where you'd like for me to put my toungue first." Marik whispered, a vague tone of sadness in his voice.

"Nowhere, I don't want-" The little cat began, cut off by a hand that smacked on top of his mouth.

"Legs it is then." Said the Egyptian, sounding content with his decision. Bakura struggled to breathe, the mere scent of Marik making him so terribly afraid. He glanced down, watching the other disappear down south, he suddenly felt another hand clutch tightly around his calf.

Muffling a frantic apology against the tan palm, Bakura kicked the best he could, Marik's lips on his skin having caught him off guard. Letting out a throaty chuckle, the Egyptian continued, laying warm, wet kisses all the way up his legs, till he reached a certain area. Bakura breathed in uncertainly, his vision partially blocked by saltwater, and tried to focus on what Marik was doing next. He could see Marik was looking at him, but not for long.

"I should've done this a long time ago." Marik said absently, removing his palm and cooed softly to the cat, when he burst into desperate gasps. He held the other's thin legs apart with one hand, grabbing the vile, that had remained useless up until now, and forced the top off it.

"I can't feel my hands anymore Marik, please untie them, please." Bakura asked halfheartedly, having braced himself for the no that he was sure of recieving.

"No, not yet my kitten. I'll have these changed though, in the nearest future so you won't have to go numb for too long." Said the other male, gesturing towards his makeshift restraints. Frowning, he brushed a bang from his face, and locked eyes with the little cat as he laid on top of him.

"Now...Behave like you should, close your eyes and bite your cheeks if it hurts too much." Marik informed him nonchalantly, doing something with his hands, and Bakura watched him carefully, his stomach in knots as he Marik led a palm down between his legs.

Confused, as to what the older man was doing, Bakura stared at him, feeling a few strands of hair tickle at his thighs, and a strange, wet sensation press against him. Blushing into various shades of red, the little cat voiced his distress in the form of a quiet whine. It soon became apparent that it was one of the Egyptian's fingers, threatening to go in, and no matter what he'd be told, he was sure he didn't like it. Marik looked back at him, as if trying to comfort him, as he fully slid in the digit, watching Bakura's eyes overflow with tears, in complete silence.

"I know." He commented quietly, withdrawing for a small moment, before pushing back in, Bakura making a shrilled cry from the action.

Embarresed, and removed of his dignity, more than ever before, Bakura stared at Marik, horrified, his body cold and rigid. He whimpered, fighting with himself to swallow the lump in his throat, but couldn't, what Marik did to him having silenced him completely.

Bakura parted his lips, to object, but found it too hard to speak, wordless protests being the only thing to pass through. Crying, he tried to crumple his body together in agony, but Marik was on top of him, keeping him in place and tormenting him in such a shameful way.

The little cat moaned in pain, the pounding in his skull still lingering. He winced, wanting to focus on that pain, and not the one pooling at his waist and below, when a second of Marik's fingers joined in. Bakura closed his eyes, twitching and wincing for every knife-like intrusion he recieved. He breathed in uncertainly, wanting Marik to withdraw and keep to himself, the feeling too foreign for him to accept.

"Kitten relax, you're being too tense." Marik commented softly, kissing his way up the pale chest and biting at his neck, playfully.

Not sure how to respond, Bakura remained quiet, tired, and worn out of those fingers by now. They hurt so terribly, and they scraped and they scratched, and made him feel so sleepy, and filled up. He wailed, the urge to cover his mouth growing larger with every pitiful whine he let out.

Finding comfort in the other for a split second, when Marik's lips graced across his, Bakura opened his mouth, hoping to voice out his hatred. But was it really hatred? He was so used to being knocked around, but he'd always be forgiven no matter what, and the slate had been whiped clean, that was Marik's logic. Then why was it so, so terribly different this time.

"If you're good, I'll consider loosening these. Your wrists are turning blue already." Marik said lowly, one hand grabbing at the cats jaw. Bakura stared back, incomprehensibly begging him to please, please just let him go. The Egyptian halted briefly, jabbing into the cat harder than before, earning himself a frightened shriek.

"I'm going to untie your arms now. So kiss me back, while I do." Bakura was told, and being as obedient as he possibly could in his position, he forced his lips open, not sure how to kiss like he was meant to. Leaning down and drawing a warm, wet toungue along the others jawline, Marik finally clamped his mouth on top of Bakura's again. Too quickly for the cat's likings, he swept in, slowly but steadily coaxing the other's toungue into his own mouth, biting down on Bakura's toungue and making him cringe.

