Let's start with the usual, I don't own anything, I'm not making money with these caracters...bla bla bla. You know the drill. It's just for fun.

Jane walked in the morgue as usual, expecting some news.

"So Maura, what did you…"

She stopped in her tracks when she saw the M.E. turning around, and again. She was pacing; she seemed panicked.

Fast she went up to her friend and grabbed her shoulders to stop her.

"Maura? What's going on?"


"Yes, it's me. Are you okay?"

She brushed a strand of hair behind the doctor's hear.

Maura breathed in; Jane was here, it was time. She swallowed and took a step back.

"Jane, Jane we need to talk"

"Oh my god! Are you breaking up with me?"

The M.E. took a step back, like struck, eyes wide for a second; she was even paler than when the detective walked in.

"N…You…did I do anything that made you think…?"

Jane stopped the train wreck right here before it got worse, she chuckled before she spoke.

"I was kidding Maura!"

Her friend swallowed but she didn't seem better, at all. She went back to pacing, after a minute of waiting Maura finally spoke to Jane.


She took a long inspiration before trying again.

"I think you should sit down"

"Oh my…what happened?"

Jane was closer to her now, she had realized her friend was serious, it wasn't like the last time she had received her shoes in the wrong color.

The doctor took a step back, signaling to her friend, her best friend…how could she…

"Please Jane, sit down"

In a second the detective's butt was on the M.E. chair, and she was obviously nervous. This was bad. But she had no other choice; she had to do it, fast like a band aid.

"I'm pregnant!"

Jane froze. This she didn't expect. She opened her mouth but she was cut off by Maura, who was speaking fast.

"It's not the worst. I know it's wrong but it's Tommy's. I'm so sorry"

This time Jane's mouth opened and closed, like a fish. Once she got over the shock, a second later, she was on her feet; she was speaking, making moves with hands at the same time.

"You…You slept with Tommy! But you promised me you wouldn't! I thought you couldn't lie!"

"I can't! I didn't! I didn't have sex with your brother, after I promised you"

The last part was said in a much quieter tone, nearly whispered.

"But at that time you told me you were not sleeping with him!"

"I was not, at that moment I was speaking to you"

"Oh that's…that's…cheating!"

"Jane I am so sorry"

"You should be! You lied to me!"

She saw her friend open her mouth so she replied to what she knew the M.E. was going to say.

"You technically didn't! But you did! Omitting is lying in this case!"

She pointed her finger at her colleague before speaking again.

"Don't even try to deny it!"

At least Maura looked guilty about it, it was a first step. Jane wondered what else her friend had omitted before; this was for later. She went back to it.

"How could you? He is my brother!"

"I'm sorry, it just happened! We were talking, playing chess and one thing led to another…"

"How could you go from chess to sex?"

Maura opened her mouth, but once again Jane didn't let her speak.

"No! Don't! Don't explain it to me. It was rhetorical"

"I don't know what else to say Jane. I'm so sorry. He was here, nice, smart; we talked and he was so familiar, probably because he was your brother...we had this connection…"

She was trying to explain herself but it didn't seem to work.

"If that was all it was about, you could have had sex with me! At least you wouldn't be having an unexpected pregnancy now! Oh my! Please tell me it's an unexpected pregnancy?"

"Of course Jane. We used condoms, but…"

"Yeah yeah, we know, these are not a hundred percent effective"

"No I meant, did you want me to have sex with you? I'm never sure when you are being sarcastic…"

Jane stopped in her tracks; she thought about it, maybe a little too long before she replied simple weak word.


"Oh thank God!"

Was all Maura could let out. Jane felt kind of insulted, in a way she didn't really expect.


"I'm sorry Jane; I didn't mean it like that! I meant that it's hard enough for me to tell you this as it is"

It seemed that the detective had calmed down all of a sudden. She spoke again, her tone as usual.

"You are pregnant?"

"Yes, I…"

Jane just made a sign to Maura, who understood and stopped. Jane went at it again.

"With my brother's kid?"


"Who else knows?"

"No one. I mean just you, and me. I just got the results of my blood test"

At that instant Jane stopped being the Tommy's sister, she realized how much Maura was shaking, she was pale, and she looked as if she was ready to cry.

She ran and took her friend in her arms, in a strong hug. Maura held on to her as if her life depended on it, and tears started to fall.

Jane was making smoothing noises, passing her hand on her friends back and hair.

"It's going to be okay"

After a few minutes like that Jane tried again, she needed to know what was next.

"What do you want to do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you keeping it?"

She felt the smaller woman tense in her arms.

"It's a valid question Maura, I just want to know if…"

"I'm keeping it. I wouldn't…"

The M.E stopped right there when she realized what she was going to say, but the detective had already understood. Jane sighed.

"You wouldn't have told me otherwise. Are you going to tell Tommy?"

"I…I have to, don't I?"

Jane couldn't help herself and chuckled.

"Yes, yes you have to"

Then she thought about something, someone else.

"Maura, you know, you'll have to tell it to my mother too"

A/N: It's probably going to be a only that, one chapter. I'm just leaving it open in case I change my mind...It probably won't happen. So I hoped you liked it! And feel free to review whatever you want to write about it.