Chapter 5! Woo-Hoo! It's no longer spring break so my updates will be later do to having school stuff to do. But read and review! I welcome ideas!

The Antica Casa was silent for a silent for a moment before there was an uproar of indignant refusal to the idea of me simply being able to see the Spettrale. There were shouts and claims of 'Impossible!' and some even had the audacity to shout that I should be exiled for my lies. I just sat silently and let them yell at me and amongst themselves until finally Nicola shouted loud enough to be heard. "Enough! Everybody just shut up and sit down!" She yelled, causing everyone else to go silent and slowly, one by one, take their seats but Nicola remained standing. "Now, nobody is going to be exiled and we are going to remain quiet and listen to what Rosemarie has to say. I'm sure she has a valid reason to say such things." She said in a calm voice, taking her seat and motioning for me to proceed.

I was still tired but I managed to sit up. "I'm sure you all heard of the feat preformed not too long ago by myself. My best friend Lissa was dead and with one touch I managed to bring her back to life, leaving me weak as you can see. There are legends of feats such as these and they're connected to the element spirit. Now common sense dictates that someone who wields Spirit is the bridge between this world and the afterlife where such creatures like ghost preside. But the Spettrale reside in the in-between such as I do. So logic dictates that I'm able to see things on all three plains. You may not believe a word I say but it doesn't change the fact that I can see the Spettrale and that has never been known to happen. It is useful if not nightmarish." I take a pause to try and steady my breathing, seeing the council's grim faces. "Each one looks different but alike. They were like us in the beginning after all but their eyes, god their eyes. Their eyes are just solid color, either white or black or blood red, but there are no irises or pupils. Their skin as white as a sheet, almost to the point of transparent, the only color coming from their blood stained lips. Their teeth are all sharpened to deadly point and they just look savage. Just the look of them is enough to give a grown person nightmares. Image a nine year-old seeing such things around the school, of course I ran. I ran because it was the only thing that kept me safe… but now you have brought me back and it won't take them long to catch up with me again and come after me. I just don't see them, I can sense them, a tingling at the back of my neck like I'm being watched. I always ran before they caught up fully with me."

The Antica Casa sat in silence for a moment, taking in the information given to them, before finally Keegan shifted forward in his seat and spoke. "I'm not saying I do or do not believe you but it is something for the council to discuss. You need rest so we release you to gather your strength while we converse on the matter. Thank you Rosemarie for seeing us and providing the information we required. You may go." I paused only briefly, waiting for anyone to object but no one did so I stood and bowed slightly and walked towards the door and out.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I was escorted through the dorm hall to the room assigned to me and Lissa. When I opened the door, Lissa was just sitting on her assigned bed with a worried look and her leg bouncing. When she finally saw me she jumped up and ran to me, helping my tired form over to my bed, sitting me down and taking a seat next to me on the bed. "Are you alright? What happened?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, just tired. Nothing really happened. They asked me questions and I answered." I said, slouching once again. I then thought about the last thing I told them and figured it better Lissa found out from me instead of them. I opened my mouth to speak again but Lissa spoke before me.

"There's something you're not telling me Rose. Something you've been keeping from me for a long time… what is it Rose?" She asked in a calm voice as she took my hand. I tilted my head and looked up at her through my lashes before looking away and breathing deeply.

"There is another reason why I ran besides the one I told you about. You know the Spettrale I told you about? Well, I can feel when they're near, but I can also see them. And this has never happened before in our recorded history and I was a scared nine year old, so I ran. And have been running every time I sense them near, trying to keep from getting caught by them." I say in a small voice as I look down at my lap. "For reasons I do not know, they are after me but I have been trying everything to keep out of their grasp." I pause again before shaking my head slightly. "Look, I'm tired after bringing you back from the dead so I'm going to sleep for a week." I say with a small laugh trying to lighten the mood. I see Lissa nod with a small smile on her face, squeezing my hand before letting go.

"Well I'm going to walk around to check this place out. Who knows, maybe I'll uncover some secrets." She smiles again before standing and heading out the door, flicking off the light as she passes. I nod into the darkness and crawl beneath the covers, not bothering to change, and was asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

Word count (actual story): 990

Well here's chapter five. Open for ideas so keep them coming.