So, I know that there's like a million of these fics on here, but I love these two so much. And I'm trying to get over my obsession, and short-patience for the new Season of Glee to come on XD

So, without further ado, read on!

Chapter 1

"Darren!" Darren's head jerked to Mia.

"What?" She glared at him.

"Are you listening?"

No. "Yes, of course."

"Then what did I say?" Darren bit his lip, and grinned, hoping that his girlfriend might just soften.

"I don't know." Crap, that didn't work; Mia just glared at him more.

"Look, this is the first time that we've talked in ages-"

"I had to work," Darren reminded her. "Remember Glee? Oh, and I'm still writing music for Starkid." Mia sighed.

"I know, but still..." She put down her fork, her salad half eaten. Darren noticed that she was also drinking water. Darren looked down at his plate of fries and his Diet Coke (Chris's habits must of worn off on him). "Look, we haven't been on a date in months..."

"Well, to take you out, I'd need money," Darren said chastely. "Which is also going towards the rent on my apartment, so..." Mia folded her arms.

"Not to forget your little dates with the other cast." She said. Darren raised a triangular-shaped eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" She rolled her eyes.

"Please. Darren, you spend more time with the cast then you do with me."

"I'm with you right now." Darren said, grin reappearing. Mia finally cracked a smile, albeit a small one.

"Yeah, I guess so."

As Mia carried on talking, Darren mentally thought how she was right.

Chris HAD to get a grip.

He had to stop watching A Very Potter Musical and Sequel over and over again. He had to stop going on Tumblr. He had to stop listening to Teenage Dream, as well as other Warbler songs. He had to stop going on his Twitter, Wikipedia page and God knows what else.

Chris had to get over Darren Criss.

Which for any fangirl or fanboy, is impossible. I mean, who couldn't fall in love with him, Chris thought, Darren was one of the most attractive guys out there! With his smouldering hazel eyes, and mad hair... It drove Chris insane. He was absolutely perfect!

Apart from being straight.

Chris heard his phone ring. Excusing himself from the conversation that he, Ashley and Amber were having, he pulled the phone out of his pocket, his voice cheerful.


"Hi Chris!" It was Darren. Chris became even more cheerful than he was.


"Listen, you know that I'm out with Mia?" Chris bit his lip. As nice as Mia came across, he hated her. "Chris?"

"Yes. You're out with Mia."

"Right. Anyway, I know that we're meant to be rehearsing after lunch..."

"But you're busy," Chris said, trying to keep his voice normal.

"Yeah. Listen, I haven't seen Mia in a while, and she's kinda upset about that, so I was wondering-"

"You want me to cover for you," It wasn't a question, and they both knew it. "I see."

"Chris, I swear, I will put you in our next Starkid musical, or buy you a fridge full of Diet Coke, or anything that you want!" Chris sighed.

"Sure. I guess."

"Oh, Chris, thank you! You are best!" Chris smiled, despite himself.

"Uh-huh. Just be back soon. I'm pretty sure that Ryan isn't going to like it, Darren. I mean, we're meant to be shooting Animal later, and-"

"Yeah. I promise. Thanks again, Chris." Chris sighed as Darren hung up. He turned back to the girls. "Sorry. What are we talking about?"

Darren grinned as he hung up. Even over the phone, Chris's voice was angelic. Darren turned back to Mia, who was waiting expectantly. "So?" She asked. Darren swung around on his chair.

"I don't have long." She smiled approvingly. "What are you planning?"

"You'll see."

"Chris!" Chris turned to Ryan. Ah, Ryan Murphy, his second father, the man who'd gotten him his big break. "Chris, seriously, where's Darren?" Chris tried to smile innocently.

"He called me, and told me to tell you that he got caught in traffic. He's trying hard to get here, but it's pretty bad out there." Ryan frowned.

"Really? Because Chord and Cory both got back here pretty easily..." Oh.

"Oh," Chris tried not to sound like he'd lied. "Well, I don't know. Darren went out with his girlfriend, so..." Ryan just sighed, somehow buying it.

"Does he know how long he may be? Because we really need him to shoot Animal." Chris shook his head. "Well, you just keep rehearsing," Ryan smiled at Chris. "You're doing a great job."

"Mia, seriously, I have to get back..."

"Just stop trying to peek!"

"I can't! Your hands are on my eyes!" Mia let out a giggle. Wow, that was rare.

"Alright... look!" Darren finally managed to regain his eyesight, and blinked for a minute. "Ta-Da!"

"Mia, it's a flat." Mia nodded.

"Yep. Listen, I know I'm being kind of forward, but we've been dating for a while now, and..." Darren looked around. Slowly, it started to dawn on him, just as Mia finished with; "I think we should move in!"

"As in...together?" Darren asked, confused.

"Of course!" Mia said, not put off in the slightest.

"But... Mia, I have to be on set every day, for hours! There's no point! We'd never see each other anymore than we do now."

"Of course we would! We'd be living together!" Darren shook his head.

"Look, Mia, as much as I appreciate the idea, which I do," He added. "I could be on set for days at a time, depending on how long I'm shooting for. I mean, I sometimes just sleep in a trailer on set if I'm too tired to go home!" Mia sighed.

"Darren, please. You're always going to be working in your life, and you can't just sleep in trailers all your life. You need a house."

"But this is an apartment." Darren pointed out.

"Well, it's a start towards that, Darren. Please!" Darren sighed, trying not to sound unexcited.

"I'll think about it, Mia." Mia beamed.

"Great! You just tell me when, and I'll tell the people that we want to move in!"

"Wait, that doesn't mean yes," Darren said quickly. "It could be yes or no." Mia raised a plucked eyebrow.

"Seriously?" Darren nodded.

"Mia, this is my decision too, you know." She sighed.


"Listen, I have to get back to the set, Chris is covering for me, but I don't know how long that will hold out."

"Darren!" Chris couldn't help but hiss the older man's name menacingly. "You said you wouldn't be too long."

"Sorry, Chris," And the bastard was grinning. Grinning. "Anyway, I'm here now. What I miss?"

"We – as in, Warblers and I – have been rehearsing for over two hours! We should of shot hours ago!" Darren actually had the decency to look ashamed.

"Sorry, Mia drove me out, and-"

"Darren, just get your ass over to hair and makeup, and I'll tell Ryan that you've finally had the decency to show up!" Darren tried to give Chris the puppy look.


"Darren, just go."

Sorry, this is my first-ish time writing these two :)

Anyway, just review please :D