Bakura whined, barely able to breathe through the kiss, and from Marik's weight pressing down on him. He mentally sighed, feeling one of the restraints at his wrists gradually loosening up around the limb. As soon as the fabric fell to the floor by their side, he shivered, the blood flow returning too fast for it to be comfortable. His whole hand went numb for a few moments, all the while Marik was occupying himself by shoving his toungue into Bakura, switching the roles. The little cat clenched his free hand, feeling like he was going to suffocate if Marik didn't withdraw very soon.

Eventually, the older man pulled away, licking a wet trail up the side of his face, and contiued to tirelessly finger the lithe, delicate body beneath, meeting little resistance in him by now.

Closing his eyes, Bakura tried to understand what was going on, physically at least. But as much as he tried, all those books, and all those things he'd been told, couldn't explain to him why Marik was doing this to him, and why he felt so wrong.

"What are you going to do to me?" He finally managed to whisper, his voice raspy and broken. Marik glanced at him, releasing his other wrist, and gently rubbed the skin there, a malicious look on his face.

"I'm going to have sex with you of course, and even though I know you're going to put up a magnificent struggle, we're going to do this, wether you want it or not." The Egyptian said, sparking Bakura's desire to get away even more. If he knew he was going to despise it, then why was he forcing him to do this. And what was sex, he'd never been explained what that even was!

Clenching his jaw, and grabbing the older mans shoulders, Bakura gave him a stern look.

"If you don't stop, I'll hate you." He whispered faintly, not liking the grin that spread on Marik's lips.

"Hm. You say so, but you know what? I know you love me, you won't be angry with me. Because you love me. I've done everything for you, and like a tiny little kitten, I've earned your unconditional love, because I've been so persistent. Now, even though it makes me a bit irritated that you'd consider telling me this, I understand. But no matter what, you'll love me, and you'll forgive me." The Egyptian purred happily, drawing his fingers out of Bakura's in a long, fluid motion, that gave the little cat goosebumps.

"What is 'love?' [1]" Bakura questioned breathlessly, watching as Marik got comfortable between his legs. He'd seen that word thrown around in books so many times, and when Marik said it, it was as if he twisted the whole meaning of it. The last thing he wanted to do was like Marik back, he wanted him to stay away, and stay away forever.

"You already know that, don't play stupid. Now say that you love me." Marik countered, sounding agitated.


"Say that you love me Bakura, or I'll make this the worst thing that could possibly happen to you."

Refusing to succumb, Bakura remained as strong as he could, ignoring Marik's unnerving laughter. He knew he was annoying him, he just wasn't sure how much.

"Bakura, say it." Marik repeated calmy, straining to put on a smile.

"No." The cat whispered, so quietly he barely heard it himself.

"I know you do, so stop playing around and say it!"

Feeling Marik's breath on his face, Bakura struggled to seem unfazed, trying to keep his eyes from flickering nervously.

"No!" He squeaked loudly, taken by surprise by a fist that slammed down, inches from his face.

"Say it!" Marik sneered, seizing him by the shoulders and clenching his palms together so tight it made the little cat cry even harder.

"Now, say it Bakura, I won't ask again!

Feebly covering his chest, Bakura swallowed, trying to stop shaking so much. "N-no."

"Goddammit Bakura, I told you to do something, now do it! Say it!" Marik pressed on, his voice so loud and angered it echoed down the hall.

"No Marik!" Bakura screamed in frustration, scared that the fist that missed the first time, was going to hit dead on.

"Say it!" The Egyptian snarled, nails burrowing their way into Bakura's skin till they drew blood, and made little red welts rise to the surface. Terrified, Bakura opened his mouth, stuttering and whimpering several words, but none that sounded like what Marik asked him to say. He curled his arms around the front of his face as much as he possibly could, trying to so hard to speak.

"I-I don't know what it means properly." Bakura excused, so afraid that Marik would lash out again.

"Yes. You do. Now say you love me!"

Panicking, and grasping at Marik's palm that seemed too close to his neck, the little cat squirmed, feeling terribly warm everywhere.

"Okay!-I love you-I love you Marik, please let me go, I'm scared!" He cried, not quite sure if the content look on Marik's face was good or not. A hand slid between his legs, and Marik grasped him by his upper thighs, keeping him angled in a horribly painful position. Bakura voted for 'not'.

