Inspired by the story of Dante Aligerhi, "The Inferno", I made a parallel version of it using my OC Pokemon characters. I also admit to possibly be using bible quotes in this story. I claim no ownership to the bible or the work of Dante Aligerhi. Also, The honchkrow known as Matthew, belongs to his original owner from deviantart known as Behind tG. I thank her and claim no ownership over her pokemon.

"Are you sure you wish to go through with this?" the navy-black honckcrow spoke flatly, but with a hint of uncertainty. I understood the fear behind his voice; the chances of me survivng this was slim, but I had no choice. If I didn't go through this, the nightmares will never stop and I'll never be freed from my past. I wish not to put my family through this-it's already bad enough that they feel useless by not being able to help.

"It's the only way." I whispered with sorrow in my throat.

Matthew did not say a word. After minutes had passed, Matthew began his descent, all the while casting me sympathetic looks. Despite how things were I was grateful for what he was attempting. As we dived into the world that lied under us, the shadows that lurked inside of me began to form. The wails of the innocent, the cries of the cursed, and the howls of the three who stalked me in my sleep: Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. Even as the wind whisked past my face, I could still sense the presence of the guardians from the east.

Once we finally landed on the earth, Matthew gave a curt nod with his beak. I looked in the direction he was facing and my breathing nearly stopped. Standing in front of us was a cave that stretched as far and wide as a snorlax, with branches that seeped into the cracks and leaves that began to shrivel. My body began to tingle with unease, my heart started to pulse even faster, and sweat continued to streak down my face. Stood before me was the cave that the three guardians chased me into. The same cave that I would see in my nightmares-the very entrance into the World of Distortion.

"So..." I whispered. "This is the entrance?"

"To some." Matthew answered. "The cave that you see before you is said to have existed only in myths. It is the only entrance to the world of distortion that can still be traveled through physically. In olden days, it was used as a sort of punishment or spiritual journey; today, it has been cleared off from civilians due to fear of being engulfed by the evil that lurks inside."

I continued to stare into the dark parts of the cave. Although my eyes could not see anything move, I could still smell something dark and foul lingering in the shadows. I turned toward Matthew and was almost shocked to see his eyes narrowed, his feathers were bristling, and his position was that of a predator ready to strike.

It would appear that my honckrow companion had some ties to this place.

I knew it was none of my concerns, but I decided to ask. "You've been here before?"

Matthew regained his composure but still looked troubled.

"I have." he nodded. "A long time ago, I was not who I am today; I did not know what I wanted out of life and I was known for getting frustrated and wrathful very easily. Because of that, I have injured a few of my friends, and in return some Pokemon won't dare come near me. It was then that I heard of this place and decided to enter, in hopes of cleansing myself and finding out the answer I desperately needed.

" I barely survived the harsh challenges, but in the end I was transformed!"

Matthew held out his navy blue-red wings and allowed the summer breeze to pass threw them. His eyes glowed like an energetic eevee and his white chest fur tingled with excitement.

"I felt rejuvenated! Almost as if I was reborn from the shadows of doubt and into a world of glory and peace!"

I almost flinched at the sight of Matthew's sudden change in mood. He saw the expression on my face and returned to his normally calm self-feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Anyway," he continued. "would you mind, Riolu Aura, if I ask you why is it that you would want to enter this place?"

As soon as he answered that question, memories from those nights returned. I was traveling through the forest at night, with no light to show me the way. In the mist of the shadows, three beasts attacked me. One was as fierce as the flames of the sun, the second one moved as swift as lightning, and the last one was as courageous as the northern winds. They charged at me with no hint of mercy and I was powerless to stop them. I desperately tried to escape from them, but they would always appear at the last minute, charging me in the opposite direction. As they came behind me in hot-pursuit, I found myself facing the entrance of an eerie cave. When I turned around, I was shocked to see the three beast glaring at me-wanting me to enter the cave. With a closer look, I was able to see their faces.

Entei of the West. Raikou of the East. And Suicune of the North.

I tried to ask them what it was that they wanted from me, but my voice felt weak and unable to work properly. They seem to have noticed my difficulty, so they spoke for me and didn't waste time. When they spoke, it sounded more like a warning instead of a message: 'Go forth, Pokemon of the shadows, and be prepared to face that, which will scar you forever.'

Afterwards, I would awaken from my sleep, drenched in sweat and tears dripping from my face.

It had happened three times the first week. My mate, Jolt Jolteon, tried to persuade me into confesssing to her what I have been seeing, but I couldn't; all I could tell her was that something was calling for me and I had to see it. She hated the idea of me having to face this alone, but understood the fact that neither her, nor anyone else, could help me except for myself. I soon went to seek council with my exended family for help. Voltclaw Luxray and Fireblaze Blaziken were quite taken in with the problem I was facing after I told them. Since they were unable to decipher the message, they advised that I seek out someone who may.

That's why I sought out you. I turned to face the honchkrow who I had looked up to. Out of the few Pokemons' I knew, Matthew was the very few who, not only accepted me, but has also shown that he cares about me; unike those who has shown fear and hatred toward me and the rest. He has shown me years worth of knowledge and power, and has also helped me cope with the painful memories of my past. I am grateful for what he's done. I am hoping you will be able to help me once more, friend.

"My dreams are telling me to." I finally spoke.

Matthew looked puzzled, but didn't show it.

"I don't know who, or what, is doing this to me, but it would seem that the guardians from my dreams are wanting me to pass through this cave."

"It could still be dangerous." Matthew warned. "Even I nearly died from it."

I nodded in response. I knew full-well the dangerous of this cavern, but I couldn't turn back now: I would either enter into the world of distortion and face possible oblivion, or turn back and allow these nightmares to plague me for the rest of my life.

I chose the first ultimatum.

"Wait!" Matthew screeched.

I turned around at the shout of my friend and was shocked to see him place his cross necklace around my neck. At first, I was surprised by his action, but was kept silent when he lifted his talons up to speak.

"You may need this more than me, Aura." He spoke calm but serious. "What you will see once you enter into that realm is nothing short of madness and insanity. Depending on how things turn out will determine your fate: live or die. The best I can do is hope for the best and pray to Arceus that you prevail."

I was deeply touched by his words. Sudden valor resonated in me at the words of his encouragement. I looked into the sky to see that the sun was past setting and that dusk was beginning to set. I bid my friend farewell and dashed into the world of anarchy and misery. I did not dare turn back my head to see if he was still watching me; if I did, then I wouldn't be able to keep moving forward. I had no knowledge of what to expect once I cross the border, but I knew I couldn't turn back now. For better or worse, I had to see this through because if I do, I will have found that light that was lost in my dreams.