"I love him Elena. Nothing you say or do is going to change that."

"But Bella, he has killed people and he has tried to kill you, or did you forget about that?", I replied angry that we were having this conversation again.

"I know he did, but that was my fault. I attacked him, when he was angry and unstable. He didn't know who or what I was at that point in time", Bella replied just as angry.

Bella was right, she showed up unexpectedly and no one knew what she was. We all thought she was in league with Katherine, when in fact she wasn't. Bella had completed her mission of killing Katherine and she was on her way to let Damon and Stefan know that I wasn't in danger anymore.

"Besides you have no right to lecture me about my boyfriend being dangerous. Yours is just as dangerous if not more so than Damon when he is on human blood. He has tried to kill you multiple times", Bella continued on with the argument. I could tell if this argument didn't stop soon, no one would be able to calm her down.

"That's different Bella and you know it."

"How is that different?"

"He can't control himself when he's on it. He hadn't had it in years before I caused him to go back on the human blood."

"Exactly.", Bella said leaving the room to go calm herself down after the argument.

AN: I need help coming up with a title for this story. Any and all ideas are welcome.