Hey guys, here's my new story. i took aspects from Underworld, Vampire Diaries, and Van Helsing, so if you see the similarities that's why. I don't own anything. hope you enjoy, and please review. Thanks :).


All my life I have known is the coven and nothing else. The Lopez's are one of the reigning vampire clans, and my father is the head. We came to power because of our special blood trait. We are the only vampires that have the ability to transform into our final form. Final form is when we can mutate our bodies so that we become half human and bat, giving us the ability to fly. I am the only child of my fathers but his brothers have children, and to keep our bloodline in tact, I must be given to one of them. There is Finn, Sam, and Rachel. My father thinks it would best if I marry and breed with Finn, while my cousin Rachel can take Sam. Over the years of my immortality, I have welcomed many, half-breeds into my home. Half-breeds are half human, half vampire, and under any circumstance must listen to their master. I have two, my garment arranger Kurt, and my personal maid/ friend Brittany. Both have kept me company throughout the many longs years. In our world, when you are born a vampire you age until your body completely matures, and after a couple of thousand years you begin to age again. My father and mother would be around 40 I think in human years by now, seeing as they have been alive since 2,000 B.C. Well this year I finally matured into a fully realized vampire, and not being a child anymore, as my father says means I need to learn the ropes of society. So he is forcing me into a human high school. Finn, and Sam already attend this William McKinley High, and I can tell that Rachel will be joining me soon.

First day of school

I drove up to school, with Finn, and Sam in the backseat of my bitch black Mercedes Benz. As I parked in the front, all the students who were walking they slowed down to see who would arrive out of my car. I stepped out ever so delicately and liked my lips, the humans did smell fresh. I was wearing black heels, fishnets, a tight black skirt, a dark blood red tank, and a nice black blazer. The most important garment that Kurt had, had to remind me to wear was my necklace. It was a silver heart that dangled on a chain. This was the only thing protecting me from the sun's deadly rays, and the heart was really white gold so it wasn't going to hurt me. All three of us stormed into the hallways with our sunglasses on and our pale skin. My eyes immediately filled with lust, at all the humans clumped in a small area. Whenever gets what we call the huger, our eyes turn a sterling blue. I quickly calmed myself down as I felt my eyes fade back to dark brown. Finn and Sam told me where my classes were as they headed off to Chemistry. My first class was gym, which would be a piece of cake with my vampire strength and speed. I entered the girls locker room, and was swarmed with the smell of vanilla, usually the tell tale smell of virgins. I looked around, and silently smelled each girl. Only a couple smelled like cherry blossom, which was the tainted hint. As I smelled my new classmates I came upon a couple new smells. Two smelled like burned wood, and one smelled like grass that had just gotten clipped. From overhearing the conversation, of the burned wood girls, the taller Asian girl was Tina, and the smaller brunette was Lindsey. I still couldn't put my finger on the grass girl. She stood silently as she watched the two girls idly by her. The coach screamed into the locker room and told us all to get out into the gym. All the girls giggled and ran out, as I used my vampire speed to change and join them in a matter of seconds.

"Ok today I'm going to see what you juniors can do let's put you on separate teams and start a dodge ball game." Tina, Lindsey, Jessie, and Alice on this side." The coach continued, but I couldn't pay attention, because all of my senses were focused on this blonde, who smelled so different. She had short hair, and hazel eyes, and had a dour expression on her face.

"And Quinn, and.. Santana on this side." My senses kicked back in as the coach called my name, and I followed the blonde to the other side of the gym. Our coach put 5 dodge balls in the center of the room, and told us to wait for her whistle to go get them. As soon as her lips blew, I began running, forgetting where I was I got there to quickly, while the girls on the other side looked in terror as I aimed my ball at the closest girl to me. I threw my ball at Lindsey and she fell over, the coach yelled her name and she slunk off to the out box. As the game progressed I noticed the Quinn, and I were by far the most gifted. Every ball we picked up was perfectly aimed, and struck our target. At the end there was one girl on their side, but she had all the balls. She was a big girl, who I think was named Lauren or something, and she looked like she could through a ball, or maybe even a person. I had already used my vamp speed, and I knew I had to play this safe, so I closed my eyes quickly to let my adrenaline settle down before I moved. Lauren took this as her opportunity and through the ball. Before I could open my eyes, I heard the ball collide with a body, but it wasn't mine. Quinn had gotten over to me and had made a human shield with her own. As the ball fell to the ground she whispered in my ear,

"Go!" As soon as the words left her mouth, I swiveled around her grabbed the ball, and threw it as hard as I could. It hit her straight in the gut, and she flew back a few feet. The coach blew her whistle, my team rushed over to me, and began jumping up and down around me and hugging me. I wasn't used to humans rubbing their bodies up against me and my eyes immediately filled with that lust for blood again.

"Wow, you have really cool eyes." Quinn said to me.

"Oh no these are my contacts," I said quickly, then I ran over to the coach and asked her if I could go to the locker rooms, and wash my eyes out. She said yes then told everyone to go take a shower. As the other girls undressed and jumped into the showers, I looked at myself in the mirror. This is what my father had wanted. As a royal vampire it is our duty to integrate our business with humans to build our empire, he wanted me to get use to controlling my impulses. As my eyes began to fade back to brown, I felt a soft hand fall on my shoulder. I turned around to see Quinn smirking at me, her scent completely filling my nose.

'Nice work out there. I've never met anyone here who is as fast as me, we should be on opposite times next time to make it fair."

"Yeah I guess your right." I laughed, knowing I could probably bury her to the ground in a second, but it was nice being compared as another human.

"Hey, since your new here I was thinking that maybe I could show you around town." I had always stayed in the mansion when growing up, there were tunnels underground that led to the forest behind our house that I would go into, but I was never let into town, because I was to impulsive and could reveal our secret.

"Sure that sounds like fun."

"Great meet me here after school." And with that she left me in the locker room, aching to smell and taste her sweet blood that would become mine.