"I can't do that just yet. We've barely begun." Marik lilted, Bakura's violent, ragged gasps spurring on the other male. Biting his lips so hard he thought he'd break through the skin, Bakura waited, feeling something press against him down there. He was fairly certain that he knew exactly that it was, but he couldn't bring himself to aknowlegde what was happening. His body went rigid as he braced it for whatever was coming, and he was still for what seemed to be en eternity, before finally, a quick sharp entry was made. Parting his closed lips in an ear piercing scream, Bakura clasped his palms onto Marik's shoulders, sharp nails scratching up the tan skin brutally. He coughed, feeling as if he was going to choke on the air. Shock, humilation, and that damned betrayal, all came crashing onto him like heavy landfill.

And the pain, that horrible warm, agonizing pain that came so quickly, and so fiercely that he felt like he was going to be ripped apart.

His throat raw from screaming, Bakura slammed his fists into the others back, so angry and so scared that the only thing he wanted to do was get his frustrations out. He could deal with his confusion later.

"You need to be more quiet." Marik whispered into his ear, and Bakura swallowed hard, silently agreeing. It was better to try and dissolve into a lifeless shell for as long as he possibly could.

"Give me your wrist." He was asked, and hesitating for less than a second, Bakura held up an arm. He felt tan fingers wrapped around it, a thumb pressing into the artery and the cat held down a strangled cry, as a hand twined in his hair, jerking his head back and pulling so hard that a few strands disappeared in the process.

"I'm kind of satisfied with the choices you made today, I've needed a proper excuse for this, for so long." Marik announced, sucking on Bakura's ear, the blunt surface of his teeth bruising them and left wet marks along his neck.

"If you hadn't messed up so badly, I still would've waited, and waited, and I was going insane by the tension, I just needed a reason." He said, and for moment, Bakura didn't breathe, infuriated.

"What tension." The cat inquired, meeting the others eyes squarely and wondered why Marik didn't move.

"A somewhat...Disturbing tension-" Marik began, releasing Bakura's white tresses and braced his hand on the matress, bucking his hips slowly, as if to lessen the pain brought to the cat's tiny frame. "You smell so good, and you are so ripe, and this is so wrong-but oh so right."

Closing his eyes and quickly deciding that this was only wrong, nothing more, and braced his mind for the next thrust, a low squeel coming from his lips.

"What is it?" The older man asks, sounding antagonizing to Bakura. "Say something."

"N-n..No." Came Bakura's timid response, too confused and angry to say a thing.

"Then I will make you. I will make you enjoy this Bakura, because I'm just that generous." Marik said, his voice calm and demanding. And just like he was told, it wasn't long till Bakura felt Marik's grip tighten around him, fingers digging into his hipbones, and that unbearable heat returning with such violent force he screamed.

"Yesss, cry for me my little one." The Egyptian, resembling a venoumous serpent, laughing over the sound of Bakura's agonized screams. Brokenly, the cat coughed and spluttered, too unsettled and exhausted to talk back. Seeming angry with his silence, Marik snarled, placing an openmouthed kiss on the cats lips, biting and pulling at them.

Bakura weakly moaned, feeling those already painful thrusts grow increasingly rougher, and more violent, as he felt Marik tearing at his swollen lips. His teeth went through them a few places, making the cat taste iron, saliva and salt, from his own infernal tears. He groaned loudly, his back, legs, arms and everything else aching so terribly. Marik sucked the blood off him greedily, and for a moment, he sounded desperate, before he snarled, and grabbed Bakura's arm, using it for better leverage. Slowly and hesitantly, Bakura opened his eyes, unconciously bringing the Egyptian closer to the edge, his expression groggy and sorrowful.

Growing quite numb in his lower region, Bakura thought about just how much blood he'd lost, though he doubted it was alot, he just felt so dizzy. He wanted to sleep so badly.

"Don't pass out on me." Marik suddenly seethed, gasping quietly. A hand knocking into the side of his face woke up Bakura from his momentary sleep, and he realized he must've passed out for just a few seconds. Nodding as much he could, a reflex that told him to just go follow orders making him do it.

"You need to stay awake, I'm almost done." Said the Egyptian through his bared teeth, grasping the cat by his neck and squeezed, earning himself a pair of strangled groans. His pace picked up, and he leant down, smearing his toungue over the others face in twisted perversion.

