Kagome stomped through the forest, each step harder and louder than the next. She couldn't believe that jerk! How could be so stupid? Did he really not even consider what she had to go through in her time because of his carelessness? Her tiny hands bundled up in fists, trying to hold back the frustration and worry that began to plague her present emotions.

She stopped and looked down at the ground, digging her foot into the dirt gently.

"Ma-maybe I was a little too harsh..." she began to fear, pouting her lip out in worry. She started to turn around, planning on going to apologize when she took the first step and thought about it some more. Well, she thought, even if I overreacted.. he should have to apologize first.

She huffed stubbornly and turned back around.

It didn't matter how long it took for the Hanyou, there was no way Kagome would say sorry first.

"Ah," came a familiar, pleasant voice when Kagome lifted up the flap to Kaede's hut, "Kagome your back."

She turned towards the smiling monk, who was drinking tea peacefully, and tried to suppress a growl.

He and Ero looked way too much alike. And she really wasn't in the mood.

"Yes Miroku, I'm back," she grumbled unhappily, setting her bag on the floor a few feet away from where he was sitting. Then, suddenly, a deliciously sweet scent reached her nose, filling her with a small sense of calm. She looked over to the monk, successfully becoming distracted from her anger, "What are you drinking?" She asked curiously, inching closer to him and sniffing the air every chance she got.

He lifted an eyebrow as he took another sip from the small cup. He smiled at her once again, " Oh this?" he reached for a kettle that was laying on a tray in front of him. He picked up the ceramic and gestured for her to sit down.

She looked at him for moment before sitting straight across from the monk, eyeing him suspiciously, "What are you doing?" she asked warily.

Miroku just kept his expression and took one of the tea cups, filling it up to the brim. He set it in front of her, "What do you mean? I am merely answering your question."

"No," she began as she slowly lifted up the ceramic cup and swirled it around. There had to be something wrong with it, "Your trying to give me something." she pushed it away from her, an over-exaggerated look of disgust planted on her face, "What? Does it have drugs in it or something?"

Miroku looked confused as he set his cup down, his brow creasing with a slight hint of worry. Had he done something to upset Kagome?

She looked away.

She just couldn't do anything right today, could she? The miko repeated Miroku's actions, setting her cup down beside his and sighed, "Sorry, Miroku. I'm just in a bad mood today."

It was all Ero's fault she was acting like this. She usually would've accepted his offer graciously and kindly, but whenever she looked him in the face she kept seeing that stupid playboy. And she acted as if the monk in front of her had been transformed into that awful guy.

Miroku waved it off nonchalantly, "No need to apologize, Kagome." he said as he picked his cup up again and looked at her coolly, " Do you want to talk about it? Does it have something to do with Inuyasha?" he asked, trying to warm up to her.

Kagome sighed in relief, glad that he hadn't taken what she had said to heart. She laughed lightly and brushed a few strands of hair that were invading her vision, " Yes and no."

He lifted an amused eyebrow and smirked, "Care to explain?"

Kagome looked down at the cup in her hands and narrowed her eyes. Could she tell him about Ero? If she did, it would probably make things more complex than they already were. After all, it wasn't exactly the most pleasant thing to be told you've been reincarnated – or likewise. I mean, she kind of knew from experience.

She tilted her head up and looked at the benevolent monk. She spoke barely above a whisper and said airily, "What are your thoughts on reincarnation?"

He looked at her solicitously and began to open his mouth –

Kagome interrupted, " And no, this has absolutely nothing to do with Kikyo."

Miroku pouted as if she had just told him no one would ever bear his child. He put his hand to his chin and thought momentarily as Kagome waited for his reply patiently.

Well, actually, she was really impatient. But she tried to hide it as best she could. Trying not to twitch nervously, she began to raise the cup to her lips and started to take a small sip.

Miroku's eyes widened, "Ah! Kagome, before you drink that you should know –"

Said girl batted her eye's at him, confused, as she swallowed the liquid that was sitting on her tongue, "What is it Miroku?" she asked innocently as she took another sip and smiled at the warm taste it brought to he taste buds.

His hand twitched towards hers, trying to take the cup away, " – Well – That may contain a little of my special.. umm... concoction,"

Feeling a little lightheaded, Kagome looked at him and quizically, "What concoction?"

Miroku laughed anxiously, realizing the drink had already started to take effect, "Uh, I sort of – possibly put a little sake in that – I – umm – It's my own creation..." He trailed off and patted her shoulder, hoping she was already too buzzed to get mad at him, "Good huh?"

Kagome stopped.

You have got to be kididng me, She thought and tried to looked at him narrowly, but made a slightly deformed squint instead, "Wh- what?" she yelled, "Why didn't you tell me?" She began to stand up quickly, but stumbled to the side a little. This was not good, from the little alcohol she had ever had, she knew she was a lightweight. Even just a sip of a little would make her tipsy.

Miroku grabbed her sleeve and pulled her back down to sit beside him, " I'm sorry, Kagome, but you didn't really give me time to tell you." he looked her in the eyes, noticing that they had already started to become glassy, "Kami.. you're drunk from just that small sip..?" he asked, a small smile trying to form on his lips, but he managed to retain his seriousness. Was she really the intolerant of sake?

Kagome pouted, a small blush forming on her lips, " That's no fair," she paused and took another sip of the drink, " You had plenty of time."

Miroku sighed as he grabbed the drink from her, " Don't drink any more of it!" he stood up and poured the remainder into his own cup, " Your not helping yourself any."

Kagome crossed her arms resentfully and huffed, "Your no fun."

He double-taked between her and the sake, wondering what he had done wrong. His eye's narrowed at the way Kagome was beginning to form a goofy grin on her face.

She looked at him and smiled, " Hey, you know, you're much nicer than that mean old Ero." she rose her hand to his face and brushed her knuckles on his cheek. She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. Miroku frowned sadly at her expression,

"Who's Ero?" he tried to move her hand away, but she insisted to put it back in place.

Kagome looked at him half-heartedly, a small blush still present on her cheeks, "You really look just like.. him..." her eyelashes fluttered and her lips parted. Miroku looked at her warily as her eye's slowly began to close and her body began to weigh down on his.

"H-Hey Kagome!" Miroku shouted as she passed out, making him fall backwards. He looked up at her and sighed. He brushed his fingers through his hair tiredly, " Great, just great."

The monk began to push her off, taking his time so she wouldn't hit her head. He had barely done anything, Kagome was straddling his hips as he began to push her left leg off of him when he started to hear grumbling right outside the hut. He immediately tensed as the silver-haired hanyou lifted the flap and walked in. Miroku cracked an apprehensive smile as he was face to face with the often jealous hanyou. Kagome still laying on top of him.

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed and he growled, "What in Hell's..."


Whoo! Update :DD. Okay so... yeah... I don't really know what to put here ;-;

Anyways, please review and tell em what you think! :) I always love to hear what each and every one of you has to say about this.