Bakura breathed out waveringly, turning his head away shyly, warmth spreading to his now, very damp face. He didn't know why Marik was so determined on keeping him awake, even though the chance of being able to sleep through the ordeal would be quite a task. It hurt so much, he could barely feel his legs, or toes, or anything lower than his hips, other than searing hot pain.

He twisted around meekly but found that he was too worn out to keep fighting, and he sluggishly fell back, repeating the same mantra of - "Pleasenodontplease", over and over again.

Through the whole ordeal, never ceasing for a moment, the little cat cried, as if it was just a nightmare he woke up from, every time that Marik 'punished' him. Eventually, there was a sudden determination in the Egyptian's eyes, and he looked just as exhausted as Bakura felt, perhaps it was almost over? He noticed a tinge of pride in the violet oblivions, unknowingly trembling, afraid of the outcome.

Snarling and biting into the boys shoulder in a wild frenzy, Marik gave one last, quick thrust as he reached climax, nails digging deep into pale skin. He moaned, long and deep, seeming to ignore Bakura's shocked state.

Opening his mouth to speak, the little cat waited, a warm and wet feeling pooling in between his legs. It stung so badly, and he trembled so much he couldn't even move anymore, he was so, so scared. And when he looked up, Marik seemed fairly content, he had such a relaxed expression on his face. For a long time, they were both quiet, Bakura's frantic breaths going into a steady rhythm, till Marik glanced down at him, frowning.

"Let's undo these." He murmered, as a matter of fact, purring as he withdrew from the body beneath him. Bakura groaned, struggling not to make a sound, even though there was something warm running out of him. Trying to focus on something else, he forced himself to watch Marik.

"My, you look tired." The older blond remarked, brushing a tuft of hair from his chocolate eyes. He turned around, indifferently untying the bonds on Bakura's ankles, starting with the left one. Caressing the limb lovingly before he let it go, Marik placed a few kisses on it, gently easing it down to his side.

"Marik...Why are you doing this to me." Bakura asked absently, the blood rushing back to his legs making him dizzy again. His head lolled to the side, and he let his eyes flutter closed, glad that it was partially over. There was no pain anymore, so he could cope.

"Because I can. And because we belong together, you and I, Bakura. Haven't I always taken care of you?"

The cat nodded slightly, sensing his right foot return to it's usual angle.


"And have I ever done you wrong?"

Bakura swallowed, too scared of the consequences that would come from lying.


"Then, why are you sounding like you're accusing me of something? I treat you well, don't I? I feed you, and I spoil you, I make sure you're always warm, I kiss and I hug you – I love you. I do all of this, and I expect your graditude in return, at least. Do you understand?"

Nodding once more, and covering his face, Bakura clenched his fists, his chest hurting and his lips quivering. He didn't wish to look at Marik, or speak to him, or sleep in that bed, ever again. All he wanted was to be let go of, so he could go back to his room and hide. He didn't wish for Marik to either keep him warm, or give him things, he wanted to be left alone, alone, alone. He'd done alright before he knew Marik, and he could run away if he wanted to.

But where would he even go? Did he have to?

"You look so haunted love." Marik murmered, touching Bakura up the side of his face, with such caution that the cat could barely understand it were the same hands that had moments ago, stripped and violated him.

"I think I know what it is." The Egyptian hummed, an eerie, playful tone returning in his voice. Bakura made a soft sound in the back of his throat, not sure what he wanted anymore. He twitched, feeling two fingers trace up the inner parts of his leg, towards his privates. And even though he wanted to run and hide, or tell Marik 'no', he lied still, unconsiously pressing his thighs together.

"I completely forgot about your needs too." He heard Marik say lowly, right before a large, warm palm grabbed his crotch, squeezing painfully hard. Bakura squealed, not used to being stimulated in such a way, and he knew he didn't like it, at least not this way.

"M-Marik, stop, s-stop please!" He shakily protested, seeing Marik's gaze grow sinister, before he was let go of, and his vision blackened for just a second, when the Egyptian had chosen to strike him across the face once more. Blinking furiously, the cat tried to regain his rational sense, finding that he was suddenly in an upright position, sprawled out in the older mans lap. He fell over, his forehead resting in the crook of Marik's shoulder, and moaned painfully, the throbbing in his head increasing.

"Why are you so ungrateful?" Marik questioned loosely, never bothering to listen those quiet objection, as he reached down, two fingers spreading Bakura open.

"Nouuu..." The cat pleaded, leaving a large moist spot on Marik's shirt. He shuddered inwardly, feeling Marik move him, into an awkward, uncomfortable position, and soon, heat tore through his lower region, making him groan.

Little by little, Marik set himself a pace, one that Bakura couldn't follow, and he merely clung to his neck, waiting for his torture to end. He only wanted to sleep, not do this again.

Bakura whispered something incomprehensible, something he didn't even understand himself, his eyelids fluttering closed from sheer exhaustion.

"You're so beautiful like this." He heard the Egyptian murmer into his ear, in time with the numbing jabs getting more erratic, and a moment later, the painful ordeal was over. The cat was rolled to the side, and even though he wanted to brace himself, Bakura slid unceromonically to the floor, sprawled out tiredly. He covered his face, not sure how much time passed, because when he opened his eyes once again, Marik was looming above him, fully clothed, and seemed slightly irritated. But the cat couldn't muster the strength to do anything.

"Bakura?" Marik asked, leaning down to grab him by the wrist.

"...Yes..." Bakura slurred, the throbbing in his head so intense that he could barely focus on anything by now. Not that he minded, the slightly blurry reality was better than the actual one after all.

"You can't sleep on the floor, it'll hurt your back, you know that." The Egyptian muttered as a matter of fact, his expression and tone back to the fatherly one that Bakura was so used to. And under normal circumstances, it would've the cat feel safe again, because then his punishment would be over, and Marik wouldn't hurt him. He just wasn't so sure he could count on that this time, not when he knew what Marik could do to him, but never had until today.

"I'm okay here..." Bakura insisted, mentally sighing, since Marik seemed to refuse, no matter what he told him.

"I think I know what's best for you, don't be stubborn." He crooned, making Bakura sick to his stomach with that calm attitude, when he'd just tugged him around like a raunchy plaything. The older man didn't notice, or maybe he didn't want to, seeing how he merely grabbed Bakura by the arm, pulling him from the floor like a ragdoll. And Bakura remained docile, acting like his skin didn't suddenly have goosebumps littering it.

"Let's get you your shirt, I don't want you sick." Marik placed Bakura on the edge of the bed, snatching said shirt from the floor, where it'd been discarded earlier.

"I can do it myself." The cat whispered, taking the single article and put it over his lap, covering up as much as he could.

"Okay, just don't get it messy." He was told, and Bakura nodded, the irony of those words making him angry. Marik threaded through the white locks, and gave his thigh a light slap.

"I'll be back in a few." Said the older male casually, turning and leaving into the bathroom just outside the hall.

Cringing as he raised his arms and slid on the shirt, Bakura straightened out the fabric, tugging it down over his legs. He shifted, one hand reaching up to touch the sore area around his nose, eyes and in short, his whole face. It stung, throbbed and burned all at once. Withdrawing his palm, he swallowed, the simple action of doing so hurting his throat more than it should. He felt somewhat curious to see how many colors he'd turn out tomorrow, even it was a morbid thought.

"Pull your hair back." A voice shook him from his musings, and Bakura forced his gaze up, looking at Marik who'd just returned, finding it slightly annoying that he had a wet cloth with him. But he obliged, hesitantly tugging his hair into a pony tail, with one hand, while the other hung loosely down his side.

"Now, look down." Marik said as he walked closer and knelt at Bakura's feet, grabbing the back of his neck tightly.

"You're hurting me." Bakura whispered, setting his free palm on Marik's shoulder and gently pushed.

"Kittens don't complain when their mother carry them, you shouldn't either." He was told, and Bakura did it, shutting his mouth again. Brushing the cat's fringe aside, Marik began to clean him, rubbing off all the dried and caked blood, chuckling whenever Bakura flinched or mewled in pain.

"Stop, I can do it myself!" Bakura squeeled, the force that Marik was using making him hurt more than it already did.

"I'm almost done, so don't snap at me." The Egyptian sneered, running the reddened, moist fabric along the crease of Bakura's brown eyes, his chin, and eventually, his neck. Seeming sattisfied with the result, he stood back up, went out to dispose of the cloth, while Bakura waited, his eyelids nearly fluttering closed. But before he could, Marik was already back, pushing him down into the matress.

"Now, I think it'd be best if you got yourself some rest. While I go clean up after you downstairs. How's that sound?" Marik asked, his breath ghosting across Bakura's neck, just briefly, grazed one of his corner teeth over the skin.

"But...I could also just stay here." He trailed off, letting a hand creep down Bakura's side and shifted, so his fingers brushed up against the crevice between those thin legs. Bakura muffled his protests, biding his time.

"I think I'll stay here." The older man announced calmy, laying the sheets over Bakura and covering him with them fully. He pulled him closer by the waist, and Bakura cringed, a painful spark shooting up his spine.

"Not so tight." Bakura told the Egyptian, and soon felt the pressure around his shoulder lessening, till it became bearable again. They stayed in the same position for several minuttes, and it was gradually getting more and more frustrating for the cat. He just wanted to get away, not be pressed against Marik like that, especially not with his hand there.

"There's no need to be so moody you know. I will buy you new things tomorrow, you can have whatever you'd like too. Give me a smile, I know you want to." Marik said slowly, looking at Bakura with such an expecting gaze. And relucantly, Bakura forced on a faint smile, pressing his toungue to the back of his teeth, and normally when he made such an expression, it was because of something good, not because he wanted to die, and just pleased Marik.

"That's better. Now...How's this up here." The Egyptian asked, running a fingertip along the bridge of Bakura's nose. "It's not broken, now is it?"

"...No." Bakura responded, barely thinking about how much his nose hurt. Everything hurt, so he couldn't distinct the different painful areas from each other, and if it helped to say no, then why not.

"We certainly wouldn't want that, now would we?" Marik cooed, pressing Bakura's body against his own.

"I'm uncomfortable." The cat wheezed, twisting as much as he could within the others arms, his personal space having been more than invaded. He'd been close to Marik, and yes, they'd brush up against each other occasionally, but it had never been intensional.

...At least from his side.

-He wasn't so sure about Marik anymore.

"Can't have that." Came his haughty answer, and Marik grabbed him by the hips, lifting him and rolling him onto his chest. Bakura relucantly laid his head down, not wanting to look into those dark eyes, he just wanted to relax, he could do that. He felt Marik grasp one of his calves, and put it down, so that his legs were on either side of the Egyptian.

"...No." Bakura mouthed, looking out the window. It wasn't even dark outside, and he even though he wanted to sleep, he was afraid of what was going to happen if he did. What if Marik was just testing him to see how long he'd last? And what if he snored and woke him up, or touched him while they slept.

"Now, close your eyes my love, and sleep. We've got things to do when you wake up." Marik ordered, and Bakura let his eyelids close hesitantly, slowly. He let out a fake yawn, feighning sleep as soon as he was able to. He waited patiently, wanting to cry so badly. The base of his tail was throbbing, his throat felt raw, and it felt like his insides were on fire.

Bakura shifted slightly, the previous incident repeating in his head over and over, several times, till he felt like throwing up. It was so confusing, he'd never meant for a simple scheme to blow up in his face the way it did, he'd just wanted to eat, and to be loved. Except, the kind of love Marik had for him hadn't been the same he expected, he wasn't even sure what it really meant. And he didn't know what Marik meant by 'having things to do', but something in the back of his mind told him that it was exactly what they had just been doing.

Coiling his tail around his leg, Bakura forced himself to relax, finally untensing all his taught muscles, and letting out a deep breath. He knew there was so much in store for him, even though his body couldn't take it, but he couldn't fight off Marik, and he wasn't planning to. There were many things he didn't understand, maybe Marik was just trying to help him grow up, he was far from an adult after all. It did hurt, and he did doubt the Egyptian, but he was sure to know best...


Licking his dry lips, the cat swallowed, thinking of how he'd go about tackling the next events he'd be exposed to. For a long while, he lay in his own trancelike stage, just pondering, of things he didn't even dare speak of. His body grew warm, and unbearable to be in, but he didn't move, he just waited, till he fell asleep, or passed out, whatever came first.

And even if he had been afraid of going to sleep, and feared what Marik was going to do to him, he appreciated one single thing.

No matter what happened, he knew that Marik wouldn't be there when he woke up - He never was anyway.

[1] : Baby don't hurt me! (Sorry, i could not resist, tee hee~)

Questions about why Marik is such a damned sadist can be asked ... - Now! And questions about why I have such a fetish for abusing Bakura, can also be asked, even though I'll just say it's for fun. Hope people enjoyed it, It sure took me forever!